Xdestinyx/french island guy

enigma0 1 month, u.krainian.consular@googlemail.com

Got another report on him doing his thing again, messaging MoonLatina with it.

enigma0: Hi, I'm looking for a morally free open minded hypersexual (no negativism or sexual frustrations) woman without kids for the proposal of a conjugal life, abroad. Today, at 43 years old, we already can move into an acquired new detached house, in a paradise looking island with a virgin beach in front of us without missing anything vital & having what we need for ordinary expenses in our quotidian, not needing to work for the rest of our days on earth. The life i can share with you is my life, & not a mode of seduction but it can be a plus to live a more exciting & joyous life. Only respond by email if you're determined for a lifelong moral engagement. Strong smooches to your soles & flower XxX

MoonLatina re: for the eternity ? you gave me a kik link what quite everyone does as a scammer, so you failed in the same hole. which is an indirect form of communication when you already have my email account. as if the world has kik or gives a crap about mobile texting when they have a computer & the most popular communicating technique "emailing".. so email me back again without requesting it if you were honest.

Don't try put a proub my honesty is you the one who came to me offering to me a new life, if you are talking serious where is your phone number, your skype to talk face to face, e-mail thing doesn't mean nothing to me, a person who has good intention try to do anything to show that his words are real, if I gave you kik is cause when I have tried to talk and keep more comunication with a person they have said they don't have whatsapp, or they don't have skype, etc, so for me that is just another reason to be caution cause all that this makes me thing m this comes from a married man, you want to have comunication only troug e-mail??? you are only a foot fetish!, LIAR! I answer you here an e-mail, go try smell other feet, fake man

then he send me another 2 emails saying I stayed with the stupid trolls that admire me

Bye again Roberto.
6 years


hopefulgainer 3 weeks, Keegan.mulholland@snhu.edu

As hopefulgainer, he has caused trouble in chat by harassing pigglywiggly yet again and made another remark bordering on fat-negative. Have given him another week off.

hopefulgainer reply chat
ya know guys, from being on this website ive realized this is the most ***ed up website ive ever seen

pigglywiggly reply chat
Youre great how you are

SowFather » pigglywiggly reply chat
i consider you a friend

pigglywiggly reply chat
nah you told admin here that i was trying to harass u one time

hopefulgainer reply chat
like i thought gaining a bit of weight would be fun until i saw how pigglywiggly tries to sell herself on this website and takes a handicap cart around the grocery store cause shes too fat to walk

pigglywiggly reply chat
and the truth was u were harassing me for fat chat.
but of course cause im a feedee all these girls jumped on me

yngngreedy reply chat
hi all.

SowFather reply chat

pigglywiggly reply chat
It truly hurt my fat lil feelings

SowFather reply chat
well if you need anyone to chat with i am here pigglywiggly as a friend

pigglywiggly reply chat
But i know yall don't care. This place is on a mission. Its all about whomever is here.
I will never want to chat with yoy

hopefulgainer reply chat
like how the *** can you guys eat to become immobile thats gotta be the

Hi hopefulgainer,

We have received a few reports that you harassed another member in chat earlier, pigglywiggly, with the statement "like i thought gaining a bit of weight would be fun until i saw how pigglywiggly tries to sell herself on this website and takes a handicap cart around the grocery store cause shes too fat to walk" amongst others. This heavily borders on being a fat-negative remark. You were previously suspended for a week for this for similar behavior under the username Fatguy777 (including insulting her for being a 'fat ass' which is a definite fat-negative remark) a few months ago, and we warned you to avoid a repeat of this behavior.

Unfortunately you have not done so, and as a result of this your account has now again been suspended for one week. Once again, upon your return, please try to avoid this behavior to promote a more harmonious browsing atmosphere. If you have a problem with pigglywiggly, please just move on and talk about something else instead.

respect others
Please be courteous and respectful to other members at all times. Do not post anything that is rude, insulting or offensive and don't be deliberately antagonistic. Avoid posting in all CAPITALS or all bold letters as this can be interpreted as aggressive behaviour.

Again, please try to avoid this type of behavior, or you may be permanently banned.

Kind regards,
FF Moderation Team
6 years


New report on Dugout.

Dugout 5 months, i33962@nwytg.com

Kate888 25 mins
profile: I just received a message from this person in chat stating: "TRUMP 2020 I mean hey I cannot wait until it's legal to execute transgender people the roads should run with their freak mutant blood As I surgically install a new vagina in the backs of

I spoke to Kate888 about it, she had on her profile "If you support the current US government administration in any way do not engage with me. I do not wish to discuss this further." which she thinks set him off. Said he just launched into it right away without warning. He also had this as his only shout from a few months ago so he clearly has a problem with trans people:

Being MtF Trans doesn't make you female, it makes you Trans. You should probably fix your account as to not show up on the female feeds being that you are not actually female.

Also while you're at it seek psychiatric help for your delusions and body dysmorphia
Dugout 4 months

He's always been a creep but it looks like he decided to go beyond the pale this time. Have perma/IP banned him.
6 years


hopefulgainer has a record on here as fatguy777, who previously attacked pigglywiggly and tried to get her into trouble.

Harassed pigglywiggly in chat over her selling content, even though he baited her first into seeing how much her stuff cost - basically he hit her up saying he'd pay so she wasn't the one trying to sell to him right up. He then crossed the line by calling her 'fat ass' as an insult, so I've given him a week off.

So he's got a history of this. I've given him another week off and asked him to move on if he has a problem with her.
6 years


Just updating this, I discovered that she's been on here in the past as queenkay20.


Other accounts included:
PorkPrincess69 2 hours ago, codenkayla2415@gmail.com
PorkyQueen20 3 days ago, Makaylab2010@hotmail.com
BigPiggy23 5 days, feabieemailonly@gmail.com

She was perma-banned on 2/3 accounts for these statements (as well as scamming) as queenkay20:

'Stupid fat pigs. Hope you all get diabetes!'
'I hope you get so fat you die from being overweight'
'Has any of you tried weightwatchers? It works great.'

This last one she sent to a mod:
'Just because i dont like fat people doesn't mean to remove my shout you pathetic piece of shit'

And now this time she's back to scamming people. I've given her a day off for spamming her Kik posts in the shouts page, people keep complaining about it, and her. She made another alt but I've gotten rid of that too.

plumphippo12 35 mins, lumppork3@gmail.com'>plumppork3@gmail.com

She also was reported as hitting up another user called straighttothepoint and demanded money from him, he refused causing her to get entitled and belligerent. ilovemypotbelly and pietre also reported her for scamming. Plus Deeds also reported her as well for taking his money and sent in this pic below. So at least 4 people have reported her for scamming and 1 for attempting to get money off them.
6 years

Fake females thread 3

It's not confirmed that this is a guy, but the email is kind of a give away. Plus the picture posted was from a screenshot of youtuber Jessicuh, and the profile picture is easily found on other youtube belly vids.
caseywasey17 3 months, calvin.pitman@hotmail.co.uk

Have given them an ID check.
6 years

Harassment thread

Getfattergirl 2 years, Bloodlustingbank@gmail.com

Zoey24 reported him for homophobia, xenophobia and hostile behaviour when she rejected his sex chat.

profile: Insulted me with severe malice and using homophobic and xenophobic language purely because i would not indulge him in some weird sex chat. HIGHLY OFFENDED. Please ensure he does not get an opportunity to treat other women this way, especially unsolicited.

I contacted her to enquire more and ask if she wanted us to order him to cease further contact:

Thankyou for responding swiftly. Unfortunately i did not keep any copies of the conversation. I have now used the block feature on his profile so hopefully that will stop him from also engaging me in conversation in the chat?

Hi Saphiel Sir,

Ah i see, perhaps that would be best then thanks. He was very polite initially and asked me several questions, to which i responded. The thing that upset me most was he then used the information i told him against me because i refused to indulge him. Yet he claimed to be empathetic and understanding until that point. Literally the quickest change in temperament i have ever experienced on FF so i wanted to make sure it was noted in case he has done it to others or attempts to in future. I am sure you know how to deal with it best though and if he does not contact me again i'm happy to consider it resolved. Once again thanks for getting back to me smiley


Have now given him 3 days off and ordered him to avoid further contact with her.
6 years

Can’t find stories by nycfeedress

Unfortunately she seems to have deleted her account. When a member deletes their account, all of their content is deleted as well and cannot be restored. As such the story you are looking for is likely gone for good, sadly.
6 years


Sam457000 3 months, richardynwa96@hotmail.co.uk
Samy590 2 days, Vdubbora@hotmail.com

Squish banned him for being an anti-fat troll and harassing 3 women including our own moderator SoCalSub. In particular he also called a member a 'a fat disgusting whale' which of course has earned him a perma ban. Blatant fat hate has no place here. He's made an alt to get around the ban, I've now banned that too.

Sam should not be in here
He is being abusive
Ladies - be ware!

how so?

Saying unpleasant things
Saying I'm a ***
Just Unpleasant stuff
Because I said he was crass

Guess he doesn't like honesty
but if he keeps it up, feel free to report him
or just tell me

Cheers (thumbs up)

SoCalSub >>Sam457000
you messaged me
not the other way around

Seems like Sam is getting int a little bit of trouble

Obv troll is obv cough Sam
Said I was dull as 5hit and I=uck you're dull
Shocked I didn't worship him I guess?

*plays tiny violin*

Giving up with chat kik me ross95M

I might actually have to wear a jacket today

so sam 457000 has fatshamed me! wouldnt recommend talking to him or giving him any respect
he called me a fat disgusting whale

well that is the 3rd person
I think someone needs time off from the site

really? yes he does hes not a real fat admirer at all hes a fake
6 years


Have given them the usual year off for being under.
6 years