Shin splints and knee stiffness?

I like to go on long walks and always have, but I've noticed that since crossing around 200lbs I'm more likely to feel a tenderness in my shins (especially on my non-dominant leg) after a while, or if I have to stand for a very long time.

I also feel an occasional stiffness of the knee, which I presume is some kind of weight-related arthritis.

Any tips on how to avoid this issue while continuing to walk? I've been trying to do more leg-muscle strengthening exercises recently but I think part of the problem is my "form" when walking and standing. I find myself wondering what the perfect standing form is so that I'm putting the least amount of pressure on my joints, diverting it instead towards various muscles.

My question is why do you have a dominate leg?

Also, what exercises have you been doing, how long have you been doing them, and how much of your leg is muscle mass?

What are you doing for your joint health? How are you standing and walking?

Most importantly, have you seen a doctor?

99% of people have a dominant leg whether they're aware of it or not. Go kick a soccer ball. Which leg did you use? That's your dominant leg.

To add to that though, my left ankle was injured as a kid and I believe I've subconsciously compensated with my right to make up for it.

At the gym I use the hip abductor machine, leg press, a calf raising machine and I'm starting to do wall squats.

I don't know exactly but I do have quite a bit of muscle mass in general and that includes my legs.

I exercise and eat nutritious foods for my join health.

I don't know how to answer your questions about my walking or standing. I walk and stand in a way that's normal to me I guess, and I try to actively avoid ever having my legs completely straight or my knees locked.

I haven't been to a doctor about this yet though I can say with a high degree of certainty that I'll just be told to lose weight instead of get recommendations for ways I can strengthen my joint support while staying fat and getting fatter.
1 year

Skinny to huge

The lightest I ever weighed as an adult was 125 pounds, and I looked malnourished at that weight...seriously underweight. My weight was typically about 145 to 150 pounds. I had tried gaining weight in the past, but didn't have much success in making it stick. I weighed 166 pound when I finally started using heavy whipping cream to gain weight, and this was in 2018. As of my weigh-in last week Friday, I am at 250.8 pounds, or about 84 pounds fatter than I was when I started gaining with heavy whipping cream.

My body's most recent set-point is about 243 pounds, which is a relief. I can take a break from gaining, and know that my body won't drop below 243 pounds. My body just likes being 77 pounds fatter than it was before I started gaining. I'm really hoping to raise that set-point even higher. I am currently gaining right now, and look forward to posting my next weigh-in this coming Friday.

How did you go about figuring out your set point?
1 year

Shin splints and knee stiffness?

I like to go on long walks and always have, but I've noticed that since crossing around 200lbs I'm more likely to feel a tenderness in my shins (especially on my non-dominant leg) after a while, or if I have to stand for a very long time.

I also feel an occasional stiffness of the knee, which I presume is some kind of weight-related arthritis.

Any tips on how to avoid this issue while continuing to walk? I've been trying to do more leg-muscle strengthening exercises recently but I think part of the problem is my "form" when walking and standing. I find myself wondering what the perfect standing form is so that I'm putting the least amount of pressure on my joints, diverting it instead towards various muscles.
1 year

Gaining and mobility

I'd like to be as mobile, flexible and strong as possible while being fat enough that I'm soft and flabby at every part.

Right now to achieve that I go on daily 5km walks and hit the gym twice a week to weight lift. I make sure to hit leg muscles at the end of every workout, even if the focus was a different muscle group. I also occasionally will go up and down 20 flights of stairs so that I can easily mount stairs without getting out of breath (though kinda been slacking on this recently).

I'm 5ft 7 and 205lbs, I can definitely notice that I'm heavier when I move around and it's more difficult to move around than it used to be even with all my efforts. I also experience mild knee pains that I'm hoping to overcome through muscle building.
2 years

Heavy cream experiences, the ultimate gaining tool?

There is a lot of misinformation on this forum where people will claim that drinking heavy cream will increase subcutaneous fat and make you softer. This is false.

There is quite a bit of nuance here. I don't think the claim it is entirely false, but I do think that its effect is generally overstated. There are a number of confounding factors going on here.

Heavy Cream does not eliminate anywhere near all visceral fat gains. I'm quite skeptical that a 100% subcutaneous gain from HC alone would be physically possible.

Also frequently unaccounted for is the difference in gaining patterns between men and women. Men naturally are going to be fighting against the visceral fat every step of the way during the gaining phase. There is some evidence dairy fat, coupled with light exercise is a way to reduce these visceral gains.

A softer second gain after losing weight seems reasonable based on my readings. After losing weight, most of the extra, newly created subcutaneous fat cells are still hanging around, just with a reduced lipid load per cell. Regaining would likely increase the fat storage in those subcutaneous fat cells with higher priority than the first time around, and would potentially cause them to increase in number as well depending on the magnitude of the gain. I believe the research on that goes way back to the Vermont prison experiments in the 1970s.

But a gain of sufficient magnitude is always going to have some visceral fat associated with it, particularly for men. It is unavoidable, and I think that is reality. If you want to reduce the visceral gain, then the only solution I can see would be to gain with some excess, then diet/exercise your way off a few pounds. Visceral fat will go first, leaving a greater proportion of subcutaneous left behind.

I would love to see a controlled research study on the gaining via HC topic, since it is undeniably effective at fattening in general, but I think the subcutaneous/visceral effect is not nearly as strong as we in the community would hope. For now, all you can do is try it for yourself, then evaluate whether your body ends up where you want.

I think becomingoverweight has put a great deal of time and effort scouring articles trying to piece together the connection between subcutaneous fat and dairy, and this is not an attack on that noble effort at all. The truth is though, no one has directly studied the connection here, so it is very hard to know what the strength of the subcutaneous gaining effect for any particular individual might be.

Heavy cream isn't a perfect strategy, but it is the best one we've got for right now.

Absolutely agree with everything you've said. After trying heavy cream for myself I've pivoted my strategy to over-gaining beyond my desired point and then losing the excess weight. I still make heavy cream (and avocados) a regular part of my diet though and I would certainly increase heavy cream usage if intend to gain significant weight.
2 years

Heavy cream experiences, the ultimate gaining tool?

I recently gained 30lbs with heavy cream.

For the first 10lbs I had 1 pint of heavy cream every day and for the next 20lbs I had half a pint every day.

In my experience it's a great way to get extra calories in without needing a massive appetite, drink 1 cup and you instantly added 700+ calories to your day. It's also kind of hot to drink something so fattening.

But there is something EVERYONE here should know.

There is a lot of misinformation on this forum where people will claim that drinking heavy cream will increase subcutaneous fat and make you softer. This is false. I did not experience that effect at all and I would take a grain of salt when someone claims it worked for them (usually their pictures show otherwise). I even managed to avoid simple carbs and foods with linoleic acid, ate avocados and superfoods daily and maintained a cardio and resistance training practice throughout my gains.

Some of this confusion came from people misunderstanding and putting too much faith in articles that the user becomingoverweight has cited, which suggest there may be a possibility of the side effect but by no means provides any concrete proof. I do really respect his hard work researching ways to change fat distribution though and I hope he keeps looking into it.
2 years

Falling into a spiral of staying full all the time…

You should start hitting the gym now if you don't want to be out of breath because your appetite isn't going anywhere.

I wouldn't be surprised if simply reading that last part made you want to gorge on some more food. You should go for 10,000 calories in a day. Eat at least that much every day and get so used to it that the very thought of eating only a measly 2000 calories seems impossible. Work out to keep in shape and just accept that life is way better at 10000 calories.

Sure you may not like being supersized right now but you'll grow to love it over time. Your big soft body will be a badge of your incredible appetite.
2 years

Panic attack about kink

I meant to change the title, maybe body dysmorphia and kink would be better.

So I chat to some folks online and someone requested a video of me doing some situps and squats. I was able to complete them with minor struggle but the playback horrified me. I couldn't believe how fat I looked and I immediately started to cry, panic attack, hyperventilation etc. Before the pandemic I worked out five times a week and was so much more active. I felt strong and capable in my body. Seeing myself on camera like that made me realize, I think, that I really don't want to actually gain and I felt like a veil had been lifted from my eyes, I had been telling myself it's ok to indulge because of this kink, tying to love the belly because I felt like I was supposed to feel good about it because of the kink, and I guess I did in the moment. And I respect other people's decisions to go the whole nine yards but fuck it just hit me how fat I'd become and how much I was letting myself go...for sexual gratification. Which is like everyone's wet dream for obvious reasons but I am obviously not ready to keep going down whatever road I'm on.

How do people balance not wanting to actually gain, having teasing, humiliation kinks around weight gain, a belly fetish, and the psychological aspects of this? Has anyone had experience with body dysmorphia and this kink?

I understand what you mean and have even felt that way myself. I love fat and gaining and have gained almost 100lbs over 7 years; which I know isn’t quick. I feel I sometimes get sucked into listening to what other people want for my body; with comments like, “you’d look great at 350lbs, why don’t you gain another 10lbs etc),
especially since I post photos and I am relatively active in the community.

It can be difficult when it gives me such sexual gratification but I find I have to regularly step back and remember what I want. At the end of the day you have to live in your body. For me I regularly go to the gym and eat relatively healthy as I found a lot of my body dysmorphia was intensified by back pain and generally feeling sluggish from eating junk food.

I still try and indulge and stuff occasionally but I am really trying to unlearn the cycle of binge eating and enjoying getting fatter then feeling awful and trying to eat low calorie, unsustainable diets on repeat. It’s a slow process but you have to do what is best for you at the end of the day.

Would really love to hear about how your quality of life changed once you started regularly exercising and eating healthier foods. Also curious if it helped with any weight related issues (if you even had any that is).
2 years

Things you like about being fat

A thread to post the things about being fat that give you pleasure!

I'll start:

How soft my body feels when I'm laying down
2 years

Re-gaining with heavy cream

I've been using heavy cream consistently in my gains since November and have gained about 12-14lbs with it (around 1/4-1/3 of calorie intake every day).

This is my second time being at this weight and I definitely think I'm softer than I was last time. However, last time I'm pretty sure I had more muscle mass than I do now so that would be a more reasonable explanation for why.

I will say that this time around I have knee fat that I don't remember having before, but again maybe that's because my body fat percentage is higher this time and it would have happened anyways had I gotten this fat before.
2 years
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