
I've messaged Zoey24 asking her for more info about what happened.
6 years

Fake females thread 3

alissbonython 8 months,

Joed had this one earlier too, same stolen pics and the like. Have given him a day off with a warning.
6 years

Definite underagers banned

ola 2 weeks,

Admitted to ChubbyJ433 that she is only 14.

Well essentially this kind of annoying person was messaging me with some stupid storry, etc
But then when I was talking with them further
This supposed female told me that she was 14 years old

Account suspended.

Edit: ola got annoyed:

I am 34 and I am not sending you my personal details because other companies have taken away money from my account and found out personal info.

Could you please tell me who reported me,



Could please tell me who told you I was underage.

Honestly I am not underage.

I am 34 and I take it offensively that you think I am underage.

It is rude especially since I am not.

I thought you were a great website and I was going to recommend it to my friends but now I won't.

Can you delete my account please so no one scams me.

Jmickey (who is sad you think I am underage)

I am not underage and i would love to prove it to you but the last time I did that I got scammed so please trust me and tell me who said I was underage.
Honestly I just wanna have fun chatting, be fatter, have a feeder and encourage others to grow.
If you do not allow me i will get revenge. so please.

Revenge eh? Nice. I deleted their account as per their second message and let them know, and they said 'thanks' in response. Good enough I suppose.
6 years


I recognise his profile photo but I don't know why. I'll check my notes when I get home and see if I wrote anything about him. IP is Ashburn, Virginia.

Edit: It was only for some minor things, he was being rather vacant when he was hitting on women before, and one day he also made conversation like an idiot by bringing up the German refugee controversy saying there weren't any women for white guys since they'd all fallen for the Muslim refugees. He didn't pick a fight over it though, was just brainless.
6 years

Currently listening to

Justice - D.A.N.C.E
6 years


Have attempted to help him change his ways through giving him a harder ban message and other suggestions, and I have ordered him to stay away from yoshiko. Normally I would have been gentler, but his behaviour is seriously concerning especially if he's done this years ago too.

We cannot have a member harass and be abusively manipulative towards women this way. He will never get a relationship if he keeps acting like this as well, which I have also pointed out to him

Hi ArchonWhisky/KainTheFeeder,

It has been reported to us by multiple women that you have harassed them by claiming that they are your girlfriend/etc after talking to them right away, and when they rejected you, you have turned hostile and harassed them telling them to leave the website, with statements such as below:

Before: "youre my girlfriend now, tell me all about yourself and lets date" "well im really clingy so good luck getting rid of me"
After: "***ing creeper"

Before: ".youre my wife forever and ever lean the seat back ...I LOVE YOU ...i just want to be noticed by you 😢 ...i really would like to marry you 😢 ...please marry me 😢 ...please I'll do anything to be with you 😢"
After: "Leave fantasy feeder no one needs you here or wants you 😒
You're a bitch 😒 hope you leave fantasy feeder again and stay off since you're rude 😒"

Unfortunately, this is a clear case of abusive behaviour towards these women, which we cannot tolerate. Attempts to make a person into your partner via coercion is unethical and will only result in you being rejected. Healthy relationships also do not start with one partner being clingy and repeatedly begging and pleading with the other person to become their partner as well. Please avoid this conduct in the future for both the benefit of yourself and others.

Also if a woman rejects you, please move on and talk to other members instead of contacting them and harassing them, and attempting to force them off the website. It has also come to our attention that you have been making false claims of harassment towards these women who have rejected you, which is also inappropriate and an abuse of the report system. Please avoid doing so again.

Unfortunately as a result of your overall conduct, your account has now been suspended for one week. Upon your return, please try to avoid this behavior to promote a more harmonious browsing atmosphere, or otherwise you risk becoming blacklisted from Fantasy Feeder. Changing your behaviour will bring you more positivity and enjoyment as well.
respect others
Please be courteous and respectful to other members at all times. Do not post anything that is rude, insulting or offensive and don't be deliberately antagonistic. Avoid posting in all CAPITALS or all bold letters as this can be interpreted as aggressive behaviour.

We also ask that you please refrain from further contact with yoshiko. They do not wish to talk with you, so please respect their personal wishes as such. You cannot contact them in any way, including PMs, chat, comments on photos/videos/profiles, or even via shouts, or you risk being blacklisted from Fantasy Feeder. Please talk to other members instead and enjoy your time with them.

Kind regards,
FF Moderation Team
6 years


Alright, a couple of things, despite apparently deleting his account, he came back again right away as ArchonWhisky and started harassing a woman again in the exact same way he did yoshiko. I've given him a week off for his severe conduct.

ArchonWhiskey 2 hours,

Claims that goshbgosh was harassing him, but gave no context as to how. User goshbgosh came to me in chat to tell me about this other user that was harassing her in chat, but by the time I went to check on the name, they deleted the account. At the same time, this ArchonWhiskey account was made. He told her to leave FF if she wasn't going to be friends with him and some other such nonsense.
Just wanting to make a note of it here in case he does this again.

ArchonWhi... 6 hours
profile: Harassment
goshbgosh 7 hours
profile: This person, after blocking them, made another account to message me more than once, and called me a "b*tch" over messages because I did not want to socialize with them or talk to them. Also was told by them that I should leave the website because I would

Secondly after seeing his new name, I've confirmed he was on here in the past for a couple of years as the_fallen_archon/Lord_Kain_Night, so I'm linking his past conduct here:
beware_of_night 14 Sep 2013 20
The_Fallen_Archon lord_cain_night@***.com 11 Sep 2013 20

Judging by the emails and IP, it's clearly the same guy. The_Fallen_Archon has been suspended for a week with his other account banned.

From the looks of it, he did the exact same thing all those years ago, accusing women of sexual harassment and the like when they reject him. Looks like he even accused Ruby once too.

TOUCHE`!I just finally reread this whole thread.This jerk doesn't have a leg to stand on.He was NEVER "FORCED" to pay any money so he's out of luck.Most lawyers only deal with things where monetary gain can be achieved & there is NONE of that here.Anyone who would accuse eve or hotashell of sexual harassment needs teir head examined!I say good riddance to bad rubbish!

eve was Ruby.

He's been acting up again today under his new account, LONELY STONER. Same whiny clingy harassment he's at, he said he has no friends so that's why he's poorly socialised, but he's learned nothing from 3 years ago clearly.

LONELY STONER 2 months ago,
6 years


-looks at the IP and email- It's Kain. Updating his topic with this.
6 years


And another from him:
6 years