How to talk to and meet women

Mattw91uk wrote:
*rolls eyes*
The Last Of Us wrote:
Even with limiters, if get blanked and know they read it, that shows bad decency.

Ermahgerd yeah man, the women on here are soo indecent and inappropriate compared to the guys!


But bad decency man.

I well hatredness the bad decency.
9 years

Favorite tv feeding episodes

Doesn't really count as feeding, but in Episode 2 of the new series (4) of Homeland, Peter Quinn (played by Rupert Friend) has an epic scene where he has sex with a fat girl and then in the morning they go for breakfast... where he appears to be mainly watching her eat.

Pleasingly, the girl in question (played by Emily Walker) is not the usual TV version of fat, ie the ever-so-slightly-chubby-Lena-Dunham-style "fat" girl.

Enjoyed that part of the episode very much smiley

You can see a clip here (although we don't get as far as breakfast!):

Episode 2 has only just aired tonight in the UK and I see from imdb that she's due to appear in a subsequent episode too. Here's hoping he turns out to be an FA smiley and it wasn't just a random thing!
9 years

New ssbbw at work, dilemma!

you say:
thetradehead wrote:
I feel bad for objectifying her because she seems to be a really lovely girl.

Then a few posts later you say:

thetradehead wrote:

It’s not just her size I think I am attracted to, this new girl is fiercely pretty.

That's still objectifying her.

Murphy wrote:So the dilemma is that you want to ditch your current gf to pursue the sexual harassment of a co-worker?

And your reply was:
thetradehead wrote:
No, first off I work for myself based in my own office in a serviced building. So she must work for one of the other firms based here.

I think you're missing the point if the main issue you have with that statement is quibbling about the definition of "co-worker".

You also say:
thetradehead wrote:
I don’t actually wish to share how I feel now after having spoken with her as I fear I might attract further ridicule from other posters.

There's a simple solution: Don't post stuff that illustrates your selfish "but what I want is the most important thing" attitude. Even better, don't think that stuff either. What you're doing is deflecting blame and shirking responsibility for your own dickishness. You're blaming other posters for ridiculing you, rather than thinking, hmm, maybe they have a point, maybe I should change my behaviour?

This entire thread shows that you are unwilling to appreciate the actual point people are making. Why not examine some of your motives and actions a little deeper?

I'm actually flabbergasted to the point of assuming you are doing this on purpose to troll the forum.
9 years

Overwhelming male population?

mrman1980uk wrote:
foxglove wrote:
The male population massively outnumbers the female on here. Which is why I find it perplexing there isn't more male bonding and mutual support on the site. Take photo comments for instance. I leave lots of comments on other girls' photos because I think they look great, I can empathise, or because I think it's nice to give credit and encouragement where appropriate. I see other girls do this for their sistas too. I don't see as much of a spirit of camaraderie amongst the male population of the site. Especially given there are so many of them. Maybe men are (more often than women) afraid of looking "gay" if they comment appreciatively on a fellow guy's photo? I'm sure that's not true of many, I'm just hypothesising. Maybe men aren't as nurturing and empathetic therefore can't see the point of supporting each other with comments? Maybe men don't have those skills as they haven't needed to develop them given their historical dominance? Whatever. But upshot is: all the men should go and puts a friendly comment on another dude's photo today!

Interesting thoughts. I rather suspect that this may be because heterosexual men tend to prefer not to interact with or even think about other men when thinking erotic thoughts. Quite why that should be I do not know exactly, but perhaps it is related to an instinctive desire to clear competitors out of the way before actually procreating (and making oneself vulnerable in the process).

I am not sure that this has ever actually been studied properly; it would make an interesting subject of scientific endeavour.

I'm not a straight man (!) but that sounds to my ears like ingrained "backs against the wall boys"-style reluctance to see other men sexually for fear of.... whatever it is that repressed/unreconstructed hetero men are afraid of?!

However, I may be wrong (I hope I am), and if you're right, MrMan, it doesn't explain the popularity of "classic" heterosexual porn films in which there is usually some kind of stud-type guy (with or without bad hair) who is very well-endowed who is showing the lady "a good time"... Don't men enjoy seeing that because they imagine themselves in that role?

In (maybe) the same way, I like to imagine that a woman with a gorgeous curvaceous figure is me (especially if she is a bit bigger than me). So although I'm straight, appreciating other women is like a form of narcissism.

Similarly I've talked to lots of hetero men from here - especially those who have thoughts about gaining themselves - who do look at other men's pictures on here. Not necessarily using that man as an object of desire, but as someone who has a shape they aspire to, or who they just think rocks a big belly or something. (As an aside, I do find that the vast majority of male FAs and feeders I talk to also - in the end - turn out to have desires of some kind or another about gaining themselves. I come across this with monotonous regularity, haha. But that's another topic.) Some are brave/bold/secure/kind (delete as applicable?) enough to post encouraging comments on those other men's photos. But very few.
9 years

Overwhelming male population?

The male population massively outnumbers the female on here. Which is why I find it perplexing there isn't more male bonding and mutual support on the site. Take photo comments for instance. I leave lots of comments on other girls' photos because I think they look great, I can empathise, or because I think it's nice to give credit and encouragement where appropriate. I see other girls do this for their sistas too. I don't see as much of a spirit of camaraderie amongst the male population of the site. Especially given there are so many of them. Maybe men are (more often than women) afraid of looking "gay" if they comment appreciatively on a fellow guy's photo? I'm sure that's not true of many, I'm just hypothesising. Maybe men aren't as nurturing and empathetic therefore can't see the point of supporting each other with comments? Maybe men don't have those skills as they haven't needed to develop them given their historical dominance? Whatever. But upshot is: all the men should go and puts a friendly comment on another dude's photo today!
9 years

I secretly have the hots for..

Elanor wrote:
James Spader
James Spader
James Spader

Did I mention James Spader?

James Spader for daaaaaaaaaaaaays!

Oh, agreed! Especially in Secretary and Sex, Lies & Videotape. The man oozes slightly louche sexiness (which is the best kind - I can't be doing with "wholesome" ) .
9 years

Indulge 19th july, london

Might do - can't resist a Hawaiian theme, haha! Hope they have drinks in coconuts!
9 years

Happy birthday salt!!!

Happy birthday Salt!! Hope you had an awesome one smiley xxx
9 years

Nothing more disheartening

TheBlackWizards wrote:

What do you even hope to achieve with this forum post? Sympathy? You look like a bloody cretin, man! "Oh boo hoo. Woe is me. I sent someone a message and they didn't reply. No one loves me. Im just not good enough". GROW UP.

If only the sentiment were "Oh woe is me, I'm not good enough." Sadly it comes over mostly as "I'm awesome, I'm not the flawed one here - those who don't reply are rude and ungrateful." At no point do the whiners wonder whether they're not good enough. There's very little self-reflection and quite a lot of blaming others.

Otherwise, agree entirely, TheBlackWizards smiley
9 years

Nothing more disheartening

Look, it's a numbers game. If there were 10 women for every man on this site (I assume the OP is talking about females he's messaged, but I could be wrong) you wouldn't care or notice if half of them didn't message back.

It's unfortunate for the OP that he feels disheartened but Loopytheone and Murphy and all the others who have given reasons why people might not reply are right.

Don't be the whingeing little kid. It comes across as self-absorbed. And it does sound "entitled" when you say people could at least give you the respect of acknowledging you. You are expecting a response from them to a message they didn't ask to receive. You've got to get over that attitude, shrug, consider your approach and tactics, evaluate whether or not it might be something you're doing rather than them being rude, and move on.

Give us an example of one of these messages that's not been responded to and maybe you might get some constructive help?
10 years
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