Stuck at a plateau for ages - help? ideas?

I hope this won't seem too funny to post, especially since I've been part of the online feederism scene for a long time. But basically, what the topic line says. This is also the first in a long time, if ever that I've asked for some help, ideas, assistance, etc.

At the very least, I thought I might be 200+ lbs by now. I even have some 40 inch trousers that I can't use yet.

Without getting into too much detail, there have been times when I got a bit depressed so then my appetite dropped, but it's not usually always like that.

Other than that, the biggest problems so far seem to be appetite, timing, and habits. Sometimes it's just not as convenient to eat, and I often need use of my hands. I had hoped the COVID pandemic might have been a good opportunity, but no such luck.

I have had a few 4,000 calorie days, and then I felt great, until the next day when I don't eat very much, which wipes out most of the progress. Also frustrating are days when it's not that convenient to eat, so when I finally do eat, I only manage to get 2,000-2,500 calories in.

I did come up with a delicious shake recipe for the end of the day, that you can find here called "unwhipped cream" but then it often takes me an hour to drink it, which is moderately annoying because when it's time to sleep, I often just want and need to doze off right away.

Another thought might be to snack more, but not sure of the best way to establish that habit. I didn't even have any chocolates when I wrote this. Any thoughts on how to best establish this?

Not sure if I just need encouragement, or if there's more tips I can try that I haven't thought of?

I even thought about maltodextrin powder, but it does NOT mix well with heavy cream at all, creating an undrinkable mixture. Not sure what else to mix it with.

As much as I wish I could eat more fast food while out and about, I can't really do that more often because it'll get expensive very quickly. I had hoped I'd be eating entire large pizzas in one sitting by now.
3 years

A world wide weight gain

If everyone gained 200-220 lbs overnight, I would expect worldwide economic collapse. While Toby_Aus brings up some good points, there's other points too.

In most cases I'd expect folks to still be able to fit into cars, though buses and public transit capacity might be a problem in areas that regularly see over 50% capacity, since I'd assume everyone would, on average take up twice the space.

However, he overlooked the most major problem. Most folks will NOT have clothes that fit, if everyone gained 200 lbs overnight. It would mean that even regardless of one's job, you will be unable to even go into public to get to the job or run errands in the first place. Even if you can telecommute, you still need to be presentable on video.

If the delivery drivers no longer have clothes that fit, not to mention the e-commerce retail workers, it won't be possible to order larger clothes online so you could venture forth into public again. Since no one could even go and operate the infrastructure, it won't even be possible to just put all the garment factories into overdrive. Even if that were possible, it'd likely take years to get clothes out to everyone.

But, if it was somehow possible to get past this very serious problem, I'd expect a few major changes to occur over the next decade or so.

I'd expect most gyms to eventually fail as many members may simply give it up, though some will probably remain. Most fitness instructors will probably have to give up that job.

Restaurants will likely start serving much larger portion sizes, and buffets may become more common. Packaged food manufacturers would likely discontinue their smallest packaging sizes and introduce larger package sizes. Perhaps vending machines will only offer 1L bottles and no longer sell 20 fl. oz. bottles or 12 fl. oz. cans.

Many motor vehicles may be redesigned to have larger, wider seats. Seatbelts for the center of a bench seat will likely disappear. A typical sedan may thus only seat up to possibly 4 individuals.

Refurbishing and expanding public transit in some areas will be extremely expensive. It will be a very unpleasant experience in places like Chicago or New York City until this public works project is completed.

Furniture manufacturers will have a field day, because of unprecedented demand they can't fill fast enough.

High fashion designers in New York City, Paris, and Milan may have to spend a lot of time coming up with new designs, if some designs can't be accommodated to fit 400 lb bodies.

Schools and universities may have to offer more courses online, since desks will have to be larger and the rooms may no longer be large enough to hold the same number of desks as before. They will have to spend millions of dollars to build larger facilities.

Retailers may have to spend time, effort, and money to rearrange store shelves for wider aisles.

Skyscrapers may need to be redesigned to accommodate elevators with twice as many square feet inside.

I would also expect very heavy investment in superior food distribution infrastructure, since currently, spoilage in transit is still a severe problem.

I would expect some commerce and industries to either fail completely or become far less common, but a lot of other industries would have to work overtime. Not just furniture and clothing manufacturers, but construction as well.

Of course, this would never happen.

However, if everyone was to consistently gain 20 lbs a year, there wouldn't be this major shock, but I would expect the other changes to take place. In fact, some of these changes are taking place already, just at a much slower rate because the annual average weight gain is much lower than 20 lbs/yr.
3 years

Jeans just won't stay up!

Try using button style suspenders (braces in the UK). Forget about the clips. Clips either never grip properly, or are so rough as to wear out the waistband (primarily the more industrial/lumberjack type of clips). Buttons are the only way it'll stay connected reliably for hours, or weeks/months/years on end.

It's pretty easy to sew on the buttons. You'd want to sew the buttons on the inside, since on the outside looks very strange in this day and age. Now, locations of the buttons:

In the rear, about 2-3 inches on either side of the rear seam.

On either side.. you have one button that's about half an inch away from the side seam, towards the front. The other button will be on the waistband, above wear the crease would be, if you did crease. It doesn't matter whether you crease or not.

You should try to keep to these guidelines as long as possible. But, I suppose it's possible that beyond a certain very large size, you'd be forced to eventually deviate from these guidelines, since you can't really have each pair of buttons be farther than 6 inches apart. If that happens, find the midpoint between the two points I mentioned earlier, then 3 inches from either side of that midpoint.

I hope this helps. Correct button placement seems to be partially forgotten by the population as a whole, so hopefully what I said is helpful to someone.
3 years

Just had an elderly woman explained to me what a bbw was

Damn.. really?

Some older elevators I've seen that are still in service, may have a weight limit as low as 2,500 lbs.

But it seems like the ones I've usually seen tend to be at least 4,000 or 5,000 lbs, yet appear to be physically small enough that it's literally impossible to exceed the weight limit, even if passengers are packed in like sardines. I suspect this was a decision that was made some time ago, perhaps for this very reason.

On some level, it can be a little hot and fun to think about, but plunging several floors because the cables snapped, hoping the elevator brakes will kick in, is no laughing matter!

Freight elevators can of course go much higher.
3 years

Heavy cream / whipped cream

Here's my shake recipe:
1 pint of chocolate ice cream
1 pint of heavy cream
1/2 lb of butter.

Sounds gross right? Try it. It's freakin delicious and about 4000 calories.

Any preparation instructions? Butter is quite solid at room temperature so I don't see how you'd drink it.

Can't imagine using a blender since the cream would become "whipped" which is not something most of us would want, since it means you can't drink it.

Salted or unsalted butter?

Melted, or unmelted ice cream? Melted ice cream takes up less volume. Thus, for any given unit of measurement for volume, this would be a little denser with more calories.
3 years

Heavy cream / whipped cream

While not always possible, I try to drink a serving of what I called "unwhipped cream" before going to sleep every day.

1 cup half & half
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup refined white sugar

Warm up the half & half for 2 minutes in the microwave, add the cream, add the sugar, then mix the sugar in with a straw.

I find cream somewhat filling though, so I don't usually have that earlier in the day. Last thing I want is to ruin my appetite or potentially end up not snacking as much.

Since I don't normally eat breakfast, I really should start taking heavy cream in my morning cups of coffee but breaking years of the habit of plain coffee is rather hard. Otherwise, that should be an easy way to consume an extra cup of heavy cream every day.
3 years

Can’t consistently eat enough to gain

I'm the same Zora, I'm not a foodie and stuffing myself just makes me feel sick. I'm using double cream mixed with chocolate milk. That gives me 3000 Calories a day and with a balanced diet on top of that I'm hitting 5000 calories. Ten days in and I've gained 8 pounds.

For the first 8 days I felt so full all the time it was really hard to eat meals. on day 9 this started to subside and I can easily eat my meals. I was going to stop after two weeks but love how tight my pants are getting.

It's been hard building up a tolerance to heavy cream and I'm worried if I stop I'll have to start all over again when I start another cycle. Should just keep going?

Interesting. Sounds like after a little over a week, you were able to eat regularly in spite of the cream.

About how much cream are you consuming each day?

I too have found it hard to keep going with it, though wondered if it may get easier after awhile. If I knew where the so-called light at the end of the tunnel was, and how long I need to keep it up, it may be easier to do it.

In spite of how long I've been in the online feederism scene, this is something I too have struggled with.
3 years


The heavier and the larger you are, the more calories you need just to keep that size.

So to gain in spite of that, you have to eat even more.

In theory, if you were to eat 4,000 calories a day, every day, indefinitely, you should eventually reach the size where that's how many calories are needed to stay that particular size.

To borrow calculus notation, if if f(x) is weight, f'(x) would be positive, or an increase in weight, but f''(x) will be negative, in that the rate of increase will go down.

At a given amount of calories consumed, there will always be a point when you plateau if you don't increase the amount you eat.

To be 300 lbs and maintain, an estimated 3,500-4,000 calories is needed daily.

A kilogram of fat is 9,000 calories, or about 4,070 calories per pound of fat. But it's not that simple. The human body consists of a lot of water, there's thermic effect (how many calories are needed to digest food), etc. I've heard estimates of needing 3,500 calories in addition to gain a pound, but this sounds optimistic so it's safer to assume 4,000 is needed.

The human body is a funny thing though, so bottom line, it's very hard to predict. Metabolism, stress, etc. can all effect this. And no, you can't just chug a quart of heavy cream (3,200 calories) and wake up tomorrow 1 pound heavier. Most if not all can't digest such an onslaught of dairy fat at once, so a good part of it may just "pass through." Not a pretty thing to think about, but something to keep in mind.

I suggest figuring out how many calories are needed to keep your size, assuming a moderate amount of activity, or the average between sedentary and moderate, then just make sure you even more than that. This sort of information should be easily available online.
3 years