Fat and height

xMitsuki13x wrote:
Maximum wrote:
xMitsuki13x wrote:
Seeing as I'm only 5'2", I can't really picture myself with a really tall guy. My last boyfriend was 5'6" and I still found myself tiptoeing every once in a while trying to kiss him. Haha. My preference probs maxes out at 5'8". It's funny b/c I bet most would consider that short/average. smiley

If 5'8" is short I must be a midget! :O

Lol. Oh sorry, Maximum. It just seemed like ppl think only like, 5'10 and up are "tall". Idk.
Why, how tall are you? 90% chance I think you're tall.

5'3", just taller then you lol smiley
13 years

Confessions pt. 2

ihearrtyou wrote:
Alright. Well, mine is that I am scared I will never meet the right guy, and will therefore spend the rest of my life alone..

I don't think you are the only one who feels like that. smiley
13 years

Fat and height

xMitsuki13x wrote:
Seeing as I'm only 5'2", I can't really picture myself with a really tall guy. My last boyfriend was 5'6" and I still found myself tiptoeing every once in a while trying to kiss him. Haha. My preference probs maxes out at 5'8". It's funny b/c I bet most would consider that short/average. smiley

If 5'8" is short I must be a midget! :O
13 years

What do you want right now?

c00kie wrote:
A bucket load of anti wrinkle cream as im getting 1 year older tomorrow and im bound to get wrinkles. Boooo!

Happy Birthday!
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

anonymizleness wrote:
The issue unfortunately is that I'm in it for the rapid weight gain, I don't really enjoy eating all that much. (you can shoot me now smiley )

lol, why would we shoot you?

You're deffiently not alone, I too prefer the actual weight gain to eating and stuffing, but doesn't mean I want to try things that may make me sick and loose weight. smiley

Since the magical weight gain formula from the stories section isn't real (yet) i'd look into the next best thing, weight gain shakes.

We have a few threads here already about them and they allow you to be creative, cram as much fat in as possible and keep it tasting delicious. smiley
13 years

Ways to break high metabolism?

I originally had problems with metabolism; all I did was eat my way through it. Keep eating, whenever you can, and try different ways of eating, like all day grazing, or couple hour gorge fests. Also make sure you eat a variety of food. After a while your metabolism should just give up, at least it did for me lol.

You could always find a feeder to help you too, non-creepers of course. smiley
13 years

Need a bigger belly!

norrinradd12 wrote:
How tall are you and how did you get such a good belly hang?

lol, I was thinking the same thing.
13 years

I need some help.

Awesome thread people, this is the way we should be advertising ourselves to the world. smiley
13 years

Male vs female pictures

johnxyz wrote:
That is about the ratio of men to women on this site.

This pretty much sums it up lol
13 years