What limits are there to creating accounts?

Thank you for the suggestion and feedback.

The registrations are not solely based on emails. We have numerous methods and information that is taken to identify and stop people creating multiple accounts, or accounts to evade bans.

In regards to someone who has not been banned, if they delete their account, and recreate it. There isn't a way to detect that, as we don't store the data for deleted accounts. This means we cant detect a new sign up for the same person, as their data has not been stored. We have to be compliant with GDPR, and not store information longer than required, and when someone deletes their account that data is deleted.

I understand where you are coming from and it's not a great experience to have people leave and come back repeatedly in a short space of time. Some people do this just to get around site limits, some because they change their minds and think this place isn't for them, but then want to come back and try again.

We don't want to stop genuine people from being able to sign up to the site, and we can't always know the reason someone leaves, or comes back to the site.

Do you have any idea why people delete accounts and come back again, maybe if people need to take a break we could look at introducing an inactive / sleep mode rather than having to delete the account entirely?

Please lets not make this thread about personal insults, as we would like to discuss further and see if there is something we can do...

FF Team
2 years

How to delete a profile section?

Hi Thintofat,

Thanks for getting in touch.

We don't currently have the option to delete or hide the dating section of the profile. I do think this would be a good feature to implement in the future as not everyone is here for dating purposes.

So thanks for bringing this to our attention,
I will pass the suggestion over to hiccupx!

FF Team
2 years

Free account

Hi FatDemon33,

As a free member you can enjoy all the non premium content on the site with a few viewing limit restrictions per day.

* Free videos - unlimited
* Free stories - unlimited
* Free pics - 25 views per rolling 24 hours
* Free messages - 5 per rolling 24 hours
* Blocking - up to 15 profiles

I hope this has been of assistance.
FF Team
2 years

Email error - resend your messages and requests!

Hi all,

This morning we have noticed that we have not received any emails to our team account *team@fantasyfeeder.com* over the weekend period.

This means your emails and any requests made via forms on the site have not been received. Please ensure you get in touch, and resend these requests if you still need assistance. This includes anyone that has requested to open an earnings account, and anyone who has tried to cancel a subscription.

Please remember, if you are trying to cancel a subscription, you can do this via your PayPal account by logging in and going to 'manage subscriptions'.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience, and please get in touch if you need any assistance!

FF Team
2 years

Could we spit the personal ad in two

You read our mind!

We have been considering updating the personal ad forum for a little while (all a matter of getting round to things).

We want the personal ad forum to be a tool people can utilise to search for others based on relationship types (Friendships, Dating, Sexual), and also fetish related (Feeder / Feedee) sub forums.

It all needs to be hashed out but this is something we intend to get sorted for 2022. So if you have any suggestions on how we can make the personal ad's forum more user friendly , searchable and whatnot then please share your ideas with us!


FF Team
2 years

Mark messages as unread

Hi GoldenGains,

Thanks for your suggestion for the messaging system.

I will certainly pass this onto the site owner for consideration.

Great idea, keep them coming!

FF Team
2 years

Maria and other profile scammers

It's great to see the community looking out for each other. Please also remember to report these profiles to us when you see them.

Our mod team are on it every single day but its always great for you to help self moderate the site as there are only a few of us!

2 years

My favorites

I can see that this would make things easier by saving a click for members sucha s yourself.

Other members like to 'like' most of the content they view in order to give back to the creators. This would soon fill up the favourites, so I think it's better to keep them seperate so that people can choose.

Thanks for your suggestion, much appreciated.
2 years

Audio content upload

Sorry to hear you've been having issues with this. Yes you're right, we don't currently have the facility for uploading audio files, perhaps this is something we can consider for a future update. For the time being, uploading as a video is the only option as you have tried. My best suggestion is to try adding a few extra pictures into the video to increase the file size. This will also help when the system creates the thumbnail.
2 years

Blocked members still appearing in pics section

Hi I'm not sure if this has already been made as a topic sorry if it already has. But I've recently blocked a member on here and they're still showing up in the pics section. Would it be possible to make the blocking system site wide instead of limiting it to our own personal feeds?

quiver:Oh, while we’re on this topic I’d like to jump on. Admins, please, is there any way you could change things so that you don’t see blocked members’ posts in forums and so forth? If you can still interact or be interacted with people who you’ve felt the need to block, it doesn’t really feel like a block at all. Please? It’s the one major thing that makes me not want to keep coming back here. There must be a way.

Currently the blocking feature works in a way that stops communication between members. At the moment it is still possible to view blocked members profiles and content. Please note we are looking to update this feature based on feedback from members like yourself. We don't currently have a timeframe for this update to the block feature, but are aware that an improvement to this feature will be a welcome one to many of our users.

Keep your feedback and suggestions coming!
2 years