Feederism podcast?

Why Don't we have a podcast?
Like, I seen podcasts for other kinks and such, but never a podcast for feederism or just being an FA

Why is that? Like, we need a positive voice or just find more like minded people

Having interacted with a lot of people on FF, I think it's because most people are not interesting enough to have a podcast.

2 months

My hero academia

(I know that this thread is only me so far, but I don't see any other spots that quite fit this topic. Mods - please kindly direct me if there's a better way to connect on this topic! And... is there a way to change the thread title to just 'Anime'?)

I wanted to add that I just watched Jujutsu Kaisen for the first time and I thought it was pretty great. I enjoyed the concept eating a curse to absorb it and become stronger, and there some cute references to recipes for steamed dumpling.meatballs and for.hot seafood Ramen at the ends of some of the episodes.

I'm always looking for new shows - Plus-size Elf is supposedly coming later this year - I'm pretty excited about that one.

Any other anime fans with recommendations? (Bonus points for any shows with characters who'd seem at home here on FF!)
2 months

What made you give in?

My previous feedee confided that she was no longer willing to gain, and that she didn't want to be fat anymore. I respected her and loved her too much to argue, and it's her body, her right. It then moved from no longer wanting to gain into a self-criticism every time I touched her belly or ass because she said it reminded her of how fat she felt.

So... in the absence of having a willing feedee, I started feeding myself.

And I found I liked it.

And I found that I was as good at feeding me as I was with others. The weight came slowly at first, but my feeder game is pretty solid. Before long, I was getting a belly and everything started feeling soft.

It's somewhat of a split persona and I'm cool with it - it's a self-fulfilling cycle of stuffing myself to get off, getting fatter and getting turned on by it, which only serves to further flame my desire to keep going.
2 months

Who was thin and got fat

Was a fit 165.

Weighed in at 223 at the doctors office this weekend.
2 months

What was the most extreme thing you’ve done to gain weight?

I ordered an 8-pack of Boost VHC and then chugged as much as I could hold in a single sitting - simply for the purpose of making myself fatter. (I could only do 6, btw. I finished off the final 2 later.)

It felt sickening and arousing at the same time.
2 months

Sweet or savory?

Best when combined in both. Maple glazed bacon on a cheeseburger? Hell yeah!
2 months

Gaining weight after moving out

Has anybody else started gaining after moving out of their parents house? I feel like this would be relatively common but I don’t see it talked about all that often!

Since turning 18 I have moved out into an apartment of my own and for the first time in my life weight has started really piling on, and I’ve found it thrilling after a lifetime of being skinny so I’ve been itching to talk about it somewhere.
I’m only 110 pounds but a few months ago I was 90, and now all of my pants are super tight and give me major muffin tops when I sit :’)
I don’t think I’ll be slowing down anytime soon, with all of the eating and drinking I’ve been doing and with McDonald’s only a minute walk away I’m eagerly awaiting another ten pounds at least.

I'm glad you are no longer underweight.

I used to be super underweight. I put on about 50 lbs on purpose and noticed my health significantly improved. I went from getting sick at least 2 a year to very rarely.

I do see post from new gainers talking about how they gain from people who just moved out. However, I've noticed most of those people don't stick around for long.

Some of them come back for good. Most of them are serial deleters. Best I can tell, most of them feel overwhelmed about gaining and go back and forth about whether or not they want to commit it gaining.

"Serial deleters" - ha!

And true
2 months

Regretting the gains

Honestly I’m thinking about taking a break from gaining. Too many guys pushing my weight for me beyond what my goal weight is. Encouragers aren’t helping much either. It’s frustrating when you have an idea body that you want and someone else makes you feel like you should double your weight for their pleasure.

If I had a serious relationship with a guy who was supportive of my gaining without being discouraged. like I want someone who is into mutual gaining. Not me just doing the gaining myself.

Hey, man. You gotta do what's best for you. If you think that taking a break from gaining is best for you, then you hardly need our blessing to do it.

And yeah. It's really hard to find decent feeders. A lot of them feel entitled to people's bodies.

This is such an important reminder. Any creator, feedee, or gainer who posts content - and even engages with you - does not give their audience ownership via support. The assumption that any creator "owes" their audience anything other than gratitude (unless as arranged via a business transaction) is such a projected falsehood on the part of the viewer.

I get serious ick from any feedism fans who "demand" new content and expect replies.
2 months

Idk what to do?

Agreed with Munchies in the way i read it. It's an important distinction - and one that their therapist should be able to help with (I hope).

OP - you are a unique creation in all of the universe. You are entitled to happiness, and to pursue a sense of self-identity and value. I encourage you to elaborate further with your therapist - we are all here encouraging you to pursue personal enjoyment and satisfaction in your life.
2 months

My hero academia

First episode was fantastic, btw - smart, creative writing, and an intelligent villain who is a solid match for our heroes. GO BEYOND!
2 months
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