
Angelique wrote:
Some people think having large breasts makes a woman stupid. Actually, it's quite the opposite: a woman having large breasts makes men stupid.

Rita Rudner


haha that´s a good one´s funny but when seeing a girl with big boobs i always try to not stare at them although sure it´s a sexy sight but i don´t want to show her she as any different effect on me cause only of big boobs .......
10 years

Looking for story

i sure read the last of your mentioned stories but i really can´t remember the name sorry ......

but i would try at deviant art i´m sure i read it there....
10 years

Gaining contracts?

hmmm....interesting ;-)

depending on the rewards maybe i couldn´t resist such a contract ^^

i would fear to much gain but at the same time would be very turned on to think about it and feel myself unable to resist to fullfil that contract if it is made nicely and tempting .....
10 years

Growing desire 4 humiliation?

Hmmm...yes that´s funny when I´m the slim one i would love to tease a chubbier girl or a girl where i realize some gains ^^

But if i get a little chubby i tend to like beeing teased for my hmm....lack of control over myself or my slipping control as i always stayed fit and slim at least before ....

So since i tend to not let anything out of control even my feelings i somehow long for some girl make me so crazy about gaining sex and letting go maybe even become a little naughty cause of her nice /naughty teasing it just happens that i loose control over my feelings action or even weight gain .....

as a generelly very (at least i think ) good person with nearly now bad behavior i somehow feel a turn on when thinking about a girl who could be able to break my totla control over myself and get a bit bad in her eyes (gaining weight or beeing more naughty and emotional just cause of her )

In each case if that ever happens i really know that´s the right girl for me cause i won´t let that happening to me just by accident or some girl at all

maybe that´s the kink on that ......

giving someone you love control over you just to see (and maybe even be a little shocked ) what she can make me do cause it´s her who enables that behavior in me.....

So she can somehow control your emotions and make them extrem by making me more chubby but teasing me cause i just innocent enough to let myself become even more chubby although i know she likes to tease me .......

hard to explain everything that is involved but

for me it´s ahving another person make you do things you would be in fear of and as a normally very balanced person concerning emotions it would be the rollercoaster of feelings i nearly never experienced

Ehmm jsut ask if what i wrote was to confusing since i know i tend to write very confusing sometimes ;-)
10 years

Cage fetish

ohkey the hensel and gretel situation somehow ^^

Although the idea is nice i would love to have a situation where you fit through a very narrow space in a girls kitchen maybe between a big fridge and some table .....
and you can just get through but after she made you eat a lot you are having difficulties fitting through on your way back...
you have to lift your belly over the table to fit through .....

for example ^^
10 years

Almost exposed

oh an interesting experience ^^

and nice u asked him afterwards if it hurted ^^
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

hehe nicely drawn ^^
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

Here's another thought. What if the doctor actually got turned on by how much weight you've gained?[/quote]

Oh well ^^ that would be more than hot haha

Realizing this female doc likes it and then go there more often , too shock or impress this sexy female doctor even maybe she tells me she is worried and makes me do some exercises to compare to later in the next meeting :-) and even measurements oh that would be hot a smart girl or female trying to give you false tipps on how to eat cause she sees you want to get chubbier and doctors are all for pleasing the patient wasn´t it like that ? ;-)
10 years