Belly gaining and asexuality.

Maybe i should reword if (from what is possible / impossible to what trends to happen in our days, currently) but if i remember correctly, i got that one from a lecture by Slavoj Zizek here: ?si=LDe0EzPMEJZK3Wl7

Imma level with you here, chief. This explains many things about you, and most of it isn't good.

Can you explain this in more detail?

Let's just say that I'm not taking any advice from an old Polish fart that's gone on record saying, "Hitler wasn't violent enough". Also, in a debate with Jordan Peterson, a known white supremacist, agreed with him about the decline of society.

And that's as far as I will go because I refuse to talk politics and philosophy with you specifically.

I really cant see how what he explained in either case is wrong. The first altho it sounds like a horible thing to say, was in the context of explaining that Hitler was a conservative, that physical violence aside, his policies and ideas were in some sense nothing violently new and progressive. The second is even more obvious, since we live in late / end stage capitalism.
He is also Slovenian 😅

My bad about the nationality, but as a black Jewish woman, both of y'all can get bent.

Besides, as a cishet person commenting on a thread about ace people, why didn't you take the time to learn about ace people from other ace people? That's commen sense, I fear

I commented on this thread merely for the sake of pluralism (this is a complicated matter which depends on many factors most of which, each individual is ignorant about, etc) and i wanted to say this because i see it might connect, it might be a part of the explenation and it was thus far not mentioned. If it is, id like to see how. If it is not, id likewise want to see how its not relevant.

I also rarely talk here with other people in general at this point. But, among other things, if it came to it, id love to have a conversation about asexuality with an ace person! It just has not occured yet.
3 weeks

Belly gaining and asexuality.

Maybe i should reword if (from what is possible / impossible to what trends to happen in our days, currently) but if i remember correctly, i got that one from a lecture by Slavoj Zizek here: ?si=LDe0EzPMEJZK3Wl7

Imma level with you here, chief. This explains many things about you, and most of it isn't good.

Can you explain this in more detail?

Let's just say that I'm not taking any advice from an old Polish fart that's gone on record saying, "Hitler wasn't violent enough". Also, in a debate with Jordan Peterson, a known white supremacist, agreed with him about the decline of society.

And that's as far as I will go because I refuse to talk politics and philosophy with you specifically.

I really cant see how what he explained in either case is wrong. The first altho it sounds like a horible thing to say, was in the context of explaining that Hitler was a conservative, that physical violence aside, his policies and ideas were in some sense nothing violently new and progressive. The second is even more obvious, since we live in late / end stage capitalism.
He is also Slovenian 😅
3 weeks

Belly gaining and asexuality.

I’ve certainly found that the fatter I’ve got the less important actual sex is. I can well imagine that at 600 lbs I won’t care about it.

And more the dick is buried and disappear. Coïncidence?

I do not think so 😉


I take your meaning, but I want to emphasis that the size of your fat pad or how buried your dick is has nothing to do with your libido. It also doesn't mean you can't have sex. You might need to get creative, but that's it.

I bring this up because a lot of people with dicks worry that if they get really fat, even with a willing partner, that's the end of their sex lives.

And yes. This can include some ace peeps.

There is something really interesting here! Let me start by mentioning the fact that it is impossible to have sex (reach an orgasm etc) without a fantasy. It will operate on the cognitive level, and without it nothing sexual can genuinly happen. (asexuality might have to do with that btw! To not have those fantasies) Even when someone thinks they are experiencing the real thing, the actual pleasures come from the fantasy which is realized.

Now let me get a step further. In today's world we have lots of things like, Coke but without sugar. Or coffee without coffeine. And i think that what is illustrated by FAMGM is that sex today, is sex without sex. Meaning, the actual penetration and so on. Because the essense is on the fantasy, which if for example has to do with fat, and the feedee is extremely fat, then thats it! It doesnt mean that there is a low libido, maybe even the oposite! But its not something that can be satisfied through traditional sex intercourse.

What do you think?

Enas, where do you even get this stuff from?

It's 100% possible to orgasm or even have sex without fantasy. It's called being in the moment. Just because you can't doesn't mean other's can't too.

Also, asexuality means you do not experience sexual attraction. Sexual attraction is different from sexual expression. Some (not all) ace people like sex, but they aren't sexually attracted to people regardless of gender.

Another thing is that you are conflating kink with sex. They are two different things, and you can have one without the other. To be clear, I am not discounting nonpenetrative forms of sex like cyber sex. However, kink, though sexual, is not in and of itself sex.

For example, if you go to a BDSM dungeon to have someone pour wax on you, you aren't having sex. Even if you cum from it, it still isn't sex.

Maybe i should reword if (from what is possible / impossible to what trends to happen in our days, currently) but if i remember correctly, i got that one from a lecture by Slavoj Zizek here: ?si=LDe0EzPMEJZK3Wl7

Imma level with you here, chief. This explains many things about you, and most of it isn't good.

Can you explain this in more detail?
3 weeks

Ssbbw body shapes

I just got told I have the worst body shape as far as being a ssbbw and I feel like shit because it got 3 other agreements!?

Let me just Introduce some thinking to this:

What on earth even is a "Good" or "Bad" shape? People throw words without even thinking about them!
3 weeks

Anyone there talk?

I'd love to talk about anything so long as we can allow the conversation to enter the domain of phylosophy.

(also it occurs to me, from the looks of it, that the first post might have been deleted and we see a comment as the original post? Or am i wrong?)
3 weeks

Belly gaining and asexuality.

I’ve certainly found that the fatter I’ve got the less important actual sex is. I can well imagine that at 600 lbs I won’t care about it.

And more the dick is buried and disappear. Coïncidence?

I do not think so 😉


I take your meaning, but I want to emphasis that the size of your fat pad or how buried your dick is has nothing to do with your libido. It also doesn't mean you can't have sex. You might need to get creative, but that's it.

I bring this up because a lot of people with dicks worry that if they get really fat, even with a willing partner, that's the end of their sex lives.

And yes. This can include some ace peeps.

There is something really interesting here! Let me start by mentioning the fact that it is impossible to have sex (reach an orgasm etc) without a fantasy. It will operate on the cognitive level, and without it nothing sexual can genuinly happen. (asexuality might have to do with that btw! To not have those fantasies) Even when someone thinks they are experiencing the real thing, the actual pleasures come from the fantasy which is realized.

Now let me get a step further. In today's world we have lots of things like, Coke but without sugar. Or coffee without coffeine. And i think that what is illustrated by FAMGM is that sex today, is sex without sex. Meaning, the actual penetration and so on. Because the essense is on the fantasy, which if for example has to do with fat, and the feedee is extremely fat, then thats it! It doesnt mean that there is a low libido, maybe even the oposite! But its not something that can be satisfied through traditional sex intercourse.

What do you think?

Enas, where do you even get this stuff from?

It's 100% possible to orgasm or even have sex without fantasy. It's called being in the moment. Just because you can't doesn't mean other's can't too.

Also, asexuality means you do not experience sexual attraction. Sexual attraction is different from sexual expression. Some (not all) ace people like sex, but they aren't sexually attracted to people regardless of gender.

Another thing is that you are conflating kink with sex. They are two different things, and you can have one without the other. To be clear, I am not discounting nonpenetrative forms of sex like cyber sex. However, kink, though sexual, is not in and of itself sex.

For example, if you go to a BDSM dungeon to have someone pour wax on you, you aren't having sex. Even if you cum from it, it still isn't sex.

Maybe i should reword if (from what is possible / impossible to what trends to happen in our days, currently) but if i remember correctly, i got that one from a lecture by Slavoj Zizek here: ?si=LDe0EzPMEJZK3Wl7
3 weeks

Belly gaining and asexuality.

I’ve certainly found that the fatter I’ve got the less important actual sex is. I can well imagine that at 600 lbs I won’t care about it.

And more the dick is buried and disappear. Coïncidence?

I do not think so 😉


I take your meaning, but I want to emphasis that the size of your fat pad or how buried your dick is has nothing to do with your libido. It also doesn't mean you can't have sex. You might need to get creative, but that's it.

I bring this up because a lot of people with dicks worry that if they get really fat, even with a willing partner, that's the end of their sex lives.

And yes. This can include some ace peeps.

There is something really interesting here! Let me start by mentioning the fact that it is impossible to have sex (reach an orgasm etc) without a fantasy. It will operate on the cognitive level, and without it nothing sexual can genuinly happen. (asexuality might have to do with that btw! To not have those fantasies) Even when someone thinks they are experiencing the real thing, the actual pleasures come from the fantasy which is realized.

Now let me get a step further. In today's world we have lots of things like, Coke but without sugar. Or coffee without coffeine. And i think that what is illustrated by FAMGM is that sex today, is sex without sex. Meaning, the actual penetration and so on. Because the essense is on the fantasy, which if for example has to do with fat, and the feedee is extremely fat, then thats it! It doesnt mean that there is a low libido, maybe even the oposite! But its not something that can be satisfied through traditional sex intercourse.

What do you think?
1 month

My theory

There is no logical connection between the examples you give and the assumption you make, because you structure it from your biased views. For example even if you search up Goebells (as an importand figure of concious propaganda making), his usual technique would be exactly the oposite from being subtle.

One the other hand, passive ideology, which is what cartoons might do, is not conciously designed by soneome and thus cannot have any kind of such clear goal.

Please, keep in mind that even in the things that society is said to be designed to do, it utterly fails to achieve even a single of them.
1 month

I am looking for a feeder


Its nice seeing even one more greek, Active in the community! 😆
1 month

Supressing the fetish

Can you suppress the fetish and find happyness trough other aspects in life?

I dont know how you can find happyness from a fetish, at least directly. A fetish has to do with pleasure, in order to find happyness you need to work for a higher cause, and so on.

What my advice is, is to start working on something exciting, so exciting that it makes you forget about your fetish! Dont try to do anything with the fetish itself, just let yourself get carried away from it, with something else.

This is like trying to kick binge eating by taking up smoking.

Assuming he has maladaptive habits with his feedist kink, it's just swapping one vice for another at best, or ending up with multiple vices at worst.

Sorry, i didnt word it well enough. I had in mind things like reading / writing, learning, making art, or going on bysicle rides (thats something i enjoy a lot)

And that's putting lipstick on a pig. If you try to deal with internal issues only by focusing on external things, you won't get very far. You need to address the internal motivation as well.

Still, fetishes and kinks are a part of you. You can find healthier ways to indulge it but can't suppress it - at least for long.

Of what use is it to adressed the internal motivation, if you cannot surpress the fetish?

Do you mean for example, psychological addictions that might have developed?
1 month
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