Obesity should be embraced

Instead of endlessly nagging obese people, isn't it about time they designed things that accommodate a population which is becoming increasingly obese. More lifts, escalators, seats that are the right size, more seating in public spaces, wider supermarket aisles, restaurants where the tables are too close together...I could go on.
6 years

First time waddling?

I think that it was after I crossed the 300 pound mark but before 350 pounds I realised that I had adapted to my growing thighs, which rubbed together more and more, by walking more side to side than directly forward. So, yes, that's when I knew I had developed a waddle. As I have gained more weight I know I waddle more.
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

"I was 185 . I thought 250. When I hit that goal i thought could i reach 300. Now at 335 in thinking 450. It gets very addictive . Seeing your body change, becoming bigger and in my opinion feeling sexier. If anyone is considering it my advice is go for it."

My experience has been the same. I am now around 380 pounds. 400 pounds is a certainty; it just depends how long it takes. I am sure when I am at this weight I will try for 500 pounds: possibly my ultimate goal.
6 years

Submissive gainer

If you have a skillful encourager, becoming submissive is unavoidable. It is part of the process.
6 years

How many times have you been told to lose weight?

My mum has made an art form of this. No visit home avoids the question.
6 years

Breaking the 300lb mark

It was the best thing ever crossing the 300 pound mark. At this weight there is no kidding but you are truly obese and everything that comes with it. I have been so happy at being over 300 pounds I am making good progress towards the 400 pound barrier.
6 years

What is the best way to get morbidly obese when parents are health freaks?

My parents aren't health freaks but they are both thin. First you have to live away from home and live your own life. However, you cannot avoid family even if you want to. The worst part of going from thin to fat has been the continuing nagging (especially from my mum) about my weight. Somehow my friends and work colleague have accepted me for who I am. Not so my family. My close relatives keep on mentioning my weight, usually in disapproving tones, and the health consequences of being morbidly obese and the more distant ones who have not seen me for a while make a big thing about how I have changed.

I can't offer you any advice, You just have to accept your family because you will never fully escape from them.
6 years

Breaking the 300lb mark

For me it was an important threshold. Although I had been obese for some time, after passing through the 300 pound barrier I started to feel obese. My weight started to really affect just about everything I did. I have now passed the 350 pound mark and there is no kidding but that I am starting to be really obese...and I like it even more.
6 years

Gainer appetite changes

1. You can eat more than you used to.ABSOLUTELY
2. You NEED to eat more than you used to.aBSOLUTELY
3. You crave more fattening things than you used to aBSOLUTELY.
4. When you eat a lot and become too full your appetite comes back faster than it used to.ABSOLUTELY
5. You have more of a psych ological need to eat than you used to...that is, even if you're not physically hungry you crave food anyway.ABSOLUTELY
6 years
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