At what point does a feeder become uninterested...

I think it depends on the feeder. Some need to keep feeding at all times, and when the feedee stops gaining, it is time for the feeder to find the next feedee. Sadly, I know of a woman who gained to over 600 pounds, wanted to stop. Her feeder dumped her, and she was unable to take care of herself. She decided to have weight loss surgery, and died from it.

Other feeders can be happy to fatten a feedee to a certain point and then enjoy the results when the feedee stops.
6 years

Tight clothing

Some people lose weight accidentally. But the clothes may be out of style. Perhaps you will meet someone who will fit into the clothes?
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

I think the cheerleader story has been over-done. It is so used for fiction, that it is hard to believe it when someone says it happened in real life. As far as gaining a large amount of weight in a short time, there are usually underlying factors, such as regaining lost weight. Being depressed in itself can cause a weight gain because of hormonal reasons. If you add that to overeating, a quick gain can happen. A history of extreme dieting can cause a quick gain too.
6 years

Scammers and scams. a forum post.

Going on a website, and sending money to someone you have never met before is opening yourself up to being scammed. Some people asking for money may be legit. Some may be men pretending to be women, some may be married women, some may be thin people with no intention to ever gain. It's like gambling. Just assume that the money you spend will probably be lost. If you expect a big return from it, you're going to be disappointed. There really is no reason to point out scammers, because if you don't want to lose money, then don't send it to anyone.
6 years

Anyone else feel like they don't quite fit in here?

A lot of us don't quite fit in here. I am a married 67 year old male, on a website with a lot of younger single people. Unlike most, I am not looking for romance, to meet up, etc. For decades, I have been with BBWs who hated being BBW, including my current wife. It is just so refreshing and enjoyable to see that there are women who enjoy being fat, and some that want to get even fatter. I enjoy listening to or reading their stories.
6 years

Is my body becoming resistant to gaining over time?

Weight is a very complex issue that people do not understand, especially the so called "experts." The body tries very hard to maintain a certain weight. If you eat less, it generally slows the metabolism. If you eat more, it generally raises the metabolism. So, you can try to eat less to slow your metabolism or you can eat more to make it impossible for your body to maintain your weight. But there is no guarantee that it will work. Some people were just mean to be thin, some were meant to be fat.
6 years

Anybody know how common fas are?

There are a lot of variables. Someone may like people who are 10-20 pounds more than average, others may like people who are 300 pounds more than average. It also depends if a person is OK with being fat as opposed to requiring someone to be fat.
6 years

Coworkers talking about weight loss

Well, if you are significantly bigger than they are, you can say that you used to be their size, then you dieted and it slowed your metabolism. If that doesn't get them to change the conversation, just keep on talking. Say how they will get used to being your size, etc.
6 years

Booty gains...

Everyone has male and female hormones. Sometimes men have more female hormones than the typical male. Or you may just genetically have a big butt, and if you were a woman, it would have really been huge.
6 years

Scooters at grocery stores

Of course not. People can suffer all sorts of issues that may or may not be related to their weight, whether high or low. I'm just saying that the people who ran my previous places of employment were morons (and I'll bet most places anywhere else), and just because there's a higher demand for scooters does not mean they will have the brains to then supply more scooters. One such place was Walmart, a business more than capable of purchasing more scooters, but lacking the sense to provide them. Therefore, if someone perfectly healthy or not intentionally gains 200 lbs and aches all over as a direct result, I don't have sympathy and that's not fair to those who are less able through no fault of their own. In no way do I mean to imply that all fat people are just rude and lazy. But it happens.

I would not count on anyone at Walmart having any sense at all.
6 years