Code word to identify people in the community?

When I’m shoveling the food in I just say “Hey, that’s why they make larger sizes”. When I was working I was walking back to my desk from the cafeteria with a breakfast container, a bagel slathered with butter and cream cheese, and some kind of cake. One of the guys looked at me and asked “you gonna eat all that?” I said hell yeah, but this just a snack. So anyway I say I just I like to eat. I think at the most people think I don’t care if I get fat.
1 year

How has your family reacted to your weight gain?

My family’s weight has always fluctuated up and down, so no surprise. But I had an aunt who told me every time she saw me that I got tubby.
1 year

Embarrassed to buy heavy cream

Make a chocolate pudding with it. Add sugar to taste, a bit of vanilla, cocoa powder like Nestle’s Quick, whip it with an electric mixer. Now you have chocolate whipped cream that looks like pudding. Just don’t whip it too much or you’ll have chocolate butter. Not that that’s bad. 😁
1 year

Loving your body in public

It takes time. It took me a lot of wavering. It’s been at least several years now that I’m comfortable with being fat, especially in public. I don’t try to hide it. In fact if there’s anything I’m conscious of, it’s to relax my belly and let it show. I’m proud of it. So yeah, it can take a bit of time.
1 year

What was the first experience that awakened this fetish?

I was in a department store and saw myself in a mirror. I saw my polo shirt was kind of tight, my belly had gotten bigger over time. I was always afraid of getting fat but when I saw myself I thought I really looked hot with a belly. After that I started gaining more and found I really liked it and got turned on.
1 year

Been off the fat wagon for too long

That’s really exciting. Hopefully it’s less intense exercise. Keep us all updated.

I definitely will. I’m happy about it. I know I lost too much because my coworkers all noticed and said I lost a lot of weight.
1 year

Been off the fat wagon for too long

It wasn’t deliberate. I had a job in a supermarket deli that had me losing too much weight from physical activity and not getting enough to eat. Deli work is not just slicing cold cuts. It’s *HARD* physical work … pushing and pulling rolling shelves to stock food cases, carrying 14 lb hams and cheeses.

Ok, so I quit and returned to my previous job, which though I’m on my feet moving around (sales in “The World’s Largest Department Store” ) I hope that with eating shitty mall food court food I can “obesify” myself. I have size 42 and 44 pants that I can step in and out of. I’m only 5’6” so you can imagine how fat I should be. I’m so looking forward to getting fat again. I love being fat.
1 year

How do you wipe your ass.

I have the added problem of a spinal fusion and decreased flexibility. I have to lean back and reach. In public restrooms I use the handicapped stall because I can hold onto the rail while twisting and reaching.
1 year

Things you like about being fat

Since I’m short, just about 5’6” I like the extra size being fat gives me. I like seeing my belly hang over my belt. I like the softness and blubberiness I’m getting.
2 years
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