Mind helping me out for a spel

my sincerest thanks smiley

Look's like I've got into the top 16 - so providing we can maintain this stance, qualification is in sight smiley

Keep voting all smiley
12 years

Mind helping me out for a spel

bbwildrose wrote:
done! though I was looking for a character called frevoli for ages!

12 years

Summer weigh gain results

unintentional - but I might've gained about 13lb
12 years

Quotes you like

Oscar Wilde eh? Mr "I have nothing to declare but my genius"

Churchil's quite a good one, there's the classic "Madame I am drunk, but in the morning, I shall be sober, and you'll still be ugly"

"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda

(oh, and my other one was Groucho Marx)

I like the funny ones
12 years

Quotes you like

"These are my principals, but if you don't like them I have others"
12 years

What do you want right now?

that's all I really for Christmas, this year smiley
12 years

Embarrassing secret?

one time I was at Alton Towers (UK theme park) and I was at their pool.

They've got this like rubber ring slide where the water carries you up and down.

I was going up the up bit, then stopped and went down - the water wasn't carrying me over smiley
embarrassing Before I got on, this over guy got stuck similarly, and the attendant had to got help him - which I thought looked so embarrassing and how I'd hate to need help.

So to stop the guy coming down, I like pulled myself up with the netting that was on the open air sections
12 years

Fat and height

Well I'm about 6 foot - so shorter is much more likely haha
12 years