Do you have kinks that are unrelated to weight, food, or bdsm ?

Here are mine:
Cosplay, Nerdy, Kemonomimi (humans with animal ears and tail only), mutual poking/tickling, petplay (mainly pretending to be cat), hidden **x, glasses.

All the previously mentioned ones are mutual.
Here are the ones I’d like for only my potential girlfriend (up to her if she wants to):
Maid dress, stockings

Just pulling this randomly, but can kemonomimi extend past humans with animal ears and tails? Only asking since you specified that lol.

No not for me at least
1 month

Do you have kinks that are unrelated to weight, food, or bdsm ?

Here are mine:
Cosplay, Nerdy, Kemonomimi (humans with animal ears and tail only), mutual poking/tickling, petplay (mainly pretending to be cat), hidden **x, glasses.

All the previously mentioned ones are mutual.
Here are the ones I’d like for only my potential girlfriend (up to her if she wants to):
Maid dress, stockings
1 month

Finding real people

You’re not alone pal. I really wish I can find the right girl to care for and feed on this website.

Sir, you've been here for 4 days. And your profile is even worse than OP's.

You call yourself a "loser nerd." I know you meant that to be funny, but women see that as a red flag. We see it as you being an emotionally insecure little man-baby who will make that other people's problem.

I know dating is hard out here on these streets, but accounts that aren't even a week old with barely any site interaction and shitty profiles have no legs to stand on.

I’m sorry

This is not something to apologize for. This is something that you internalize the feedback and do better.

I’ll do that in the future no worries
1 month

Sweet or savory?

It really depends on my mood. But I eat more savory food than anything, because if I eat too much sweets I'll end up with a nasty taste in my mouth and stuff
1 month

Bmi. what's yours?

18kg/m. I'm a feeder anyways so yea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1 month

Finding real people

You’re not alone pal. I really wish I can find the right girl to care for and feed on this website.

Sir, you've been here for 4 days. And your profile is even worse than OP's.

You call yourself a "loser nerd." I know you meant that to be funny, but women see that as a red flag. We see it as you being an emotionally insecure little man-baby who will make that other people's problem.

I know dating is hard out here on these streets, but accounts that aren't even a week old with barely any site interaction and shitty profiles have no legs to stand on.

I’m sorry
1 month

Finding real people

You’re not alone pal. I really wish I can find the right girl to care for and feed on this website.
1 month

Taking a time out for my health

Get well soon! You got this
1 month


If you’re a girl around my age wanting to start something with me contact me. If not then feel free to ask me questions about life or something.
1 month

Fat fantasies

I have had this fantasy already ever since I was a little kid. I would always put stuffed animals under my female friend's clothes and I feel like the awakening of this fantasy really wasn't present until I turned 11. Sometimes, however, I do feel guilty for wanting to have a fat girlfriend because of health concerns and that at some point I would be responsible for the risks. However, I really hope someday I'll find my marshmallow girl and that we'll be like a marshmallow on a stick couple (me being the stick and her being the marshmallow lol)
1 month
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