How do i explain to the person you love that you're going to get fat

Finally Fat:
Do this-

While kissing and sexing, press your rolls up against your lover and whisper "Do you think I'm too fat?"

Have them gather your fat and "test" you in your fattest parts. Be kissing during this.

Make sure you show them all your fat. Have them jiggle and squeeze every part of you before they answer.

While they think about it grab your own fat and masturbate to it.

When you are about to come say, "I'm a pig. I'm gonna get really fat. So fat. FAAAAaaaaaat, Fat!

A direct approach is best.

And what happens when they say "yes," to the question, "Am I too fat?" In our little FF community, we think everyone loves fat. IRL, they don't.
6 years

Looking for anyone who is real? (female)

All through my life, I have been with BBWs, but they all hated being BBWs. I like to come here to be friends/acquaintances with women who enjoy being BBWs. I also love to support the community. Women who are online and gaining weight to attract more paying men are not the kind of people who are here because they enjoy being large. I also don't like the idea of paying for friendship. I remember one lady on the other site posted an ad that she would visit men and give them sex if they sent her money. A new way to advertise for the world's oldest profession!
6 years

Mcdonald's tables are too small

I remember one mall that had all chairs with arms in the food court. They had a major fire, and cleaned up all the chairs rather than replacing them. My wife and I got some friends together and started a letter writing campaign. They finally added some armless chairs. I know of one large man who would go to the doctor's office and sit on the floor if they had only small chairs. That usually got them to add some larger seats.
6 years

Health at every size

I don't think that everyone understands HAES. Basically, it is getting the doctor to treat your problems without blowing you off, and telling you to go on a diet and come back when you are thin. I know one woman who told her doctor that she wanted to be as healthy as she could at the size she was at. Feedees are quite different from most large size people, but make up a very tiny percentage. For most large size people, diets do more harm than they do good. The typical lose ten pounds and regain fifteen over and over again until someone is super size. The body tends to adjust its metabolism downward to accommodate reduction in food intake. There are no diseases that only large people get, so there is no reason a doctor should guarantee weight loss will automatically cure a problem.
6 years

Boyfriend will not admit i’m fat

Show him the obesity tables. Take him to a plus size clothing store.
6 years

Self conscious partner

Some people think that all they need to do is to convince their partners that they find fat attractive, and that will make everything OK. However, some people just don't like being fat, no matter who and how many find them attractive. Of course, not everyone who wants to be thin can be thin.
6 years

Amberlynn's "weight gain" journey

I'm totally confused. Who is she? Is she a feedee?
6 years

What causes a thread to be deleted?

From my observations, threads sometimes get moved if they are posted in the wrong place. I am sure if you post something totally out of line, it will be deleted. If a thread is going down hill (turning into fighting and insults), the thread is locked, but not deleted. There are also some things that the regulars will not tolerate, and will state their opinions to the point that the original poster deletes his post. These are things like secret feeding, etc.
6 years

Tight clothing

I'm the opposite. I love it when women plan to gain more weight, and buy clothes with extra room to gain.
6 years

Fuking a x now that you're fat and the haven't seen you since you're fat

So in highschool I was with a cute blond girl for a bit that had a gifted chest area. I didn't really get with her and years later got a text asking to meet up again. To my shock she had piled on about a hundred pounds. Her chest pillowing over her dress, hips bulging outwards and a belly that was quite clear. It's one of the hottest things that I've been through.

Don't leave us hanging. Did you get back with her? Did you tell her you like her new size?
6 years