What do you bloat with?

I don't think water is dangerous if you do it properly and add sugars and salts and maybe alternate glasses of water with gatorade or similar.

See this thread for a discussion of this:


Plus it's cheap and easily available. You gotta hold on way longer than 1 pot of tea before you pee though, to see results! Don't try and drink too fast. If you get dizzy, slow down. Avoid drinking cold drinks (go for room temp or lukewarm) or you'll chill your insides down too much and start shivering from the inside out, which is unpleasant. So I guess tea is good for avoiding that (that's on the assumption you meant warm tea made from an infusion as opposed to iced tea?).

Have fun smiley
12 years

Wide calf boots

And for those of us in the UK (although I think they ship worldwide):


They do loads of styles and will send you a pair of boots for your specific calf width (up to 21 inches/ 50 cm I think).
12 years

Favorite flavor milkshake?

Alberto the Frog: "I wouldn't say no to a milkshake..... ermmmmm.... lime please"

This thread is like an episode of Bod.
12 years


rubyripples wrote:
[quote]Also, remember I'm a Mod on the site and i've been here for six years. I've been a shoulder to cry on for many members who have been drawn in and lied to. If you suspect the person you are chatting with isn't who or what they claim to be, give me a pm or talk to me in chat. I won't give out any private member info, I am very strict about confidentiality.

Thank you Ruby and the other mods who provide this invaluable service voluntarily and out of your own free time smiley Not everyone may agree with every Moderator decision ever made on this site, but vigilant & where necessary kind moderation makes this site feel totally different to other sites.
12 years

Five foods you cant...

NeptuneFA13 wrote:
foxglove wrote:
2) Spaghetti carbonara - proper, with crispy pancetta, parmesan, egg, cream & loads of black pepper

There's no cream in traditional carbonara sauce, it's the cheese and parmesan with some leftover cookingwater from the pasta. But I add cream instead of water every now and then cause it DOES taste good smiley.

I stand corrected. Thanks. And yeah, it does taste good smiley

I've realised we need a snacks list too. I couldn't do without cheesy poofs/Wotsits.
12 years

Five foods you cant...

This thread is making me hungry.

1) Grilled cheese on toast (with Branston underneath)
2) Spaghetti carbonara - proper, with crispy pancetta, parmesan, egg, cream & loads of black pepper
3) Anything that comes baked in a pie dish with a bubbling creamy cheese sauce on top or cheesy topping - lasagne, moussaka, shepherds pie, FISH PIE - OMG yes fish pie
4) prawn curry, stuffed paratha
5) Full English breakfast, has to include black pudding, bubble & squeak and fried bread.

Looking at this hi-cal list, and the absence of any salad or veg (I do like them, I just don't crave them!) is it any wonder I'm a tad curvy? haha

Dessert list would have to be separate...
12 years


the16th6toothson wrote:

and about this comment:
"Don't think I could be childfree... It's like making yourself extinct"

the human race is AWFUL, maybe it would be for the better smiley

Maybe we're just not egotistical enough to think the world can't survive without mini clones of ourselves populating it... there are far more worthy humans with way better genes than me out there who can populate the planet - and they're going to do a much better job of being a parent than I could.
12 years


JustinNasty wrote:
Not trying to hijack the thread but I couldnt imagine a life without kids smiley

Its a natural thing to want, programmed into every living thing. It'd be so fun too

Uh-oh. What, a bit like people who think it's natural to want to be slim? Programmed into us because we have to hunt and gather and run away from lions? Or maybe a bit like being heterosexual, because well, being gay ain't natural, is it?


I've never wanted kids and that's always been a constant for me. At one stage I tried to force myself to embrace the idea - mainly because of people like you saying it was normal to want kids and anyone who doesn't is a freak. I made myself thoroughly unhappy thinking I simply had to put myself and my partner through this. Luckily I realised that all that bull about it being what normal living things all want is nonsense.

Oh and as for it being "fun"? Maybe for the guy! Someone said the other day (I forget who) that they can't remember a single instance of a man saying they were worried about the effect fatherhood would have on their career.

Oh and have you heard of Kevin? Damien? The baby on Family Guy? Kids are evil, man.
12 years

Uk plus size hosiery

scrambledegg wrote:
Why are tights called Hosiery? I just keep thinking of the things you use to water plants in the Garden........

You know, like "doublet and hose".

hose (n.)
late O.E., hosa "covering for the leg," from P.Gmc. *husan (cf. O.S., O.N. hosa, M.H.G. hose "covering for the leg," Ger. Hose "trousers" ) , lit. "covering," from PIE *(s)keu- "to cover, conceal" (see hide (n.1)). O.Fr. hose, O.Sp. huesa are of Germanic origin. Sense of "flexible rubber tube for liquid" is first attested late 15c.
12 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

JellyBelly wrote:
I look demented in both of the pics but hey - what's new?

Your purple dress is fantabulous!
12 years