Bad roommates

Layla wrote:
this wasnt me, but since I used to always stay at her house It counts !!
My sister used to live with this guy who although kept himself really presentable and clean was a total pig when it came to household cleanliness. He would leave used cotton tips in the sink, used tissues everywhere, his dirty undies in the loungeroom.. like seriously WTF
and one time he left a lettuce in the fridge until it had maggots and mould and then when we demanded he throw it out he threw a total fit and threw out all our food aswell as the disgusting abomination he left in there.
and worst of all when they gave him the notice to move out he had sex with his boyfriend in their bed which somehow resulted in poop all over the sheets.
needless to say they are no longer friends
moral of the story is no matter how good friends you are with the person,
moving in can change it all !!

12 years

Regarding pictures on ff

looks like they should read their own fine print smiley
12 years

Favourite thing on toast?

JadeEatsRainbows wrote:
JulesTeak wrote:
butter, ham, cheese, ham, butter, toast basically a sandwich with toasted bread

or - just put an untoasted sandwich into one of those toaster bags (if I've got one)

I need to try one of them toaster bags.
I have a sandwich toaster but it's awful to clean so I don't use it for that reason.

yeah, I've got one too.

Problems with the conventional sandwich toaster is that it's an angle press rather than a vertical one. plus you've got to make a sandwich with the limitations that it has to fit in the thing

toaster bags - much much better
12 years

Favourite thing on toast?

butter, ham, cheese, ham, butter, toast basically a sandwich with toasted bread

or - just put an untoasted sandwich into one of those toaster bags (if I've got one)
12 years

Doctor who film

I'm not sure on this one:

- heard there was gonna be a Doctor Who film, I thought "ah cool"
- heard it wasn't expected to follow the show, I thought "...huh?"

so whether it's a future Doctor, or alternate Doctor - we can't say for certain how it'll be

thought I will say that casting is key - need to find someone likeable and charmingly eccentric
12 years

Why did you first join ff?

aww I was gonna start this thread - I ask it enough in chat lol

For me, it was a long tale of discovery and acceptance... short version - fat guy who appreciates curves

12 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

aw bgp is never eventful when i'm there... though i'm only ever there for 2 hours and leave at 11... i forget my point
12 years


aww thanks smiley
12 years

Because you can't just walk up and compliment someone's belly at a party...

true - even at the ff meet ups I don't recall it happening that much lol
12 years