Say something nice...

He's sexy, funny, talented, is kind to lost dogs and is devilishly handsome. Beyond that he's not that special tho, lol smiley
12 years

This is a morrissey thread

Layla wrote:
Hahaha is it sad I don't even know who Morissey OR The smiths are ?

Haha not really - English, so wrong continent, and their heyday was before you were born. I'll let you off. It's a bit like me not knowing (or caring) who Nicki Minaj is (why does her name sound like rhyming slang for a ladygarden? And more importantly, does she realise?)
12 years

Say something nice...

Heroin chic, you have a seriously cool look going on smiley
12 years

Fat tuesday plans anyone?

This thread has inspired me to commission the purchase of a frying pan (I can't just go get one - I've got my people onto it haha) so I can make a stack of pancakes tonight smiley

Like Miss Otis, I'll be going lemon and sugar all the way - although I've just had a recommendation for Nutella smiley

I'm a bit worried about the tossing part though... my kitchen ceiling is quite low...
12 years

Meeting a feeder?

CrackInTheSky wrote:
i disagree about the cam thing. just because its 2012, why would everyone necessarily have a webcam? i wouldn't if my macbook didn't come with it built-in.

but i do agree about controlling where you meet. make it public. like a buffet or restaurant or even mall food court.

I just googled webcams and there are plenty you can buy for just £5 or £6. I'm not saying everyone must have one, but if you're so keen to meet with someone to do something intimate with them, their request that you spend £5 on getting to know each other first doesn't seem unreasonable.
12 years

Vanila relationships?

oceanmachine wrote:
it's daunting to tell a woman that you want to do her while she's face down in cake

Best quote ever hahaha

I struggle with this whole issue too and I'm not even close to solving it.
12 years

Legal questions?

Only English law I'm afraid and even then only a tiny specialist area. If you post what area of law you need help on, that would probably help people know if they can assist. Non-lawyers might know stuff too (eg. people who work in IT might know a bit about internet copyright issues etc). The law's such a huge subject and so diverse - you don't want to end up with the equivalent of asking your chiropodist about a gynaecological query...
12 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

Great pics Softgirl! Thank you - I was beginning to think that my being there had been a figment of my imagination haha smiley Loving the colour of Big n Burlie Momma's dress. In fact everyone looks gorgeous smiley
12 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

Awww looks like you had fun! Great pics Softgirl!

Shame I couldn't make it - although I do remember last time going to Reflex after the pub, recklessly riding a Boris bike home, and waking up with a mouth like a dead badger...
12 years