Second lunch ideas

This isn't a personals ad.

Suppose it fits better under the "Gaining" board, though the "Stuffing" board could potentially fit.

Moved to the "Gaining" board.
3 years

Can someone please show me

I'm not sure how to best answer that question other than to poke around and explore? For the most part it seems intuitive to me, but maybe I just say that because I've been on here for a long time. But if you aren't sure, you can always reach out and ask someone.

On other message board websites, there's often a Recent Posts or Feed section. The closest thing to that would be Shouts, which combines short messages as well as just posted message board threads and replies, but does not include new pictures, new stories, or diary entries (called "gainers" on here). It's how I found this post. It may be worthwhile to make a point of checking the Shouts when you login and visit.

Clicking the Pictures section will by default show everyone in order of most recent first, but if you specify search parameters it should save that the next time you login, at least from the same device.

Hopefully something I said in here is a good starting point.
3 years

Things that piss you off when you're gaining

Oh man, where do I even start?

First of all if you order any kind of takeout, you should always ask for no ice so there's more soda or beverage. Don't worry, you'll most likely finish the beverage before it could get warm.

Anyway, a few things that I have found annoying.

Cost in General

This more applies if you were never really big before, or don't come from a family where others are pretty large. Having fat family members can help since many of the items they may have given you over the years will be fat friendly.

There's many things that could be no longer suitable beyond a certain size, and may need early replacement. Some of these items aren't the cheapest or the easiest to find.


A couch is typically going to be able to accommodate any reasonable size. The same over, can't be said about all chairs. Certain lawn chairs look a bit flimsy and I wonder if they won't buckle under even as low as 250 lbs.

Many office/desk chair offerings are also only rated for 250 lbs, which would also include clothing, items you may be holding, and possibly if anyone is sitting on your lap. It seems that chairs rated for say, 400 or 450 lbs cost a good bit more. I don't know how much buffer there is, as in excess capacity above the rated for safety.

Given the enhanced expense, it's very important to avoid bonded leather upholstery, since it wears out and looks bad after about 3 years. You will have to look for either some sort of cloth upholstery, or real leather to make it last much longer. Real leather of course costs much more, but would probably be worth it. It might be harder to find another suitable office chair later when you need to in a short enough time frame, not to mention the cost of frequent replacement.

Cars/Motor Vehicles

I very much doubt anyone here has a Smart Car. Those are freakishly small and would feel "cozy" even for someone underweight.

But if you have a compact car like a Civic or Yaris, I doubt someone 300 lbs would be happy with it. At 400, I just don't see how. You will need a car that will comfortably accommodate your wide ass.

This isn't always the cheapest thing, obviously.

Clothing Size Estimates

Difficult to estimate projected clothing size, especially when you try to do so in a budget friendly way. One good thing though is that if the clothes really are too big, I feel somewhat motivated to eat more since the clothes won't feel snug even if I feel full.

But the worst is getting larger clothes and then hitting a gaining plateau.

Clothing Availability

If you're well above the average size, finding clothes that fit and look good may be a challenge.

You may have to spend more time looking for clothes. If you happen to see a particular item, there's a strong case to be made to get it anyway, right now, even if you don't technically need it yet, because good luck finding it later.

For women, finding bras that properly fit are always a challenge even under the most ideal circumstances. But if you're really large, it's all that much harder.

I once read about this SSBBW (pretty sure she was over 350 lbs) who traveled frequently for her job. She packed extra luggage containing, of all things, much more underwear and clothes that would otherwise be needed for each trip. Though she didn't normally need them, they were insurance.

Thing is, clothes can be damaged for one reason or another, or even lost. I guess she dealt with that before, and faced the difficulty in availability.

Online shopping? No, the items probably won't get there in time, especially if the trip is only a week or even shorter. Local shopping? Macy's has a high chance of not having something suitable. Torrid? Torrid doesn't sell anything appropriate for professional environments. Lane Bryant? There's still a chance they won't have a suitable item in the right size. Not to mention the problems involved with finding the right bra sizes.

So what does she do? Just packs a bunch of extra clothes just in case.

Eyes Being Bigger Than Your Stomach

When gaining, you have to eat more. Sometimes you overestimate how much you can eat, or you think you can eat more than you end up being able to. Or you prepare food based on being turned on, because you want to be able to eat all that in one sitting.

I hate waste so this can mean leftovers sometimes, not to mention the supreme disappointment. It's even worse if it's food that might not really keep.

But man, the sense of satisfaction when you manage an eating milestone.

These are just a few things, there's probably more.
3 years

Feeding tube

Has anyone tried stuffing but with a feeding tube. I find it so hot of me losing my control that way. I also find Rubins Feeder one of my largest fantasies.[/quote]

I haven't tried it yet, but I'd like to at some point. I've seen that link before though. I do like how it mentioned being very careful about ensuring it doesn't go into the lungs because that will NOT end well. It's a must read if you are even thinking about it.

I did however do a little research on the items you might want to get. The aforementioned link doesn't go as in depth as to what I would like.

As far as I can tell, you'd want silicone tubing since other materials could be toxic. Especially, you have to be sure there's no lead content.

To do so, you'd probably want enema bag kits. I know what you're probably thinking, but nothing says you can't use it for something else.

The largest I've seen is 3 liters. Not sure if there's Y-shaped adapters to attach another one or how you'd go about it.

The average human stomach is a little under or about half a gallon, though with stretching I've heard of two gallons. Recall that a gallon is around 3.78 liters. So if a 3 liter bag isn't enough, I would be truly impressed.

For gravity to work the bags would have to be above your head. I have seen IV stands for sale that would do the job.

There's probably a lot I haven't thought of, since I haven't done this before, but perhaps some of the items I've mentioned may be of some help.
3 years

1 cake a day

For those of you who played GTA San Andreas, or a GTA fan. But even if you aren't, you might still like it.
3 years

Eating 4k calories or more

I would be very impressed if you could maintain north of 4K calories every day without breaks, at your size and likely capacity.

Do you have a hard time keeping it up? Though you did admit to only having been at it for a couple days so far. It's harder to keep that up for a week.

You can expand your capacity but it'll take awhile to increase it, and you'd have to be consistent, which isn't always the easiest thing to do.
3 years

Hating my gain after masturbation

sometimes, I'll eat food to gain weight, or something of that nature. And then later that day I masturbate, and hate the thought of gaining and really want to shed pounds. Is this just post nut regret? I think I'm at the point where I've realized getting big may not be for me. but hey, I still like big girls

This is just my thought, but here's my best guess.

You keep coming back to it, right?

This tells me you don't hate the thought of gaining, but that you love it. What you seem to hate is that you do love it. But perhaps you still feel shame. That on some level, you aren't supposed to love it, but hate it. Then those feelings come bubbling up to the surface after the feeling of being turned on is gone.

This tells me that while it may take a long time, the easiest thing is to accept it. And the sooner you accept it, the better and the happier you'll be.

I often regret that it took me far too long to accept this. What if I accepted this earlier?

Another thing that helps is to realize the average American man aged 20-59 weighs around 202 lbs last I checked. And 250 isn't all that uncommon. 300+ may be less common but it's still common enough no one thinks twice. You'd have to gain a lot before you really stick out in public.

Hopefully something I said is helpful.
3 years

Career changes

I just switched careers from quick paced retail work (standing and walking 8+ hours a day) to a purely sit down office job (working from home for now). What can I expect with weight gain? How long would it take for my body to start packing on the pounds with such a drastic change in my activity level? If anyone has experienced the same switch how long before you noticed your gain? I know everybody is different just trying to get some insight on what to expect.

It really depends on your level of snacking and eating, more than anything. There's some who work in offices and never get fat.

Physical activity does burn calories, but not as many as you might think. It's why weight loss efforts often fail. Any calories you use up while say, walking a mile? One smaller cookie will replace all those calories and likely then some. Okay, maybe two cookies when you weigh over 300 lbs.

As you already know, some workers in retail are large, as well as others in some occupations that are often regarded as quite active. There's construction workers who are 250 or even more. Some nurses can also be over 250 and even over 300, in spite of a near inability to snack and being highly active.

I do know of a young lady who, probably after college, went from 220 to 290 in only a few months, just because her office had free pastries with no apparent upper limit (I don't think she ate them all, that's just mean). But a bagel with thickly slathered on cream cheese? Probably over 400, maybe even close to 500 calories. A blueberry and other muffins can easily be 400 calories, and that's before butter. Doughnuts, croissants, eclairs, etc. are probably gonna be at least 250, usually more. Then she ate at least one of these things probably 5, 6 times a day in addition to whatever meals. Easy to see how that can add up fairly fast.

When the virus hit, she was expected to telecommute. She was already an avid baker and her friends and family love what she makes, and the telecommuting just meant she cooked even more. I wouldn't be surprised if she's over 300 by now.

She also does not drink weight gain shakes as far as I know, but will probably have regular milkshakes just for the hell of it.

Anyway, I hope that story helps some.
3 years

Eating a whole cake

I haven't quite been able to do that yet. But I always try to eat portions that are a good bit larger than what is probably typical.

I notice the OP is in South Africa, and I'm not sure if Wal-Mart has a presence there, so talking about comparable portions can be difficult, since I don't know what sizes items are sold in.

Wal-Mart sells these small slices of creme cakes in packs of 10. The most I've been able to eat in one sitting was 5 of the 10 slices in the package, which according to the nutrition facts was 950 calories, though it's important to note that I was sure I had other food at that time too, and I typically prefer to drink half & half in place of whole milk (320 vs. 150 calories per cup, and it's creamier) to help wash it down.

Maybe I have a different mentality, but I don't feel gluttonous as if I'm being naughty or doing something wrong. Instead, if I've been able to eat more (calories but also volume), instead I feel a sense of satisfaction. Much like how it sports or games, there's higher difficulty levels as your skill or ability increases. Also how I consider moving up to a larger clothing size to be an upgrade.

But, feeling stuffed can also feel disappointing, if on that day I wasn't able to get enough calories in. Like, if I feel stuffed but I barely, or didn't quite get to the 3K calorie mark. This is more likely to happen if I go pretty much all day without eating and then try to almost binge at the end of the day.

I do have a dream of eventually being able to eat an entire 8" cake (that's about 4" tall I think) in a single sitting, but I think I'm a ways away from that.
3 years

Bmi. what's yours?

As of this writing, a BMI of 25.

I've been at a plateau for a good while now and it's been frustrating. Hopefully I can gain 15 lbs by the end of this year. I had hoped I'd have reached 200 or even 220 lbs by now.
4 years