Vehicle modifications

juicy wrote
Heather, do you mind saying how expensive the scooter and mount were? I'm looking at scooters, and even at 250 lbs, the ones that'll take me are crazy expensive...


Scooters can be incredibly expensive, but you can find amazing deals on them. I currently own a few and only one did I get brand new and even then, I got it at wholesale.

I am QUITE the shopper and I would love to help you find something that will be comfortable and affordable. Ebay and local advertisements can be an amazing resource. If you'd like to talk about it, drop me a line.

But for some examples:

I currently use a Pride Legend. It's rated to 300-350 lbs max and I'm over 550 lbs. The ratings are a bit of bull if you are able to upgrade the batteries. This new costs well over $2000 but I got mine used for $500 and it was maybe ridden a handful of times.

I'm not sure if it's the same in the UK but many elderly people are pushed into buying scooters here and using some of their medical benefits to get them, etc. They then get them and HATE to drive them or can't really do much with them without a lift, etc. So you'll often find that they sit in garages or basements, sometimes unused until they finally sell them.

As for the lift, I am not sure how it works in the UK for car modifications, but I imagine there has to be something similar. I paid $1700 for a full platform lift. This means that I open the hatch to the back of my minivan and a platform comes straight out and then down to the ground and I can drive the scooter right up onto it. I them get off the scooter and press the remote and it lifts and then tugs the platform and scooter right into the back of my van. To buy a modified van with something like this would tens of thousands of dollars over what a normal van costs, so this is quite the value.

There are also lifts that are simply bolted in that have a hook that clamps onto a part of your scooter and lifts it and then you swing the scooter in your vehicle. These are less expensive but need installation. BUT... if you are only 250 lbs, you can probably get a scooter that is compact and much lighter. I bought one that folded up to the size of a large suitcase with a press of a button a few years ago. I loved that I could lift it up and put it in any car. But it's rating was to 275 lbs and the battery was not interchangeable and therefore I'd drain it very fast and it'd NEVER get me up a hill or small incline. It was for flat riding only and for short days out.

Anyhoo, I have a lot of knowledge on this stuff. If you are seriously considering something and have a budget in mind, drop me a line and I'll see what I can do to help. I've also tried a numerous amount of models and I know what ones are more comfy and the turning radius on them, etc. These things are also important smiley

15 years

Care provider's tips & techniques

optimus wrote
this may have already been mentioned but there is a "stick" like a deoderant stick you can buy that runners use that they rub on there thighs to help with rubbing, im prety sure it could be used in other parts of the body where this is a problem, i can sadly remember the name of the product but ive heard good things

If you remember the name, let us know smiley

I'm too afraid to put regular deodorant in my rolls/folds because I know some who break out from it or get discoloration. Maybe what you mention is less harsh.
15 years

Care provider's tips & techniques

juicy wrote
HeatherBBW wrote
I honestly think it's more my paranoia then there actually being any horrible smells that I'm battling. I was just hoping to find out if there were things that people used that made them feel fresher so I can maybe break my bad worry habit.

One lover I had for many years used to wash me before certain more intimate acts... I was annoyed at first, but it became part of our foreplay. He would get a warm washcloth and wash where he intended to kiss, and once I wasn't insulted, it was great fun. Might be an easy way to overcome the worry?

This is probably the way to go, but I'd have to be at a very comfortable stage with someone to allow them to do something so personal for me and I think that comfort is limited when someone is with a new partner.

I generally get up and go to the ladies room and "freshen up". But it kinda ruins the makeout mood by me hopping to the bathroom because I'm worried.

Honestly, I feel silly even posting this stuff as 100% of those I've been intimate with have been aware of my concerns and have told me that I don't suffer from any bad odors. Even with the positive reinforcement, I can't shake the feeling that because of all the skin folds and lack of air getting to those places, that I have to smell more then someone much smaller. Also, I always wonder if they are just being kind because they know I'm sensitive about it or if maybe all my hard work showering/lotioning/grooming is the reason why they think the way they do. I have to say, that hard work is getting harder the fatter I get and almost impossible on some levels.

I often wondered why the number of actual sexual partners I've had is due to my being extremely selective or a combination of my selectiveness and my stinkanoia. I'm not prude in any way, but my "#" is pretty darn low and that's probably a good thing... BUT, as I get older, I wish I had taken up more opportunities to get naked with people I dated in the past. LOL. I also find that when considering new partners, I often decide to just let opportunities pass even if I'm interested. Blah.

So moving on some forward movement and possible helpful things:

I read up on some of the things mentioned by others here and I just bought some Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap. I found it in Almond and I am gonna try that out and see how it makes me feel and how it works. I'll be sure to report back.

I also bought some of what the health food store calls "Internal Body Deodorant" which is basically chlorophyllin copper complex which is what I believe Marzopolis mentioned. I'm thinking of trying that out but I am told it could give you gas pain or something. I'll report back on that too.

Back to the crazy... smiley

Maybe I'm nuts, because my husband giggled at me as I studied the bottles of vitamins and odor aids. He says I don't smell at all and compared to even girls that were 1/4 my size that he dated in his early 20s that I don't have a heavy girl scent. But that doesn't stop the way I feel.

I also am in a relationship where I have partners outside my marriage and when those times occur, there is less familiarity and that is when I feel the most paranoia about it. Most especially if it's an FA who hasn't been with a big girl or someone even close to my size. (I'm on the huge scale of SSBBW and there aren't many of me out there.) It should also be noted that I feel this way even if it's not full on intercourse and just making out/touching. I guess I feel it's something that's important to me because I think that the negative stereotypes associated with fat people and smell really got to me growing up. Either way, I'm a bit broken in the mind when it comes to worry about it.

Anyhoo, I'm rambling. I'll let you all know how the new soap goes and if I decide to take those vitamins and how they work out.

15 years

Care provider's tips & techniques

I honestly think it's more my paranoia then there actually being any horrible smells that I'm battling. I was just hoping to find out if there were things that people used that made them feel fresher so I can maybe break my bad worry habit.
15 years

Vehicle modifications

I have this problem because I am super short and belly heavy.

I had to try on MANY cars/trucks/vans after I pushed over 475 because I didn't fit in the car I owned at the time.

I currently own a Nissan Quest. I find minivans to be far more forgiving with room/space. My steering wheel tilts upwards and the pedals move so I can reach them.

I know another SSBBW who is also belly heavy with the same vehicle. She had her front seat rails moved back as a previous poster mentioned.

There are many modifications that can be made and some are not very expensive.

I also use a scooter 95% of the time and I have a lift in the back of my minivan that was actually installed without modifying the original van. I didn't have it professionally installed as it only took an hour or so to just attach it to existing hardware in my car.

Lastly, I almost purchased a 2nd hand van that had hand controls. I test drove it and it worked fine for me. But I wanted to get a traditional setup so that my car wasn't just fit for me to drive if I could.

Hope some of that helps.
15 years

Care provider's tips & techniques

This is something super personal and whereas I am normally completely bold, this is a bit of a sensitive topic for me. I've decided that if I'm every going to ask a forum for any input or suggestions, that this is the best place for it. So I'm going to go for it.

My question is: What do you suggest for products that actually have scent that make you smell nice and fresh for longer periods of time? SSBBWs do you struggle with the battle to feel clean/fresh all the time? FA/Feeders, do you mind helping with these things or have you had issues or even non-issues that you'd like to share?

Here is my situation....

I have battled with what my friends/partners call "Stinkanoia" and it becomes an increasing problem for me as I get fatter. I think it might be stemmed from being made fun of as a kid due to the stereotype that fat people are smelly. I'm really not quite sure, but I can't shake the paranoia no matter how intelligently I look at it.

It certainly hasn't deterred me from my desire to get fatter, but I find that it's affecting my sexuality. I find myself putting limits on things that I find comfortable or sexy due to possibly not being super fresh smelling. Even with positive encouragement from my partner, I still can't get to being completely comfortable.

I now have deeper folds and new rolls in places that I can't reach. This is super sexy and a turn-on for me, but it also means more work in the shower/body maintenance department. I take responsibility for my size/hygeine and I have all the reach aids/shower aids to get clean in the shower..... but... I feel like no matter how much time/work I put into it, that after just an hour or few I'd be or am less then fresh smelling.

Now it could be just me, but I wonder if any other women deal with this or have solutions that have worked miracles for them or FAs that have been with or cared for hypersized gals that have suggestions.

In closing, this isn't so horrid that I'm not having sex. I just find myself becoming more shy and limiting myself.. which is NOT like me at all. It should also be noted that anyone I've been intimate has been quick to tell me that I don't smell one bit and that my paranoia is misplaced, but no matter how much positive reinforcement I receive, I still feel like there HAS to be something that I can do to assure myself and get down to some of the things that I am definitely missing in that arena. smiley I just haven't quite figured it out yet. Help?
15 years
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