Forcefeeding/being forcefed

I'd love to be blackmailed into obesity 😈
6 years

*post all shake recipes here*

My favorite smiley

1 cup canola oil
1 quart of cream
1 pint of ice cream

FATTENS me quick!
10 years

Hidetheabs is back!

& check out my recent gaining videos smiley
10 years

Tube feeding

easier set up! smiley or just any kind of alternation, just seeing if other people have done anything similar smiley
12 years

Tube feeding

Hey guys, I've been playing with my old protein powder containers with cream, ice cream, w/e sort of shake I've made that night and sucking it out with a plastic tube. The second time I did it I attached the tube to the bottom of the container and had it resting on the edge of my dresser so when I was in bed it would be gravity fed my shake. So my question is, how can I advance on this contraption? Has anyone done something similar? I love feeling like a little pig hooked up to a machine forcing him fatter and fatter smiley
12 years

Fall of 2012 gainer challenge

I would definitely be into doing something like this smiley Everyone still on board?
12 years

Personal project

I'm a photo student in NYC, I'm currently working on a photo project documenting my progress getting bigger, and I'm seeking some suggestions from my fellow gainers/feeders. I'm not sure how big I'd like to get, but I'd like to at least look chubby. The question is, how much bigger do I have to get to be considered chubby? There are certain physical features I'm looking to change, like my pecs looking a lot more 'moob-ish,' my thighs touching, little bit of belly over hang, and so on. I know everyone's different and that we all gain weight in other areas, but is there a general weight you guys think that I could aim for to get these physical qualities?

Currently I'm about 185 and 6'1, if that helps, also refer to my pictures too smiley Thanks!
13 years

Looking to be humiliated

I'm looking for another guy who would be interested in humiliating me, telling me how fat I've gotten, and how my former jock self would be pissed for how I've let myself go. Hit me up if you're interested!
13 years
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