I miss buffets

Not me, at least not yet. But I haven't yet graduated to the point of having a large enough appetite to really justify it. I look forward to when I do. This virus crisis should be over by then, or else we'll be in a LOT of trouble.

I do however, feel sorry for anyone who loved to visit them before. It can be a very good value if you're part of the 1-5% of customers who are loss leaders. That is, you eat enough on each trip that you cause a negative profit margin on an individual basis and they lose money on you. They make up the overall profit margin from the other customers, though.

I heard of one of the cruise lines that tried to run another voyage anyway. It was an epic fail with a terrible COVID outbreak, but that's not the point. In light of the virus, one thing they did was not have buffets on board for that trip.

Of course, my first thought was "Wow, seriously? Isn't that pretty much most of the reason to go on a cruise to start with? Sure, you visit all these places but let's get real.. 1 or 2 days isn't enough time to properly explore and learn about a place."

Main reason I'd even want to go on a cruise is so I could stay stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey each day, hopefully gaining 1-2 lbs a day and perhaps go up a size.

It's gonna be awhile before I could consider going on a cruise, though. It also doesn't help that I'm single, don't have anyone I could go with, and the rates for 1 person cost just as much as the rates for 2.
4 years

What’s the most ice cream you’ve ever eaten

This was a long time ago, back when Steak & Shake had multiple shake sizes; small, medium, and large. At some point they moved to only one size; 16 fl. oz.

In those days, a large shake was 32 fl. oz, or a quart. The most I had at once was two of them. I was rail skinny back then, so I had to eat almost nothing before doing that. Oddly enough, I haven't been able to repeat this or something similar.

At some point, I may try to melt a carton (most are 1.5L or 48 fl. oz) and funnel it. As the whipping effect and thus, volume is lost, that should condense to about 32 fl. oz. - 1 quart.

It might be easier than the heavy cream + nutritional shake 50/50 mixes I often like.
4 years

Any swedes here?

According to the rules, English is the only permitted language on the message boards, sorry.


More specifically, rule #12:

12. English Language Only

All communication should be in the English language. Sorry if English is not your first language, but this allows the website to be properly moderated.

Thread locked.
4 years

More accepted

I think this fits more in the General section so I'm moving this thread to there.
4 years

Who can push out their belly?

I don't think this really fits in Personals. There is, however an Inflation board, so I'm moving this thread there.
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

I reckon 20-25 lbs per month is absolute tops. Anything above that is just crazy.

Golly. Is it even possible to gain more than that in a single month?
4 years

Tailors say everyone is getting fat

Very true. It’s cheaper to buy decent trousers at Target than to go to a tailor anyway. Really the only time the working classes go to a tailor is to get a suit fitted; typically a rare occurrence since suits are mostly for weddings and funerals. Personally, I’ve never gone and doubt I ever will as it seems to be a waste of money.

I see tailor shops all over the place. But they perform alterations, not brand new custom fitted clothes.

Unless you don't like what Target has to offer, and I don't think it's really cheaper either. I went to one shop that wanted $17 to expand the waistline on one pair; that's cheaper than any shop.

I don't have good experiences with any polyester content in trousers and thus, avoid them. I remember dealing with horrendous static cling and severe static electricity buildup, which is not pleasant. Oddly enough I haven't had that problem with some shirts. Perhaps the trick is to ensure under 66% polyester content.

Too bad all the bottoms sold at Target and Wal-Mart seem to have high polyester content because it's a cheap material, except for jeans.

I look for high cotton or wool content, perhaps with a bit a spandex for slight stretch if I can.

Paying $14-20 to let it out, assuming there's extra material for that, can be worth it if you just need a couple inches, when the alternative is $50-60+ for new ones.

You can tell if the back seam has a V-shape on the inside. If not, there's no extra material.

But if you expect to need 4+ more inches, you'll probably just need new ones.

If you expect to keep gaining, there might even be something to be said for getting trousers that are too big, taking them in, then letting them out later.

If it wasn't for embarrassment (tailor shops tend to be small businesses so the owner will likely start recognizing you if you go in too much) I might consider this route to save money.

These shops can also be good for attaching suspender buttons (clip style is either unreliable, or the heavy duty clips destroy the fabric). But it's very easy to learn basic sewing. Within half an hour you can complete six buttons on one pair, and it will probably be a better job than what they'd do. The buttons I sew on are stronger than the seams themselves. I've thus never went to a shop for that, always did that myself.

And if I'm not mistaken, I think some dry cleaning shops can also do alterations.
4 years


I don't know if this counts, but if I've had a really good eating day/session, I like to slap/clap my hands on my gut.

Still not much jiggle though, at least not yet.
4 years

I ready to give in to heavy cream

Just be sure to take it easy at first.

It's really easy to burn out on it, otherwise.
4 years