Outta curiosity........

Why am I SO not surprised that the shouts come from men and men under 30 particularly!!!Just f**king,brain dead idiots with penises as small as their brains!HUGE RESPECT from me for standing up to themsmiley
Stares are a little trickier..bit of a danger of misinterpretation!After all,it might be someone like me:staring because I'm turned on by you!smiley
12 years

Q for foodees and feedees

How do I book in?smileysmileysmiley
13 years

Skinny days?

PaulUK wrote:
I get both fat and skinny days. Sometimes I think ugh I'm too skinny... all this overeating and calories consumed and I've not gained a thing. Then later in the day I can be sat and notice my moobs on my belly and then I think oh I am fat!

It can be frustrating at times though.
13 years

Weightgain shakes

PaulUK wrote:
I mix equal measures of double cream and normal milkshake. It's worked wonders for me in the past.
Yeah,something like that is great..personally I do half whipped cream and half double cream with whatever flavouring I feel like (got the idea from an old TV documentary clip on YouTube with Gaining Goddess)..but everybody has different tastes and this may be too sickly for some:just experiment and make what you like (gaining should be fun after all!)smiley
13 years

Do ffas prefer fit or out of shape ssbhms

KattyFeeder wrote:
I'm going to side with a lot of the other FFA's in this thread and agree that out of shape, non-muscular guys are the best in my opinion!
This all kind of depends on what you mean by 'in shape' and 'muscular'.Japanese Sumo wrestlers are extremely obese and not toned or muscular,but are very 'in shape'.
13 years

Pansexuality, anyone?

Yeah,from the description,that's probably mesmiley
13 years


Amatrix wrote:
Not trying to stir up issues here, but you cant blame the men.... or just blame FAs or feeders.

I recently was dumped by my ex.I don't blame all FAs, or feeders for his actions... and I knew him for like 3 years. Of course I hope some day he and I can be friends, but until then I cant place the blame on everyone else- I think you should take a little responsibility for your own actions.

Honestly you should know that not everyone on here is who they say they are. You should know that most people enjoy the fantasy side but can not commit to anything for a reason, hence why they are on here instead of feeding someone in real life.

There are real feeders out there. I was lucky enough to find one, so while I transition from a relationship ending to being a single girl again- I can count on him for support... financially, emotionally and for my sexual needs. It took me 4 years to find him, and he has outlasted 2 relationships of mine.

Takes time dudette. You can not expect someone to instantly want to drop all kinds of cash into your hands when they barely know you.

Feederism is about trust, and honesty is a huge part of that. Honesty from you and from them.

I can not tell you how many messages I get daily about how someone wants to feed me... then I lay it out and say these are my requirements- 400 bucks a month, we have to see each other face to face at least once/and once every 2 years after that, and we have to be friends no matter what happens... Normally this weeds out the fakes, and people get the idea I am not looking for a free ride/it takes time for this sort of relationship to start and develop/I am not just jacking around and saying stuff on the internet/this is my real life.

Not saying you are looking for a free ride, but you have to know what you require, and what they are capable of to begin with. Then you have to talk it out, come to agreements and sometimes surrender certain aspects of your requirements to also fit into his/her life. It is just like a real relationship- every person has to give 100% all of the time.

It just doesn't happen over night. And you should be proud that you got rid of a faker before you became dependent upon him. It isn't just your fault that it didn't work out- but you do need to take some responsibility for the fact that you seemingly didn't know him well enough- let it go, move on.

Celebrate your new steps as you are now seeking a real feeder with cake.
This is so true.
This site covers a range of people..gainers and feeders/people who are fat but not out of choice and are size positive/people who have fat fantsy fetishes etc..They are all legitimate points of view and should all be welcome.The problem comes when people who are approaching this from different perspectives interact on the internet and mis-understanding occurs.
As a general rule in life,'if something sounds too good to be true,it probably is'.Just use a bit of common sense..if someone from another country offers you everything...is that really likely to be truth or fantasy?Have a sensible internet conversation first,question all the boring,practical stuff and get their real name and details (if they are serious,they will give them to you)and then meet.Be honest from the outset with people and they won't get hurt.smiley
13 years

Stuffing party

MissAlbalicious wrote:
What an awesome idea!!

I wonder if there'd be any UK takers.... smiley
How do I apply?smiley
13 years