What do you like about gaining?

I'm naturally kind of small and could be scrawny. I'm not quite 5' 6", and at one time I weighed 137 lbs.

Wooo scrawny to The Marshmallow Minotaur!

The name Marshmallow Minotaur comes from being half man, half beast but with a lot of fat.

Ash Kaido:
Half man. half bull. and half marshmallow...Dont think about the proportion aspect...just... Marshmallow Minotaur!! Awesome name smiley

If there's nothing else about me, I have a kooky sense of humor. smiley
7 years

What do you like about gaining?

I'm naturally kind of small and could be scrawny. I'm not quite 5' 6", and at one time I weighed 137 lbs.

I turned to weight lifting and packed on muscle and fat. I was on a perpetual bulk. Lol After that I always hovered around 200 lbs. Now I've decided to go for broke and try to get to 250-260. I'm almost 230 now.

To answer the question, what I like about gaining, whether muscle and/or fat, I like looking and feeling like a bull or a bear. The name Marshmallow Minotaur comes from being half man, half beast but with a lot of fat.
7 years

Point of no return

I think I'm at the point of no return. I'm wearing a pair of fairly new Dockers in size 42, that are difficult to button. Also, wearing a snug polo shirt is adding to the appearance of my belly protruding even more and even jiggling a little bit when I move.

There was a time that my appearance like this would have disgusted me. Now, however, I really like the look and the feeling of my clothes being as snug as they are. I think 44s are in the extremely very near future, and I look forward to that and then 46s. . smiley
7 years

Belly jiggling after eating

Yesterday for the first time my belt was really snug and sliding down, making my belly droop and jiggle a little. It was a serious major turn on.
7 years

Get rid of your kink?

I really don't think I would. I do have my wavering moments (mainly when something I really like and want to wear doesn't fit), but I really don't think there's anything weird or wrong with it. I see too many good-looking bhm to think there is anything wrong with it.
7 years


Do you have your own money for groceries? If you don't have a job and have to rely on eating their food, it will be much more difficult to gain.

Yes i do but they are super overprotective and they will notice it when i buy unhealty stuff.

You can get fat on plenty of healthy stuff. Just eat a lot of it: pasta, potatoes, rice, oatmeal, bread, cheese and other dairy, lots of oil and croutons in salads. When you're out by yourself or with friends go on a junk food rampage.
7 years


As someone uncertain about packing on the weight what made you finally want to go through with it? What was the "breaking point"?

Not asking for convincing or anything, but just curious. I'm only uncertain about whether to go through with it due to the social reasons. If my family and co-workers wouldn't look at my differently then I would already be stuffing XD

I don't worry about coworkers because a lot of my coworkers are very fat. My family is judgemental about everything (because they are perfect, you know), so I just avoid them.

I've always struggled to keep my weight down but once I eliminated any societal concerns, realized there are too many bhm out there for there to be anything wrong with being fat, I went with it.

The fatter and softer I get, seeing the scale and tape measure creep up, the more I'm driven to gain.
7 years

How do you deal with people's reactions when you gain??

Most of the time I draw first blood by joking about my belly, how hard I'm working for it, and referring to myself in the 3rd person, usually as "fat boy". It always gets a laugh... with, not at me.

My sister and nieces are another story. They have no qualms about making cutting remarks in front of other people. I began distancing myself from my family even before I starting gaining.
7 years

Whats it feel like to get fattened up?

I've never had a feeder, but the idea is becoming increasingly attractive.

Getting, being and looking fat feels great. I love food and I love to eat. It's becoming a goal and a challenge to get fatter. Especially with every pound or inch I increase by. It helps to envision myself bigger, and what I want to look like.
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

chubbynate:I've gotten bigger around and more bottom heavy...

I hope it has that effect on me. I would like to get more fat on my butt and hips to balance out my belly, not to mention getting more moobish.
7 years