
And now he's just told her that he's uploaded her videos to a porn site, just great. Is he trying to make himself as bad as her?

PrimusFeeder 5 years,
6 years


kain did more stuff today. He stalked yoshiko again and wouldn't leave her alone with this kind of stuff:

Leave fantasy feeder no one needs you here or wants you 😒
You're a bitch 😒 hope you leave fantasy feeder again and stay off since you're rude 😒

He posted a shout in caps about finding a new feeder:

KainTheFeeder 25 mins

BBWCreator82 had just finished talking to yoshiko about his abusive behavior and told people that he's nuts and people should avoid him.

BBWcreator82 3 mins
Don't do it, this guy is insane. I mean, it the all caps didn't give it away. Give him no information. For your own safety. Don't give him any information.

He screeched at Creator:

KainTheFeeder 3 mins

Then PM'd him this:

*** you bbwcreator, go die in a god damn hole ***ing man whore, the world would be better with you ***ing gone, one less *** manwhore to feed.

I was about to suspend him but he deleted his account.

Edit: Apparently he was also complaining to someone else that Creator made fun of him being mentally ill. Sorry Kain, you've been abusive, and while you might have a mental illness, it's not an excuse for abusive behaviour. Many people on FF have mental illness, myself included, and we don't do anything like that.
6 years


BiggPiggy23 9 months,

A couple of people have reported her as a scammer and PrimusFeeder came in today with some proof after a big clash in shouts. Uploading the screenshots here.

The first couple of screenshots are the most damning, where he's clearly already paid her money for her content, but then she asks for extra (which implies he already sent enough) before she sends him the vids, then says she does have them but wants to be fed first. He said he already paid and she responded "Ok bye". Unfortunately he basically threatened to blackmail her back like an idiot so it turned into a brawl and then she ended it with saying she wasn't being serious about the money (yeah right) and that he was being unfair the other day.
6 years


Blah blah blah from him again. Thanks for taking him out.
6 years

Bhm equivalent to

The closest thing I can think of is ffambrosia, which is a website specfically for FFAs and BHMs.
6 years


And some more:

Please pay no mind to this guy. He is a known troll on here and we have no idea how he hasn't been banned already. He admits that he just makes new profiles to mess with us though. Absolutely no other contributions but the trolling. Guess he's got a bad case of little dick syndrome or honestly might just have a few screws loose in the head haha.

I know what StarSmoke is doing, now she is inventing a web of lies and enjoys mentioning the word "troll" trying to grab a slice of social justice against me by getting the admin to hate me and shut me down for again simply stating the facts. I can see the game she is playing and she thinks it's working or that i can't see it Har Har Pull The Other One!

Our Dear Lady, Starsmoke hopes that I will engage with her and share insults as another poop-testing method to give her just one more excuse to silence a critic, and yet my shields are up, stronger than ever.

The rant video is coming and she does not realize the amount of verbal-ammunition that is being generated for me to use by the minute it seems.

I came here in love, peace and tranquility, to give men an education, that there are no possible dates here and women need to be abandoned if a man is to seek enlightenment.

it's almost as if I'm shining my guiding light, exposing the truth. it;s not like the truth wasn't pretty or enticing, it's just that

beauty is only skin deep.

The more red pills i can share with the community, the more men will be saved.

if i have not educated you any further StarSmoke then you're just a lost cause.

this guy needs my help and by god by the sword, I shall spread the good news: what good news you ask?

the juice aint worth the squeeze.

pro tip - online feeder roughly translates to: I want a simp to hotwire money to me because i suffer from princess syndrome, please worship me beta males - it's a trap. Walk Away.
givemestuff 2 hours
6 years


I've gotten rid of him again because he's still aggravating other members and he's only here to troll. Will add more later. I know it's James again, he's using all the same language as before and his IP is pointing at Monmouth. Example:

givemestuff: 'it doesn't work like that, not for me. it might do if you are a simp or beta male, but ive noticed the guy pages go down 334 to 332, more men are waking up to what's happening... and leaving.'

fatterfantasy: 'Wondering whats happening with the females here, page number is down from 166 to 162 seems to be more frequent this year and i havnt seen a good full body and face picture for months'

It was definitely him.

Other trolling from him:

There are some good, bad and plain ugly replies here, I can't dignify everything I would like to say in a single post so I'm thinking I could post a video on it instead so I can address every thing I want to say to everyone so far.

Also it's not like im poor or ugly, i'm not going to brag too much but i've walked into bars and stolen girlfriends off dude's. My presence was enough to cause drama. Imagine when I have something structured I want to say. Also I have ?2000 in disposable savings created in the space of 3 months. not bad I would say.

without writing too much so the lady and anyone else who "doesn't read past this point" let me break it down for you

It's not that I can't afford a woman, it's that I'm not going to if there's nothing in it for me, and a video or a picture doesn't cut the cake i'm afraid, nor does 10, 20, 100. It's simply never going to be good enough. It's not as if I fancy fivehundred or starsmoke anyway, I am a man of high principles and you can't take away what i'm not willing to give if i don't get something real and tangible in return

I know starsmoke can keep dragging up the point of me being a troll, but i've kept my calm and not called anyone names or done anything other than make an honest observation

so you can wait for the "vlog" and I shall post it here. but if you are offended by me and my points i've raised, that's your problem. I regret nothing.

I shall have the video prepared soon so in the meantime i will sit back with my coffee and watch the thread blow-up as it has done.

have a nice day and watch this space.

Well buddy.. you'll really like my recent post about the Gold Digging that goes on, not just here, but many different sites, especially any particular big lady that goes to great effort to point out her clips4sale page. (yay.......not) I often have to clear some rage by doing some press ups when that happens, but oh well.

It's something that I knew already and strongly suspected... but I just needed confirmation of my worst fears that large women are more interested in getting money for food and eating it than getting a partner. That seems to be a concept dead in the water.

these ladies set this precedent long ago. It may be time to swallow the red-pill and embrace a life of isolation, solitude and celibacy.

Even superman has a fortress of solitude.. I would highly recommend that you find your own, save your money and enjoy the decline.

cus i know when the majority of men are gasping for their last breath in the gutters of #metoo the smart men like me will be laughing all the way to the bank,

6 years


givemestuff 1 month,

Title: premium content is encouraging gold diggers
I understand i'm going to get hate for this, however i've been here for years in the background, the same guy as ever, never been into weight gain, just came to see the content. No point uploading since I'm the wrong gender, got very little views and see that almost all female profiles ask for feeder, not boyfriend. say they are married and not looking. but back to the point

i am noticing there is a sense of increased effort to grab money. I get the sense that women here have the "fries before guys" attitude- but such attitude begs the question if you don't want guys then you don't want my money since i'm a guy, Oh no wait you JUST want my money, and not me
it doesn't work like that, not for me. it might do if you are a simp or beta male, but ive noticed the guy pages go down 334 to 332, more men are waking up to what's happening... and leaving.

if you want my money then you agree on my terms that i have some physical interaction on an individual level... thats a perfectly reasonable expectation.

I think the owners realize the "upgrade" feature never became popular as hoped, i know people need to pay their Food bills (obviously) rent and whatever else, all well and good
However now the owners are giving too much power to the females to choose if they make what (was) free content under a limit, hide behind a paywall, it just ends up coming off as a greedy and heartless ploy to force payment.

Im not going to pay unless i have some sort of physical presence and/or understanding of forming a relationship. its quite troll worthy (to me) to think a guy is just going to be your invisible wallet. i'm far too WOKE for that.

for me pictures and video is only a bridge to greater things as far as dating/relationship it's not a substitute, like prawn cocktail, you can't eat enough of it to feel full, but it has a nice taste ........

as one of the regular viewers, it just confirmed my greatest fears - women only put out quality content when they get paid to. the videos are now suddenly minutes long instead of 3 seconds. all of this is really quite telling on the feminist mentality of "EFF YOU PAY ME" and further driving a wedge between guys who DO like bigger women, The bbw/ssbbw scene will die off with that way of thinking and i may even consider walking away possibly going full mgtow.

what a typical gold digger is not going to understand is this one simple thing: I'm not paying for you if I don't even get to see you in person and talk to you and experience reality with you. I don't get paid to watch your videos or look at your photos, women should be grateful, instead they moan about not being paid for non-difficult photography and videography.

the whole thing is absurd, im just about ready to walk away. I can already see the gold diggers emerging with premium content enabled, at least i know who to avoid.

givemestuff 7 hours
My post regarding gold diggers and premium content caused an avalanche of mass triggering, its just proves i am correct at this point. and yes my username is a low-frequency dig at the mentality here, in pa

This guy said a few suspicious phrases like 'beta males', 'mgtow', 'far too WOKE', 'triggering' and 'women should be grateful' which triggered my James radar. His profile says US but I checked his IP and:

City: Monmouth
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Country Code: GB

I've got a pretty good feeling that this is Jamesy back again and he's pissed off at premium content going up that he doesn't want to pay for. He's also given particular notice towards page numbers of content in the past so that alerted me when he also said that the page numbers of male members have gone down. I doubt they have.
6 years


PLEASEswallowMEwhole 17 mins,
Lilboy4BIGhungryBELLY 3 hours,
VOREboy4BELLY 6 hours,

Instead of waiting a few more hours to get back online, he just made three accounts all on the same day to get back on. Have given him a week off for multiple accounts.
6 years

Burned by ex, freaking out over fetish

What BBWCreator82 said, basically. I'll add that it also all boils down to the fact that the guy kept pushing it on you when you weren't in the mood. Many people on here aren't always horny for it 24/7. Dude's sex-drive was way too high and he just ran roughshod over you without considering that you might have had a lower drive than him. Heck, it's a problem in life that goes far beyond the fetish - it often plagues vanilla's.

You're not a monster in any way at all. I myself have had the best times talking to people who haven't been constantly horny too. The fact that people here can be chill and not always talk about the fetish was what appealed to me about this site originally... and I'm sure I'm far from alone there.
6 years