For the underweight people who got fat

I was underweight until I started working at a pizza restaurant. There was always a pizza somewhere for the staff to snack on. So I got fat.
4 months

Your ultimate fantasy?>

An exoskeleton for walking when you weigh over 1000 pounds. A lot of fat people would get out of bed with something like that.

I imagine something like what the Marvel Comics villain "Mojo" uses.
4 months

Stuffing hotels

This is more fantasy than reality but I’ve always thought there was a market for a “stuffers hotel” all the staff are feeders and it’s their job to keep you as full as possible throughout your stay. Bringing snacks to your room, feeding on request, belly rubs and then every meal time would be a huge feeding frenzy in the restaurant 😁 just a thought haha

Except for the personalized attention, don't most of the mega-hotels in Las Vegas fit this description? Each have huge buffets with widely-varying foods, perfect for getting stuffed without flavor-fatigue.
4 months

Story behind your username?

In Vino Veritas. Latin for, "In wine, there is truth."

The Romans believed all great decisions should be deliberated on twice. Once while sober, the other while drinking wine.

I always took that to mean that someone is much more likely to tell the truth and not hold back anything if they're sloshed.
4 months
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