Anyone else disturbed by the incestuous feederism stories?

The site can post anything it's legal to post.

If it were my site, though, I would ban erotic stories involving children. I think it gives feedism a bad name, suggesting that we endorse or encourage that kind of stuff. There is also the possibility that people would be inspired to make such fantasies a reality. I don't believe kids should be intentionally fattened or even allowed to fatten themselves and would keep that stuff off the site.

Incest stories that are limited to consenting adults I would personally find creepy but would not ban them.

I'd also not allow stories that endorse stealth feeding. I wouldn't post how-to manual on practices I consider abusive.

Just as a heads up about the story rules:

We do not allow stories of any kind that involve characters that are underage whether it touches on incest themes or not. All stories here should contain characters that are 18 or above.

Rule 10 - No child abuse

No pictures or videos of anyone under 18 years old. Any written content should respect minors at all times, but certainly: no stories about anyone younger than 18 years old; no stories in which a minor appears to suffer due to their weight; no descriptions of genitals or female breasts; no description of any sexual act involving a minor.

If anyone spots stories involving minors, they should be highlighted to us, as this is against site rules. Either contact a mod directly or use the report abuse tool on the actual story content *The Flag* Icon.

FF Team
2 years

Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

What would be a typical time commitment?
the opposite end of how much or little?

Hi, and thanks for your question!

It really depends on how quickly you get used to the site sections as reviewing content is usually what takes up most of the admin time.

If you are responsible for only 1 content section and 1 forum - then I would say it would take no more than around 30mins a day.

It also depends on what content section you would be checking, for example the picture section takes longer as it is a popular section with many uploads.

We find its best for a daily log in and quick check to keep on top of things. If you only come to the site a couple times a week that's fine, but when you log on it might take you a little longer to catch up.

I will be trying to assign multiple mods to most sections so we have cover, or if sections are busy then there is proper support and backup.

I hope that helps!

Thanks for everyone who has shown interest so far. I will wait until early next week to get in touch with you all just to give people a chance to see the thread and respond.

FF Team
2 years

Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

Hi folks,

As you may be aware we are currently looking for some new moderators to join our team!

If you're a regular on the site and have some spare time to help out then we would love to hear from you!

As a moderator you will be responsible for keeping the site an enjoyable place by monitoring forums, chat, and site sections, ensuring the site rules are followed.

Moderator Tasks:

* Monitoring forums and help to resolve disputes in chat.

* Welcoming people in chat, and keeping the chat lively and on topic.

* Reporting issues to site owner / mod team.

* Checking site sections and removing content that is inappropriate.

* Issuing Warnings /Bans

* Ad Hoc tasks - This could be if we introduce a new site feature that needs testing etc...

All of this helps the site run as smoothly as possible and keeps Fantasy Feeder an enjoyable space for our Feedism community.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in. Leave a quick comment below and we will be in touch!


FF Team
2 years

Online / website visit counter in user profile

Hi FeedMeCakex,

Thank you for your suggestion regarding the last online status.

We can certainly consider making this a feature that can be excluded via profile settings. I will pass along your suggestion.

Thank you!

FF Team
2 years

Deleted messages / banned users should not count as a message view???

Hi Pudge Princess,

Thank you for raising this with us.

I agree with you that a message that has been unable to be read due to the profile no longer existing should not take up one of your message views.

When someone deletes there account or has been banned from the site, the information and content relating to there profile is removed. Which is why you can not see the message text.

We need to look into this by either looking to remove the message from the message list in the receivers inbox or by ensuring messages that are not able to be viewed don't come off the counter.

Apologies that has happened to you, it is a flaw with the messaging system that we do intend to fix.

Thank you,
FF Team
2 years