I remember being home alone and taking off my shirt and eating an entire box of crackers in an effort to get fatter. I stood turned to the side and saw my stomach sticking out and it made me happy! I was very pasty and pale and flabby and I loved my blubbery rolls and folds. I won't say how I old due to parameters of this website/respectI was but pretty damned early, it started!
1 month
I shaved a few days ago after years of not doing it and my face is super fat, i thought i didn't had a double chin just a bloated face but as soon as my face hair started growing back i noticed the outline of the giant double chin forming
that's hot lol
1 month
I was passing in between the wall and the electric piano, like I've done for years and...the gap got small, I guess! I had to gather up the fat on my abdomen to squeeze by. Wow, I put on weight!
I moved the electric piano a few more inches away from the wall.
1 month
I like calling it a "kink" as a "fetish” implies (for me, maybe not for you) that “I need this to become aroused and to acheive a climax.”
A kink to me means i can enjoy a partner who is tiny-tiny, and i will enjoy her flat belly, tiny boobs, her weight of “almost nothing” and you can pick her up and carry her to the bedroom and it's hot and sexy.
I also enjoy a partner who is enormously obese, with beautiful blaps of fat hanging everywhere, someone who is huge and heavy and fills my bed in a most delightful way, and just getting lost in their MASS, so delightful, so sexy and so satisfying. "My big girl!"
1 month
mine comes from the Looney Tunes cartoon "Hobo Bobo." In this cartoon, Bobo is an elephant who dreams of leaving the circus to become a star in Hollywood.😁
2 months
Lexi...was overwhelming. i didn't know what to do with all those pounds. She was a little over 400 and short, so it was like being a mountain climber! Strange but what I remember most isn't her belly, which hung almost to her knees, but these dozens of light, gentle silver stretch marks on her shoulders and where her arms met her torso. I thought they were so sweet and sexy and a sign of gaining. I also liked the way she kissed me, I assume she liked mine as well. One hopes! We didn't actually have sex, just rolled around in bed and it was so explosive. She started out at around 150 chubby pounds and...oh, my!
2 months