Thin face

I remember Kelli from back in the beginning she was such a sweet person to chat with online.
I kept a thinner face as well until the last few years so I would say its a genetic thing.
Why people keep thinking you can choose where the fat goes because you can't.
2 years

Scared to really open up

Absolutely do not tell your parents at this point in your life.
They really don't want to know about your fetish or kinks.
I don't understand the young folks these days feeling they have to tell everything to their parents and even strangers.
You are 19 and still at home so you are constrained to some degree and thats just the way it is right now so hang in there until you can get out on your own.
I know its tough we have all been thru it.
Just keep your emotions on all of this in check for now and don't discuss it with them because you are going to make things worse than it needs to be.
I used to be so hard headed growing up and caused most of my problems with my parents so trust me I have been there.
I was about 28 when I really started gaining and even then my Mom was always commenting on how fat I had gotten.
Truth be told I didn't tell her I was a gainer until my late 30s.
It was pretty obvious because I was 300 pounds by then.
2 years

Annoying things with the fetish

I have been here off and on for al least 12 years and this site is a lot different than it used to be.
Seems to have turned into a pay to play kind of thing.
That has brought the guys that assume I am here to service them with naked videos.
Also guys that travel and ask if I travel thru where you live can we have dinner and sex?
They don't seem to realize how cheap that makes a woman feel.
The guys here back in the day at least had some class.
2 years


Thanks !! LOLOL
2 years


Too much thats why I'm fat.
I have been told that LOLOL
2 years

Gaining thighs and butt

Not sure why people think eating a certain food will make a person gain weight in a certain area.
It doesn't work that way sorry its up to the person's genetics where the fat will go.
The bike idea is worth a shot I suppose.
Will it work ? who knows?

When I started gaining a lot went to my hips,thighs and butt right off but most women on my fathers side of the family were fairly wide.
My mothers side were all busty.
So thats why I'm wide and have decent sized breasts.
Its all genetics.
2 years

When does body size become effectively irreversible?

Without a truly dedicated effort nothing changes.
Everyone is different so expecting concrete numbers or at what point something will happen is an un answerable question,
2 years

Fantasy feeder is easily the best fat community

I agree I have been on several other size based sites over the last 15 years or so and always have stayed here while leaving the others.
Feabie was horrible and just a bunch of judgmental 18 year old kids.
I was on Feabie the first week it went online and left within the first month.
Too many cliques and was just like being in high school.
Dimensions is OK just not much traffic on it these days.
I never got into tumblr, instagram, Kik or any other social sites.
2 years

What was your most embarrassing moment in public?

I was at Target shopping and I ran into a girl I knew from high school.
We were on the cheer squad and had a few classes together.
She looked really great and had her kids with her.
I was around 300 lbs at the time and yes it was awkward as all get out.
We spoke for a bit and I had to get in line to check out so we exchanged cell numbers.
As they walked away her smallest kid said Mommy that lady has a butt in the front.
Of course the kid had to say it loud enough so everybody in line could hear.
I was so embarrassed and wanted to cry.
The checkout guy made my day tho' when he said I think you are beautiful.
I guess he could tell I was embarrassed.
2 years

He carrys his belly on a trolly - wow

If you are into it who am I to judge?
I know there are lots of kinks and if they are something you indulge it have fun with it.
2 years