How does a fat fetish develop?

PinkyDear wrote:
I don't think there are more men than women that have fetishes. Men are just more likely to go on the internet for their pleasures.

Everyone is different, everyone has their own kink.


For some people this doesn't even develop, I know I was born like this, I never remember not being into this stuff.
13 years

"maggie goes on a diet"

I saw this on my own local news site, and the same thing happened, two ugly sides of a stupid argument.

I couldn't believe how many people actually thought the book was a good idea and thought it was needed to properly deal with childhood obesity.

Since when is it the childs responsibility for being fat and having to change it?

Of course there are those kids that are naturally larger than others, like all people, but a lot of this obesity crisis is due to the society that has been created.

People live such busy lives that fast food ends up the best option in terms of time and cost, which is fine when its one person making that choice, but when a child is forced into that lifestyle with the rest of their family, they shouldn't be the ones forced to suffer and deal with the consequences.

Society is screwed... smiley
13 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

I've never been big on this sort of thing, but after reading a few stories about it over the years, it seems to have become an idea I like to flirt with.

Whenever I see a thin/fit girl out jogging I like the idea of showing her what it really means to be fat, or giving her more of an excuse to exercise so hard and regularly lol.

Of course these are just evil thoughts that I lock away in the back of my head, nothing i'd ever act on for obvious reasons. smiley
13 years

Weight gain powder?

lol, I don't have any advice, but the idea of "overdosing" on weight gain powder brings to mind images of fantastic fantasies of suddenly being toofat to move or growing without anyway to stop.


Of course it probably wouldn't be as fun if it was real, but still an awesome fantasy...
13 years

Girlfriend problems

You need to be upfront and honest with her about everything, feederism, fat and all.

It really sounds to me like she is in two minds about the whole thing and is torn.

Part of her would love to give in and go along with it with you, but another part is still so scared of what society says and what people will think of her.

All you can do in this situation is make it crystal clear how you feel and what (hypothetically) you would like if she was ever to get involved in this stuff with you.

Otherwise it will go along like this for along time, nothing but a game as she tries to deal with the conflicting desires in her mind.

Show her its ok to be fat and you'll be there for her no matter what.

Good Luck!
13 years

Eating games for couples!!!

OniGumo wrote:
PinkyDear wrote:
I like the stuffing poker idea mentioned above. Each lost hand means something else you have to eat.

I think it was a tv ad I saw... Play checkers with two different colored cream filled cookies. When someone takes your piece they eat it.

Turning a long drive into an eating game would be fun.

Stuffing poker sounds like it would be the simplest and probably the most effective one. Instead of betting poker chips or money each player just antes up a dish that will have to be completely eaten by the loser of that hand.

Sounds like me in.

That's going to have to be one strong table. smiley
13 years

.........i dont understand....

Robbie wrote:
Ariday wrote:

1. Men usually, next to always, make the first move (mainly because if a girl hits on a guy he acts like the girl turned into the exorcist and her head is spinning).

Totally debatable. What about the guy who doesn't have a clue that shes into him? What about the ones who are too shy to do anything? Not all guys think like that.

I just go with the flow on that. Whoever starts it is fine with me.

I do agree though that most guys wouldn't want the girl to make first move because of that or they have too much pride going on. Like I said before just go with it. We're in a time now where one side doesn't have to be the dominant one doing everything.

I agree, its thinking like that which leaves me perpetually single, curse my shyness. smiley
13 years

Food gets tasteless

Moonchild wrote:
Try mixing up your food some more


You get used to the taste of something so it stops being as good, same as if you watch a movie or listen to a song repeatedly, its still the same thing, but you are bored with it.

This is why many people here say its important to have variety when stuffing, sure eating 100 hotdogs sounds like a cool acheivement, but then it becomes less about the food and the enjoyment and just the number.

Alternate between sweet and savoury food, eat maccas, then go to kfc, have ice cream then have popcorn.

As long as you keep mixing it up you'll be able to eat more for longer.
13 years