Be carefull with what you wish for

You can't order a woman, the way you can order a new car. You don't have any choice of where the weight goes. Some people are larger in some places than others. That is genetics. But at some point, it is likely that someone who keeps gaining is going to get big all over. I would just let her do what she wants, and either enjoy or accept the results, however she may gain.
6 years

Curing obesity?

They have been trying for years, and are not even close to a "cure." Some people were just meant to be big. And when they lose weight temporarily, the metabolism slows down to compensate for the lack of food.
6 years

Being humiliated

gym bunnie:
that is ridiculously hot

Probably more ridiculous than hot
6 years

Saggy breasts

Obviously, breasts will sag more as you gain weight, but everyone is different. I've known thin women with average breasts that sagged a lot, and I've seen some pretty obese women with perky ones.
6 years

Being forced to lose weight by doctor help & advice

I have known a lot of people who have had WLS, unfortunately some died from it. But those who did not, regained the weight. There is no long term method to lose weight and keep it off. Of course, everyone is free to try if they want. And everyone if free to believe that WLS works. But I have yet to see it.
6 years

Being forced to lose weight by doctor help & advice

Losing weight is probably one of the unhealthiest things you can do. One out 171 people get down to "normal" size and actually succeed. Everyone else ends up gaining more than they lose. Some people have to avoid certain foods, like sugar, fats or salt. Look up "health at every size." If you can't stand being told to lose weight, then gaining on purpose is not for you.
6 years

Gf wants to lose weight

As someone else has said, the loss will be only temporary. But the real problem is that you are going to be with someone who hates being fat. As you become more turned on as she regains the weight, she's going to be more miserable, and it is not fun to be with someone who is miserable.
6 years