Eating pure butter

Admit I take a few extra slices off the knife when cooking, but indeed, you don’t want to eat too much butter at one time :-)

Yes, I'll definitely lick it, but not a whole stick! 😊
11 months

I'm going to be a supersized bride!

Again, you're also kind, and I truly appreciate all the input, from considerations around footwear, to floor layout, and most importantly, enjoying the planning without panicking and driving myself crazy!

My mother, who has given up commenting on my weight years ago for the most part, asked if I was going to try to "size down" for the wedding. I'd be lying if I said that didn't hurt. It means even if she typically doesn't say it, deep down, she thinks a smaller version of me is a better version of me. I disagree. Also, it's my fiance's and my day, and he absolutely loves me, mind, body and soul. And that means every pound of my body, as long as I choose to be at this weight. Plus, we share a home! It's not like he doesn't know what I look like.
11 months

Eating pure butter

Good choice steering clear of that one. I've done it once, years ago. I was young and stupid and also quite possibly intoxicated at the time. Let me just say that the digestive, um, situation that ensued about 5 hours later led to me having to discard some underwear in a public restroom and pray I could make it home.
11 months

What is the biggest difference between 300 and 400 in terms of how it feels?

I just recently hit 400lbs and I didn't feel any different until the last 25lbs I put on. It all just went to my gut and made me feel heavier than what the 75 before made me feel. I've also had to update my wardrobe completely to prepare for the next 100lbs.

Isn't it strange the way weight gain works?? I barely noticed 400 to 425, but growing from 475 to 500 felt like I doubled in weight, especially in my belly. The last 100 pounds also feels like it went exclusively to my gut. I realized it when I randomly discovered I can't wrap my arms around my body or reach my belly button.

Maybe there's something special about the last 25lbs before the next hundred. I'm excited to see how things change when I eventually hit 500.

There just might be! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy your journey!
11 months

Fat distribution with rapid vs gradual weight gain

I often see people talking about how if you gain weight really quickly it tends to go to your gut, as opposed to a slower gain which distributes the weight more evenly. It's been really difficult for me to find any information backing up or refuting these claims.

What does everyone here think of this? If you have any insight/experience with rapid and gradual gains, I'd love to hear about it.

I'm one of those people who lost and then regained (plus some) and have a very different body type than I did previously. Before my weight loss, I had already been obese my whole life. I reached around 370 lb, and my doctor encouraged me to lose weight. At that time, I was soft with a big belly, big hips, big thighs, a puffy face, and I jiggled when I moved or walked.

With a lot of diet and lifestyle changes, I got down to around 190, which is still obese for a 5'3 woman, though admittedly, I felt thick, but not fat.

When I decided to regain, I did it intentionally, and my major strategy was mass stuffings. Though I'm well aware of pitfalls of living off of carbs, cheese, and snack foods, most of my weight came from eating this way, in large quantities, as well as extreme stuffing. I eventually regained every ounce I lost, and I kept going, putting on 140 lb more than my previous high weight.

Though I am bigger than I have ever been, I'm also less jiggly. My fiance describes it as "firm fat", particularly in the belly area. Though it obviously does hang some, because , well, gravity, I have the kind of pot belly you see sometimes on an ultra supersized man. I do have a huge muffin top and lots of back rolls, but even that fat feels like it's somehow "tighter" than previously.

Additionally, a vast majority of my weight settled in my midsection, so I have an enormous circumference. I've been told my face, though chubby, is actually slightly more defined at 510 than 370. My back side is also big obviously, but it's not quite as wide in proportion to my body.

I know many many things my factor into to change in body composition and fat distribution. I'm approaching 30, so hormonal changes may be at play. I also gained 300 lb in less than 3 years, which was not the pattern previously, when I had just always been fat. And, at the height of my weight gain, I was stuffing to oblivion daily, eating mostly junk food and carbs. I like the effects, and my fiance enjoys the big bellied look too.
11 months

Calories to maintain at a high weight

After a year of rapid gaining, I've reached a weight -- 507 lb. -- I'm quite happy with, and I've made in some cases costly accomodations to be comfortable. I've invested in clothing I can wear for occasions that call for professional attire, adapted our bathroom, and put in heavy duty grab bars in our home. I also have a recliner with a lift and recently traded my sedan for a van. In other words, my life is built for a person my size. That said, I can also feel I'd be on the cusp of losing a lot of independence if I got much heavier, and neither my partner nor I are ready to give up doing fun things

According to the Mayo Clinic 's calorie requirement calculator, an inactive, 5'3", 507lb. 29 year old woman needs 3,000 calories or so to maintain. I've currently cut back dramatically from my prior intake to about 5,000 calories a day, and I'm eating a lot of fiber to feel more full. I'm hopeful I don't have to cut back more than that, but we'll see.

Is there anybody out there in say, the 400 to 600 lb range (or who is close to someone that size) who is maintaining? I realize a lot of factors are involved, but where did your daily calorie count settle?

If you want to maintain but you are struggling not to eat more than 5K calories, you might want to throw in some exercise. Anything involving water is a great idea because it mitigates strain on the body. But low impact exercise in general is still good.

If you continue as you are, you'll still gain, but at a slower pace. That's not a big issue right now since you are still adjusting to maintaining. However, since you mentioned your preferred range is 500 - 550, and you are 29, your metabolism will start to slow down, making it easier to gain weight.

I wouldn't worry about things too much right now. As far as I can tell from your posts, you're fine. But trying to be active will go a long way in maintaining your weight and mobility.

Yes-- Even at 4 to 5,000 calories a day, I'm struggling with profound hunger and also just trying to change patterns and habits around food and snacks. I'm pretty good at diverting myself with other activities, like meditation, or reading. This past weekend, my fiance and I started taking short walks each day. I tire out very quickly, within about ten minutes, but I'm sure like anything else, I'll build endurance. My hope is to stay this size roughly, but also maintain my ability to move around as I get older.

As far as the cravings go, I like healthy food as well, and if I absolutely must snack, I'm trying to choose vegetables and low fat dips. That doesn't always work out of course, but I'm slowly replacing the carbs I usually reach for with fresh things.
11 months

Foot care?

Carrying around all my weight is pretty hard on my feet, so I get pedicures regularly. I'm too heavy for the pedicure chairs at my salon, but the person I regularly go to finds ways to accommodate me. This also spares my fiance from having to deal with the calluses and rough patches I get from the pressure on my feet. He is kind enough between pedicures to give me foot massages with lotion. That may be more for him than me, as it keeps things from getting rugged!!
11 months

Stomach capacity

Does it actually increase your capacity that quick?

In my case, and for at least a couple of other people I know, yes. Obviously, it is still incremental, but over time, I expanded my calorie intake from around 2000 calories a day to 12,000 and sometimes more. And I certainly have stretched my stomach out. I'm tapering back to maintenance level, and I'm quite hungry on 4,000 to 5,000 calories a day.

That said, I have heard from others that after a full day pushing the limits, they could barely eat the following day. My point is, everyone is different, so give it a try and see what works!
11 months

What is the biggest difference between 300 and 400 in terms of how it feels?

I just recently hit 400lbs and I didn't feel any different until the last 25lbs I put on. It all just went to my gut and made me feel heavier than what the 75 before made me feel. I've also had to update my wardrobe completely to prepare for the next 100lbs.

Isn't it strange the way weight gain works?? I barely noticed 400 to 425, but growing from 475 to 500 felt like I doubled in weight, especially in my belly. The last 100 pounds also feels like it went exclusively to my gut. I realized it when I randomly discovered I can't wrap my arms around my body or reach my belly button.
11 months