Pregnancy fetish

HyruleofFat looked great while pregnant ;-)
3 years

Tell me, how do you cope with negative reactions due to your weight?

"StopGainingFatPlease" gets up every day smug that it is only his superior intellect and insight, and the jealousy thus caused that has resulted in him having no friends.

Sad actually

Wait what? There's actually a user on here with that name?
3 years

How to get wider hips?

Is there a pill I can take to have no bones?

Didn't they do that in Harry Potter?
3 years

Ff site owners, transgender is not a gender.

The main reason I see for including transgender as a gender option is so people can choose to exclude transgender profiles from their searches. "I want to date males, but only if they are cisgender" for example.

Thats exactly why we need that option. I'm uncomfortable with someone with male parts hitting on me the same way a gay woman would be uncomfortable with a cis-man hitting on them. If someone "indentifies" as a woman but walks the street a man, Id like to know that in a profile search.

The transgender option is a way for people to know what they're getting into and less people get hurt or insulted.
3 years

My fat girlfriend lost weight, and i want to help her gain weight again

Baba Yaga:
Prove she even exists

Lol what?

"My gf gained 570 pounds and got real fat n she gained 200 more pounds n her belly hit da floor and my gf is so fat"

Ok...prove it
3 years

How to get wider hips?

Listen, I know there's nothing I can say that will get through that massive ego of yours. but you're going to wikipedia while I have had gender affirming surgeries, and hormones, et cetera. You're so up your own ass that you think 5 minutes of browsing wikipedia gives you enough knowledge to talk over someone that lives it, spends time researching and reading sources. And then you think you can decide what is transhpobia or not. The UK just blocked a whole bunch of kids from life saving treatements because of this sort of shit. You all are actively participating and contributing to transphobia. Demonizing treatments, dismissing us, passing us off as too emotional to challenge your impervious logical male brain. You're a fucking peanut who does more harm by butting in. You're not a data geek, your an opinionated asshole who assumes your prejudices are facts and logic based so that you don't actually have to be critical of yourself.

Here let me translate this drek for the humanoids:

3 years

How did you become a feeder/fat admirer?

I am white.

Well, just be a little more serious, no I am not a Fat Admirer even if I am frequenting this forum. Finding bigger women appealing is not subjected to social stigma, derision and supercalifragilisticixpealidocious from peers within my Italian home culture, quite the opposite.

But I bivouaced in some manners of a feeder way of living for sixteen years, just several minutes after a female acquaintance of mine embraced me after not having seen one another for a few months. Finding gaining women attractive and outing myself as someone into stuffing and feedism as well was easy. The first feedee I partnered with after dating a Norwegian bombshell my junior year of high school was glorious.
3 years

How to get wider hips?

My god this is a dumpster fire. Save the "im not a transphobe, YOU'RE a transphobe" nonsense for Feabie.
3 years

Loving when people lose and regain

El Brujero:
As sexy as it sounds, yo-yo dieting is not recommended. Up and down serious weight fluctuations damages your heart tissue.

It's actually healthier to stay consistent even if its at a higher weight than to yo-yo.

Thank you, it's very important that when someone here expresses what turns them on, that some person will come along and elect themselves the health police and say "It's not recommended." WTG, El Brujero!

Thank you, thank you. You're a bea....*looks at profile*'re an audience! Thank you!
3 years