What do you wear to bed?

a combination of assorted PJs - the length of which depending, of course
12 years

Driving songs suggestions

Should try some of the top gear albums - very good driving music smiley
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

I think they're going for Mandarin in the 3rd film - having his presence felt throught (with the 10 rings gang, releasing Whiplash in Monaco)

thought to be fair, he isn't the easiet character to update for a modern audience
12 years

Favorite marvel movie and why?

[/quote] I could never forget Blade, it is a fine film.

Although technically the first Marvel movie was Howard The Duck, but it probably should be forgotten.[/quote]

yes Howard was the first marvel film, but blade was the first SUCCESSFUL marvel film
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

thanks guys - I'd say it's more the "just missing out" part that stings

aw well

although there's like a few consolidation rounds for all the losers - so don't be suprised if I post more links in here
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

Hi guys

So the result are in, and I've lost... by 6 votes

Thanks everyone who helped with the 67 I did get

Everyone else - you're dead to me
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

last day of voting

anyone else who hasn't already - lend me your votingness
12 years