Bhm: power, wealth and success

Hmm, I’ve never thought of it in a sense of material power, but I have thought of it in a sense of physical presence.

I have always been a small guy, short and thin, so part of the attraction of weight gain, especially when I was younger was about “being big”. I always kind of wanted to be a big strong imposing person, the opposite of what I have always been, and weight gain always seemed like a plausible method to achieve such a goal.

I think it stems back to instincts, even further back in history from what you’re talking, I think it’s like cave men. Wanting to be the biggest, baddest person in the cave, being able to look after and protect the family against anything and just being admired for your obvious size and superiority.

Although obviously it’s different for everyone, it is interesting to think about the reasons for our attraction. smiley
13 years

How to get a outie??

lol looks like GuyWithTheHair is on fire in this thread, you should use this instead of your dating ad to attract chics. smiley
13 years

Why do dudes on this site

Because all dudes are here for chubby chics...

Not to mention being attracted to chubby chics prevents you from having any interaction with any other type of chic...

13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

SuperFelix wrote:
FlowerGoddess wrote:
Maximum wrote:
Can I just say, for like the thousandth time lol, that anyone, man or woman, who encounters someone on this site who is rude or disrespectful, could you PLEASE inform the mods.

The more people who do this rather then just ignore it, will mean we'll be better able to pinpoint the worst offenders and remove them from our happy little community. smiley

Hi, I was just curious if you mean this thread is considered disrespectful. If so I will take it down if its possible to do so and apologize if I've offended anyone.

The other way around.

It is impossible for the mods to know wich members are morons if we don't tell them.

We as a community has a responsibility to report those who aren't sincere and/or out to hurt nice people.

What he said. smiley
13 years

Pregnant dressup

Dressing up is awesome, but I dress up as fat, not as pregnant.
13 years

Gainerism - what should i do?

What you are talking about is something many gainers have to deal with.

For myself personally, I know the attraction comes from the actual process of weight gain, going from small to big and bigger, rather then any final number or size, so if I was ever to pursue it purely for a sense of satisfaction, I think I'd end up gaining forever.

If you think this is the case with you, then you need to be more realistic about it. Consider “maximum weights” and such, not as goals that you’d be happy reaching, but as points that you’d rather not go past due to how it would affect your life.

Given the opinion of your fiancé, that shouldn’t be too hard to sort out, lol. Just be aware that when you do reach them, you may want to continue gaining. In which case, rather then impulsively following the desire, make sure you re-evaluate your previous gain, your current weight and how further weight would effect you.

I think this is a point where a lot of people blur the line between fantasy and reality; of course it sounds fun to just give into the idea of gaining and growing indefinitely, but it’s not that simple, especially when you start heading into super sized weights.

I wouldn’t worry too much though, you’re aware of it now before you have even really started, which should help you keep things in perspective. Ultimately, you should just enjoy it though, I’m sure between yourself and your fiancé you’ll be able to keep it under control. smiley
13 years

Attention whores !!!

Funny, I thought more girls would have commented on this, I know a few who feel the same frustrations.
13 years

Rants & raves...

The disappearing thing I think happens equally to both men and women.

Its just part of being in an online world, sometimes real life takes priority and it’s just not possible to keep in contact with people who you don't see everyday.

I know it’s not fun, its like being virtually stood up, but I think you have to learn not to take it personally and just accept that it is something that can and will happen when communicating online.

Besides, it’s their loss anyway. smiley
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

Can I just say, for like the thousandth time lol, that anyone, man or woman, who encounters someone on this site who is rude or disrespectful, could you PLEASE inform the mods.

The more people who do this rather then just ignore it, will mean we'll be better able to pinpoint the worst offenders and remove them from our happy little community. smiley
13 years