So who is actually gaining weight here?

Gained 70lbs intentionally over two years since joining this site.Then stopped and levelled off maitaining my gain..partly financial reasons and partly just for a natural break.Just (one week ago)started to gain again..already 3lbs heaviersmiley
13 years

Largest belly ever

Celestial_Bombshell wrote:
Thank you Glutton and ThatReesesGirl. I consider it an honor to even be mentioned in the same categories as those great women. smiley
You're more than welcome..a real role model and a true lady:kind,intelligent and beautiful and I owe you a lot smiley
13 years

More questions for feedees

Kit7 wrote:
AskDrFeeder wrote:
Kit7 wrote:
for a long time I was scared of what people would think

How did you overcome that fear exactly?

Actually, It was a long/difficult process. But eventually I accepted that feederism was a solid part of who I am. I came to understand that I am unable to change, that this fetish is completely apart of my core. So *** it! I will not hide who I am, Although that doesnt necessarily mean i disclose it to just anyone. But if someone comments negatively on my weight I have a plethora of responses to shut them up. smiley
It's good to know that I'm not alonesmileyHugssmiley
13 years

Lonely gainers

scrambledegg wrote:
glutton wrote:
It seems to me as a gainer,that gaining can be a very lonely life.My personal experience is that there appear to be very few of us. I know of nobody in 'real' (ie away from the internet)life who is a gainer,either male or female and the stigma with regard to gaining is so great and deep rooted that I cannot bring myself to admit what I am to my friends and family.....
Hell,this is going to make me sound SO oldsmiley...I did have to deal with it 20years ago.I used to think that I was THE only person in the world like this and suppressed my feelings for so many years..true,the internet and this site have made a big differencesmiley

Sad but true, there are a small number of us, but at least we have sites like this and the wider internet to help us figure it all out. Imagine dealing with this 20 years ago! I think you'd have to be extremely lucky to meet someone in real life outside of FF who was into all this stuff, but that is what this site is good for, bringing like minded people together.

There are always meet up's / events going on. The next UK one being the BGP event in London on 7th May. So it is possible to meet real people, in real life who love all this stuff smiley
13 years

Lonely gainers

Sweet_Treat wrote:
I don't think gainers would have to be so lonely if only us FAs were more organized as a community- i.e. more meet-ups so that we could get in contact more easily. As a lonely feeder, the thought of lonely gainers out there makes me feel quite distressed- but at the same time, assures me that we are never really alone smiley
Agree with this..there are plenty of BBW events/parties etc,but nothing for feeders/feedees/gainers..I guess that we're too thinly spread around the globesmileyAm glad we at least have FFsmiley
13 years

Lonely gainers

It seems to me as a gainer,that gaining can be a very lonely life.My personal experience is that there appear to be very few of us.I know of nobody in 'real' (ie away from the internet)life who is a gainer,either male or female and the stigma with regard to gaining is so great and deep rooted that I cannot bring myself to admit what I am to my friends and family.
I am committed to this life now,as,truthfully,it's all that I have ever really wanted and I regret all the years that I fought my feelings.However,it's a life that few people understand or accept away from here.
I don't want to give the impression that I'm really unhappy..I'm not;but the life of a gainer doesn't seem to me to be all plain sailing and I just wondered what experiences and thoughts other gainers had?smiley
13 years

Largest belly ever

ThatReesesGirl wrote: the top of my head

-Carol Yager






And there's a few "no names" pics Ive seen over the years, with bellies that reach beyond the knees, and that sort of thing. They should be in contention as well. Also, a few much older models whose names I'm forgetting at the moment.
Yeah agree with this list and the anonymous and older ones plus Celestial on here.
13 years

Anyone else fed up of being messed around?

Bulging_Boy1984 wrote:
I got messed around with by a woman from here just yesterday.

Basically we had met before. Had a nice time went for a meal and then she disappeared at the end without a goodbye expect for a text that said (get this) that she was MARRIED and that she saw someone who she knew and she didn't want her husband to know but wanted to meet again in the future.

So last night we meet again (Basically this was me getting some closure) and things actually went better this time (Plus saying that she was no longer married actually made me feel more at ease) and we were in pizza hut, gorging on pasta and pizza and cookie dough all whilst feeling each other under the table etc. I thought things were going well, we had a laugh, joked around etc she even suggested sneaking into the disabled toilets after just for a bit more of a feel up, which i was reluctant at first (you know, getting caught and things made me nervous) but we did it in the end. After that I popped to the toilet and I presumed she was as well only for when I got out to realise that she had once again gone off without a goodbye.

Of course this time I guessed it wasn't to do with her husband, though she didn't answer her phone or reply to my texts until this morning where she said and I quote "I can tell were not really made for each other. I like fun and impulsiveness and felt you were not up for that. Also chemistry not there for me so best we don't speak or meet again. Don't text again I just won't respond. I'm deletin ur number. Hope you find what ur looking for."

Now that's all well and good but I didn't get that vibe from her at all and if she was so against all this why the HELL was she asking me to touch and squeeze her and getting me to feel her up in the disabled toilets?

If you don't like me then that's fair enough but touching me and kissing me and telling me how I need some more fattening up only to say there's nothing there for us well that's just plain bitchiness times 100!

I get the feeling that she's still married as according to the waitress that as she left she was on the phone.

I am tempted to put a photo of her up just to warn others on here that she's a user.
WHAT a....!!!!This isn't gender specific..NOBODY deserves to be treated like THAT!That isn't anything to do with this site..just happens generally sometimes,but NO excuse for that!Don't get hurt by it..move wouldn't want to be with somebody like that would you?!
13 years

Skinny days?

Yeah,absolutely..busy day at work,lots of running around,little time to happens!
13 years