You know you're a feedee when

Pedants' Corner

Arrhythmia wrote:
No. But you did split an infinitive.smiley what?

Some of the claims about syntax are plainly false despite being respected by the authors. For example, Chapter IV, in an unnecessary piece of bossiness, says that the split infinitive "should be avoided unless the writer wishes to place unusual stress on the adverb." The bossiness is unnecessary because the split infinitive has always been grammatical and does not need to be avoided.

There was no split infinitive in MissPrettyPanties' post so anyone carping about Ginger's alleged pedantry missed the joke entirely. Although for the record, I disagree with your quote above. "Has always been grammatical"?? In whose opinion?
12 years

Afraid of getting really fat?

I think it's fairly common to be conflicted about it. Getting fatter turns you on, but society and everything you've been taught all your life is telling you that's bad. Who wouldn't find that confusing?

I'm in the same boat - I wax and wane about putting on weight. Sometimes I enjoy it & find it sexy, other days I go on a diet and go to the gym.

At your stage, it's no big deal. You could lose weight & tone up quite quickly if you wanted to. Relax & enjoy the conflict - you'll soon find out if you don't like the feeling of being out of control, at which point you can step away from the cookies. Have fun with it smiley
12 years

Your star sign

alabaster25 wrote:
Capricorn here. Shame no one posted their interest with their sign, like if they're a feeder/feedee/FA/Foodee/etc. Would have been interesting to see if certain traits are related.

I tallied the numbers up for fun and it's interesting so far:

Taurus - 8
Leo - 7
Virgo - 6
Cancer - 6
Libra - 4
Pisces - 4
Capricorn - 3
Aquarius - 3
Sagittarius - 2
Gemini - 2
Scorpio - 2
Aries - 2

From what I recall, Taurus are known for having a stocky appearance. Leo's love to eat and the lavish lifestyle. Virgo governs health, and Cancer the stomach, with Cancer's being known for having food all around them at home. Although all signs can gain weight, which is why it would be interesting to know some subdivisions to see which traits are susceptible by what signs.

Another Taurean here. We're supposed to love sensuality and to appreciate life's luxuries. Which I guess basically means we like sex and cakes.
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

fatFairy wrote:
foxglove wrote:
I'm just contributing to the debate. I understand the OP saying he doesn't know what to expect. I have a dilemma about whether to leave up a face pic I recently posted because of the concerns I outlined. Yes of course it's my responsibility (did I say otherwise?) but I'm aware it has its own pros and cons.

Then maybe you should delete it. Because you don't have a peace with it.(All odds of you being actually recognized put aside.)

And as to whether my worries are overrated - I know a woman on here who posted body-only shots, got identified by a colleague who recognized her home in the background, who proceeded to blackmail her, demanding sex and money.

The right question is:what did that college do on this site himself???

This for sure is not a situation anyone wish to happen. But, you're gonna be blackmailed only if you allow it. I do not see other way to explain it but to describe my own situation. And that is: I accept myself fully as 'round' or you can call me 'fat' person. By all means. There is no force on earth that can put me on diet, no matter what. Being here on ff is part of own acceptance. In that sense: nothing can come out, that already isn't out. (No skeletons in the closet).

When you put it that way I am very poor blackmail target smiley.

I guess it depends also what profession you're in, and mine is very stuffy. And as for my profile being deletable - yes, but what's been seen/read can't be unseen. It's a matter for the individual to decide but we all have different personal circumstances to take into account.

I am 'self employed', but for big part I also depend on others to be placed on different locations. If me being who I am can jeopardize how much work I'm gonna get - the hell then, I don't want to work with them either! And would rather choose to change professional network, than to have to hide. I mean this is how discrimination works.

But I allow that people have different meanings and feelings on this subject. And that some people want to keep it private. In that case - act private and do not put on internet anything that can influence your RL.

It is all about making choices in life.

Thanks for the advice, I'm glad everything is so black and white for you.
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

fatFairy wrote:
foxglove wrote:
My concern is that I fetishise my own shape and like stuffing boys, and post about it in here. Nothing to be ashamed of, but I just don't really think my colleagues or people who hire me to do a job, or my family really need to know about all that. Although my Gran would be fine with it. I think you've seen it all by the time you're 92.

I do not completely understand your worries. You placed the photos and created the profile by yourself. there is a little bit of own responsibility implied by that act. and since the profiles are very 'deletable', so to say, any moment you wish - I think your worries are a little bit overrated.

I'm just contributing to the debate. I understand the OP saying he doesn't know what to expect. I have a dilemma about whether to leave up a face pic I recently posted because of the concerns I outlined. Yes of course it's my responsibility (did I say otherwise?) but I'm aware it has its own pros and cons. And as to whether my worries are overrated - I know a woman on here who posted body-only shots, got identified by a colleague who recognised her home in the background, who proceeded to blackmail her, demanding sex and money. I guess it depends also what profession you're in, and mine is very stuffy. And as for my profile being deletable - yes, but what's been seen/read can't be unseen. It's a matter for the individual to decide but we all have different personal circumstances to take into account.
12 years

Identified as an ff member?

It does happen. I know someone from here who got recognised from his photos in the street in Manchester.

As long as you're fine with them screaming "OH MY GOD IT'S SWEET SAUCE FROM FANTASY FEEDER" in a public place, you've no worries...

My concern is that I fetishise my own shape and like stuffing boys, and post about it in here. Nothing to be ashamed of, but I just don't really think my colleagues or people who hire me to do a job, or my family really need to know about all that. Although my Gran would be fine with it. I think you've seen it all by the time you're 92.
12 years

Who do you want to meet.......

Amy wrote:
A few ladies I'm excited to meet!

Wannanbe Princess

Yay! Are all the above coming to Halloween? I'm picturing the group photo already - a dazzling gallery of fat gorgeousness smiley if I say so myself haha
13 years

Chivalry is alive and well

Can I just big up Beavertail14 and Hiltuglas for being complete gentlemen when someone was a toolbag to me in chat? Thanks fellas.

Just goes to show that for every pain in the backside there are twice as many nice guys.

Anyone else had the knight in shining armour treatment? Beats moaning.
13 years

Grazia magazine

Oh good idea! Ruby also just suggested I post it on FF somewhere as they have previously had satisfying flurries of letters from members to offending publications!
13 years

Grazia magazine

Does anyone have last week's edition of Grazia? I think it was the issue for w/c 13 Sept (? not sure), either with Kate Middleton or SJP on the cover (I know that doesn't really narrow it down, haha).

Anyway, there was an article in it that REALLY annoyed me, and I'd like a copy of it so I can write a terse letter to the editor!

It's an article about the movement against anti-ugly discrimination, and it's about halfway through the mag, lower half of the left-hand page. If anyone can find it I'd be really grateful.

As you can no doubt predict, the author assumed that fat people are universally considered ugly. Further, her comment was something along the lines of "why should we protect the muffin-eating fatties?".

Her completely shameless contempt for fat people was shocking.

I know I shouldn't read these dreadful rags anyway - maybe this will help me cure myself of buying them!

I don't want to start firing off half-baked letters to the editor until I've got the actual article in front of me, so any help appreciated. I threw my copy out in disgust!
13 years