Best way to break a plateau?

From my experience it’s best to cut calories when hitting a plateau and to keep on doing this for a week (perhaps even two weeks). Say if you consumed 4000 calories every day, you should cut that down to 1500 or something. When I went back to 4000 calories again something happened and I’ve been gaining more and more weight ever since.

That doesn't cause your capacity to shrink?

It's very frustrating when my capacity doesn't increase and if I go awhile and not eat as much, capacity seems to go down somewhat.
3 years

Funnel feeding recipe?

I have two
One I used on the regular with a feedee that liked a funnel feed as part of her kink he other was as punishment to a sub I had for awhile and therefore not designed to be pleasant.

Half litre ice cream melted, two punnets cream, about 4-6 table spoons of Karo Pancake Waffle syrup, and half a container of Nutella.

< snip >


What size container of Nutella?

Can I also guess the second recipe is the one not designed to be pleasant? Seems like it might be more difficult to swallow.
3 years

Uncooked cake mix?

Someone here mentioned risk and danger involving consuming uncooked flour, of which is a component of cake mix. He also mentioned heat treating it somehow.

But I haven't heard of that anywhere else. Still may be worth trying to look into though.

The conventional wisdom is that as long as you don't use any raw eggs, it should be fine. Same thing if you eat uncooked cookie dough. Skip the eggs if the recipe calls for that, and obviously no uncooked meat (not that pastries and sweets contain meat anyway).
3 years

What’s your everyday gluttony?

Every night my wife makes an entire pan of pizza rolls that she douses with oil to make them super crispy.

What kind of oil?

Never thought of using oil on pizza rolls. Does she bake or microwave them?
3 years

Alcohol and weight gain

Alcohol alone won't do it. There's the so-called stereotypical beer gut, but there's far more too it than that.

If you ever look up calories, alcoholic beverages don't have very many. For instance, I think a bottle of Budweiser only has about 150. Guinness has even fewer calories, I believe around 125 a pint. But even if each pint is 160, and you have 3, that's only 480 calories.

Hard liquor seems to have similar numbers for a typical serving size, which while being much smaller, you also can't have as much. If you drink half a fifth of liquor, even though that's only 12.7 fl. oz., odds are you probably won't feel like eating much of anything at all.

Some cocktails may be loaded with calories, especially if they include coffee creamer or Bailey's, but the recipes sound like they'd taste terrible. So-called "chocolate martinis" also sound like an abomination.

But when it comes to booze, I'm a bit of a traditionalist, purist, and a slight snob. It's not a martini unless it's 7 parts gin (and it better be gin) to 1 part vermouth, and it damn well better have an olive on a toothpick, or a lemon twist in it. And if you don't drink bourbon or scotch straight (or "neat" so not even ice), it's not worth drinking at all.

I also find that beyond the first drink at dinner, alcohol doesn't compel me to eat. If anything, I'm far less likely to eat and snack while drinking alcohol.

Some folks are different though, and find they are more likely to eat while drinking.

I drink alcohol for the taste and the buzz it gives me, but as a way to get calories it's a terrible, inefficient, and rather costly way of doing that on it's own.

That's just my experience has been with booze so far. And despite drinking I've been horribly underweight before, so that's a bit of a counterexample.

Drinking is not a guarantee that you'll be overweight or obese.
3 years

Dangers of quarantine

So I've currently found myself out of work for a little while due to new policies at work. I've worked throughout the entire pandemic thus far, and watched lockdown and quarantines cause nearly everyone to plump up quite a bit. Meanwhile I've been doing manual labor and only getting more and more in shape. For the first time I'm spending my days at home, atleast for another two weeks. Part of me is curious to see what kind of damage a determined feeder or mutual gainer could do to my physique in that time. Any female feeders who wanna see what they can do to a suddenly sedentary athlete contact me 😛

Any chance of getting a desk job, either in an office or telecommuting?
3 years

Clothing as you grow

Here's a thought that may not work for everyone, but may work for some. The psychological effect will of course vary from one person to another.

Get clothes that are somewhat too big for you.

If I use clothes that fit a little snugly, that kind of makes me think that I'm already a decent size and don't need more, which is opposite of the intended effect.

So, you'd want to get clothes that are slightly too big. It's a subtle reminder that you're still too thin and that you need to eat more.

While my rate of gain has slowed or even sometimes plateau'd somewhat (likely the result of certain external stress factors), I've noticed that so far, if I get larger clothes, I will eventually gain and expand, however quickly or slowly, until they too are snug.

For men, you'd need belts or suspenders since the waist will be too loose. Fortunately, women have the option of a dress.

But if this suggestion doesn't work for you, that's fine too. I know some folks interpret the snug feeling differently, as a reason and encouragement to gain more.
3 years

Size up in jeans?

How many pounds do I have to gain to move up a Jean size? I’m currently a 31 at 160lbs and 5’10, looking to eventually fill out a 33.

This question doesn't seem to have a clear answer.

It may be possible to guessimate with linear regression or multiple regression, but that requires a lot of information that so far as I know, doesn't really exist since the sample size is far too small.

In particular, I would need a lot of gainers (male and female) to very regularly measure various measurements over time. I'm also not sure how one might account for genetics. For example, some women are just plain more bottom heavy than others.

Your best best might be the various body visualizers you can find online. However, they too are largely inexact. Though when you adjust one measurement on one, they'll usually compensate the other measurements to match the specified weight, which might get it a little closer.

Regardless, one thing that's clear is there isn't a fixed number. It would take more and more weight, with every additional inch.

To really simplify things, if you consider a circle, it takes more and more area for each additional unit of circumference and especially radius. If you consider a cylinder, it takes more and more volume for each additional unit of circumference or diameter.

Perhaps the good news is that at that size, you probably don't need to gain that much more to go from 31 to 33. Getting from 36 to 38 could be potentially more difficult, and 38 to 40 means even more weight and more food.
3 years

Competitive eating training techniques? effectiveness?

Basically what the title says. I wonder if anyone here has tried any of those techniques for expanding capacity? How effective have they been?

Of course, anything you find online might warn you to use water or low calorie foods, and maybe be mindful of how often you do them in order to prevent weight gain and getting fat. Though for many/most of us here, that's precisely what we're trying to do.

Conventional wisdom is to have more calories in than out. But some of us struggle with getting enough calories in from lower capacity and/or a schedule that's not conducive to grazing.
3 years

Goals for the new year?

These are goals in no particular order.

The question asks specifically about feederism and weight gain, so I won't really touch upon other goals I might have.

I'm not setting any deadlines, since I've found it can lead to disappointment and it's certainly easier said than done.

It's more like a wish list that I think might be achievable, though some may be more difficult than others.

- Get a desk job of some sort where I can graze all day. Such a job that isn't call center (or at least doesn't require more than 25% of the time on the phone) is proving hard to find. This isn't strictly feederism related, but it's somewhat related.

- Add at least 4" to my waistline and backside.

- Finally reach, and surpass 24" thighs. This should hopefully mean my arms would also be over a foot in circumference as well since the ratio seems to be about half.

- Hopefully, and finally reach 200+. I had hoped to have done this last year. Most I've been was 170 but that didn't last long.

- At some point, I'd like to be able to eat an entire large pizza from Pizza Hut in one sitting, though I don't know if I'd be able to do this, this year.

- Try to work my way up to 2 quarts of heavy cream every week. This is much easier said than done.

Other goals, that are unlikely to be achieved in 2021:

- Reach 250 lbs.

- Get to the point where my thighs are as big around as my waist was, when I started. This will be very psychologically satisfying.
3 years