Fantasy of being weighed.

hehe nothing more sexy then a girl in underwear standing on a scale maybe having to bend down (what is not so easily anymore with this new accumulated rollof pudge when trying to bend down)

and looking in mock surprise or a little real shock and at the same time having this how wet feeling between her thighs enoying it the sme time ;-)
10 years

Art by toni tails


haha sorry your pic is nice and i generally love sayings like this but .....that´s totally wrong my dear you generally say a mind is less complicated then a body muhahaha:-)

but i appreciate the endeavor ;-)
10 years

What's your personality type?

Extravert(56%) iNtuitive(75%) Thinking(1%) Perceiving(11)%

You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (56%)
You have distinctive preference of Intuition over Sensing (75%)
You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%)
You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (11%)

Hmmm that´s absolutely not right for me in the case of thinking as i tend to think really deep and often i guess i´m kind of very contradictional in many things so that test can´t really figure me out as it is hard for myself , too :-)
10 years

Just found out about oil...

OnyxStar wrote:
I think both are correct actually. From what all I have read fat requires very minimal energy to digest, then next I think are carbs at around 4, and after that protein comes about 8 and fiber (if it even gets digested as you have soluble and insoluble)
Lately, I have paid attention to combinations. I noticed I did start gaining weight when I would eat consume fat with carbs (sugar or starch). Then I found some different studies online. One in particular had three groups of rats. One fed all carbs (sugar form), one fat, and one a combination of both. All three did gain, but over the course of a few weeks, the metabolism adjusted to the intake of the fat and carb group. The combo group however did not adjust and they gained the most while brain chemistry changed to prefer those foods over traditional fare.--- who wouldnt prefer something that tastes good over something bland? Lol

Anyway, Im havent researched what would be the optimal ratio for gaining. Perhaps it just depends. I think fat is very effective in reaching that 3500 cal excess to make a pound, its much easier to do that with say, cream, (800 cals a cup) versus something like potatoes just because of the bulk then again fat alone has a tendency to satiate. It does get tricky also because carbs (especially refined carbs) trigger a release of insulin which then decides if the glucose goes to fat cells or muscle (sorry if I missed sone steps lol) - hence why the low carb craze actually worked ( just made me feel like crap).... Thank goodness those days are over smiley -insulin triggering hunger also explains why time and time again, diet soda drinkers, or any artificial sweetener consumers, usually end up gaining. Studies say that once we start to consume a sweet calorie deficient treat, it sends a signal for the body to produce insulin, which again, starts trying to convert stuff to fat-and increases hunger.

But yeah, carb + fat seem to be the way to go (for me at least) i usually try to combine both in each meal. It seems to be working. Then again, as stated above, nutrition changes like the weather.

Yep, I love science ... At least when it comes to gaining

wow you seem to know lots of things about food adn gaining and all sorts of connections in between it sure would be a sexy endeavor having you as a gf ^^
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

Oh I would definately sign up for beeing your personal trainer then hehe and pinch adn tease you for getting chubby during my fitness regimen for you little fatty ^^.

How could you gain even more chubb grabing those soft plush lovehandles developping on your sides ;- grinning evilly aND making new measurements to see the damage ^^ :

i REALLY CAN´T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU GIRLS JUST GAIN SO EASILY AND GET CHUBBY TSTS poking and pinching your belly rolls ^^ i wonder if it would be better i follow you every day and eat what you eat and see for myself how this can be happening to you ;-)

and prove to you that it´s not hard to losse a few gained pounds after aybe gaining due to your eating habits i would try for a while ^^......
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

weighting4u wrote:
I guess part of my fantasy involves someone wanting to get me back in shape, like a trainer. And part of it is someone who wants to make me fat and lazy. That's why the idea of gaining and then losing with a partner appeals to me. Challenging ourselves to let ourselves go for a few months and then trying to lose all the weight so we can do it all again. I think the transformation from fit to overweight is really exciting to see.

Yeah yeah exactly that!!!

That would be very sexy i like this kind of challenge indeed and having a partner in this sexy endeavor ^^ would just be the sexiest thing happening somehow to overtalk the other gaining more and having then enough pudge to tease your partner badly and play with each others strong will maybe a bit mhmmmmmmmmmm....^^:-)
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

Oh those are both some nice fantasies ^^

Although i like the first a little more

i think those old scales are funnier to weight cause the needle is going for a nd back and hehe it´s like still you can hope oh i haven´t gained so much only to be shocked a little seeing the needle stayig in at more that you thought ^^

And i would love to measure and weight you hihi and maybe even tease you a little here and there until you decide to make the smae things to me hoping for some accidental weight gain on my belly to get a little back n me ^^

2 very sexy fantasies indeed ^^
10 years


haha nice to say but you are very sexy to me^^ and cute somehow smiley
10 years

Blackmailed to gaining

oh that sounds interesting but only if you know someone nice you want to be with and she makes it secretly to fatten you up ^^

then yes :-)
10 years