Messages not working

Hi folks, this should be back to normal in a few minuets as were uploading a fix currently.

Apologies for how long this took, but we did need to stop for the night and come back with fresh eyes.

Please remember as we are based in the UK there is a time difference for when the site can be worked on. While it's still day time for most of you it's definitely time for bed here. But we will always try to fix things asap which is usually same day in most instances.

Thanks for your understanding.

FF Team
2 months

Messages not working

Hi folks,

Thanks for making a thread about this. We are aware of the issue and working on getting this fixed as soon as possible.

Please bear with us and we appreciate your patience and understanding. Hopefully we will have an update for you soon.

Thank you!
FF Team
2 months

Thread readability: deleted posts

Thank you for the suggestion, I will highlight this with hiccupx to see if this is something we can introduce.

FF Team
2 months

How to post image in forum?

Is the bbcode something that you get when you upload an image to your profile?

BBCode is just a way to format your text and posts in the forums. You don't need to have an image uploaded to your profile to access it.

There's a short guide on how to use it here:

All you need is the image url to use the [img] [/img] BBCode tags

Again the easiest way to upload an image to the forums is to make a post, then use the image attachment button. So on your post above mine.... click on the camera icon at the bottom left (inbetween edit and delete). This will open an upload form, select your image and it will add it to the forum post.
2 months

How to post image in forum?

You can use the BB Code and use [img] [/img] tags to upload an image using the url.

Another way is to use the attachment option if you have the images saved to your device. You need to make the post first and then go back to your post in the forum and you will see icons in the bottom right of your post where you can edit (pencil icon) upload a photo as attachment (camera icon) or delete your post (bin icon), click the camera icon and use the file browser to upload your chosen image.

Hope this helps,
FF Team
2 months


Hi Edddde,

Just as Munchies has said, when the message ' no content' appears it means that the profiles or content is not viewable. This can be because it has been temporarily removed by an admin or because it has been deleted by the user.

This is something we plan on updating as this does cause confusion for our members. as they believe its an issue with their account. For example rather than the error message saying 'No Content' when trying to view a profile that's been removed by admin. The message would say something like ' This profile is currently unavailable to view'.

I am just going to move this to the feedback and improvement forum as it is better placed there.

FF Team
2 months

Video chat

This is actually something we are working on, so watch this space!

FF Team
2 months

Top frame unlocked?

FF Team:
Hi Letter And Numbers,

Apologies for the late reply. This isn't an intentional UI / UX update. This is a bug from an update. I have highlighted with hiccupx who will look into this and get it field asap.

FF Team

The good news is that the top bar is locked again. The bad news is that it appears to just overlay on the top of the screen. This means that when you scroll to the top of the page, it cuts off things at the very top.

Letters And Numbers:
It seems to work fine for me, at least with the forum.

It might be because I'm on mobile. It seems to be fine on desktop.

Hi Munchies,

I have done testing on mobile and I'm not experiencing any issues. The top panel is now locked and it doesn't appear to be cutting off any information. If you are still experiencing issues, could you please let us know the device (model / make) and browser you are using so we can test this.

Thank you.
FF Team
3 months

Top frame unlocked?

Hi Letter And Numbers,

Apologies for the late reply. This isn't an intentional UI / UX update. This is a bug from an update. I have highlighted with hiccupx who will look into this and get it field asap.

FF Team
3 months

Do you have any rss feed links on the site


We don't have an RSS feed on the site. Apologies about that.

FF Team
3 months
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