What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

Been hard trying to build up the confidence to just be myself. I’ve been denying myself food for years!! It scares me, but I’m 40 now and I just want to be me. I really want to make some friends in the community. Just hearing about others experiences is so comforting. It’s tough in today’s society to be chubby or god forbid fat. I’ve been sucking my stomach in for at least 30 years. Just letting it relax and poke out is unnerving.
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

Wow! That sounds so amazing!! To gain together would be a dream!!!
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

Thank you all for the different prospectives. I generally just want to not be afraid of the weight gain. Just to feel free and comfortable about any food I want to eat. I’m not sure I’m ready to just balloon up. More of being comfortable with a gradual somewhat natural gain from not restricting anymore. What scares me is how much weight will come from that.
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

That sounds really awesome! Thank you for sharing, I’m still trying to work through my own insecurities, that are preventing me from really doing intentional gaining. I may use the (I’m bulking for the gym mentally to get me moving. And have that as reason for my weight gain.
1 month

What’s it like to start gaining when your fit?

I’m curious about how it feels to gain weight. Is it scary, exciting? Can you feel yourself getting bigger. How do you get past the social stigma of wanting to gain weight? How do you prepare and finally decide to go for it? Truth is I’ve been into this fetish for a long time. And I truly want to let go of my fears and gain.
1 month

It has dawned on me that no diet is "wrong", and i feel free

I’m currently going through the same thing!! It is so great!! To be free and happy!! I was so reluctant to stop restricting my eating, from internalized fat phobia!! But a few people on this site were very helpful and supportive. Munchies being one of them. If you ever want to talk about how you feel though this process, please feel free to reach out. Maybe we could help each other out. I’m currently in my honeymoon phase of intuitive eating. I wish you all the best!!!
9 months

Safely gaining back weight lost from diabetes?

So I was talking to someone at work and they were telling me about how the were not happy about unintentionally losing weight before their diabetes diagnosis. She was upset about how her body looked now. She was asking if I knew anyway to safely gain back some of her weight. She is on insulin and under control now. I didn’t know what to say. I told her to ask her dr. I was just wondering if anyone one here had any experience with this. Please understand that there is nothing sexual between us. I looked up some information and it says once one’s blood sugar is level, insulin will most like put weight back on the person anyway. Thanks for the help guy’s.
9 months

Safely gaining back weight lost from diabetes?

Just wondering if anyone else has lost weight from diabetes? But once your levels are good, can you gain it back safely?
9 months

Other intuitive eaters?

Foreverffa, I am really nervous about the gaining if it does happen. How did you get though the honeymoon phase and getting past the internalized fatphobia anxiety? Did it bother you to gain weight? And how long did it take for you to level off?
10 months

Other intuitive eaters?

Thank you!! I lift weights so I’m hoping that helps! But I’m still thinking it’s going to fluff me up a bit at first.
10 months
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