I try to do a minimum of 800 calories per meal (more if I can), and then snack for a few hundred more calories throughout the day. And I usually end off the day eating around 3,500 or so. I just get really full after each meal and I feel like I have to force myself to eat snacks in between meals
Don’t take this the wrong way but I think you might be pushing yourself to hard each meal, you should try to eat more with your eyes, granted you might end up eating less but your tummy and appetite will be larger, there’s times where I might have 1 meal a day with more snacks or light meals.
This is just an aside but I wonder how I even ended up fat tbh I never counted a calorie, are some people just naturally more gluttonous than others?
1 month
Tillamook is really good, I love their mint chocolate chip ice cream or cookies and cream, even just the plain vanilla bean is good. they also have really good cheese
1 month
God bless the people who can tolerate shakes to me they just remind me of a time in my life when they are all I ate and drank besides water. Doesn’t matter what type of powder to me it all tastes like chalk and makes me gag.
I’d rather eat a pizza and put down a bunch of ice cream personally
1 month
Hey y'all, I've been having an issue with my weight stagnating recently. I've been doing more of a go with the flow type gain so I've increased the amount of food I eat in a day but I stop just barely past getting full because after that point I just feel sick. Does anyone have any advice on how to increase your appetite/stomach capacity?
Do you calorie count? What’s the breakdown of your average meal? Do you mean you get full after a day of eating or after each meal.
1 month
also David Bowie >
1 month
I like just about everything but my favorite are the strokes and everything in that sort of art indie vibe the early 2010s had.
1 month
As a feeder, I can confirm that we do.
I'm a pretty kinky, horny person as a general rule of thumb. (Bless my poor partner, but it's a good problem to have.) But sometimes I have an extremely intense urge to feed someone.
This was more of a problem when I was single as I had no one to feed. Mind you, this is a different feeling that cooking for someone. What I wanted was the intimate, chaotic feeling when you personally feed someone by hand and feel the way their stomach expands under your hand. I turned to erotica writing to help express these pent up feelings.
Things are better with a feedee, but just because you are in the mood doesn't mean they are in the mood. And so you gotta find a healthy outlet.
Morbidly A Beast:
That’s interesting that it exists on both sides, do you know what triggers it after you haven’t had that mood for a while? Or is it always there.
I get what you mean about the chaotic feeling it’s times like that where I can really really put down some food lol
I have a lot of kinks and fetishes. My moods and desires for them cycle around. Believe it or not, there are times when I am wholely uninterested in feedism.
That said, my feedist feelings can be particularly strong if I haven't had an outlet for them in a while, I've steeped myself into the kink, or my partner is looking particularly fat and sexy that day. It depends on my whim.
I believe it I feel the same way, there’s times where it doesn’t even cross my mind.
It’s interesting too that the same feeling about someone looking fat is the same thing that triggers it in people who want to be fat(ter) - it’s like perfectly complimentary. I get it the worst if I look and feel fat
1 month
It doesn’t matter what you eat, it’s that you eat and you enjoy eating what you’re eating.
weight will come from consistently indulging your appetite. Trust the process
1 month
As a feeder, I can confirm that we do.
I'm a pretty kinky, horny person as a general rule of thumb. (Bless my poor partner, but it's a good problem to have.) But sometimes I have an extremely intense urge to feed someone.
This was more of a problem when I was single as I had no one to feed. Mind you, this is a different feeling that cooking for someone. What I wanted was the intimate, chaotic feeling when you personally feed someone by hand and feel the way their stomach expands under your hand. I turned to erotica writing to help express these pent up feelings.
Things are better with a feedee, but just because you are in the mood doesn't mean they are in the mood. And so you gotta find a healthy outlet.
That’s interesting that it exists on both sides, do you know what triggers it after you haven’t had that mood for a while? Or is it always there.
I get what you mean about the chaotic feeling it’s times like that where I can really really put down some food lol
1 month
I don’t think too highly of Wendy’s ever since they did us dirty with the tiny frosty cup but I had to go for the krabby patty, bit of a let down it was just a Dave’s burger with spicy Big Mac sauce, it wasn’t bad just not impressive imo
I would normally do like 2 baconators but since they were singles I just got 4
I give 3/5 stars
1 month