The dark mode

I Love this feature, just turned it on today and it is great!!! Thanks for this option smiley It really makes the pics and the web site look cool and unique.


Thank you for the lovely feedback!
FF Team
2 years

Enable deselecting “premium” in story search

Hi Built4com4t,

Thanks for your suggestion. This is something that's been discussed numerous times.

We have considered it, but the reality is that we need upgrades to keep the site going. To do this we need to promote premium content alongside our free content. Also, please remember that premium content, is uploaded by our premium authors who earn commission on their stories. So by removing the premium content, this would directly affect the commission they receive for their work.

The premium content, does not overrun the free content, and we have parameters in place to ensure free content is viewable and available on the home page, in the search and story sections.

I hope you can understand that we need to advertise our paid subscriptions as a business.

But do keep your suggestions coming, as your feedback is invaluable.

FF Team
2 years

Ff authors - earning accounts

Hi marakinis, thanks for your questions. Please see below.

Q1. If the reader wants to get a Combined upgrade, or gets a Fantasy upgrade via any method other than clicking into a story, would I be correct in saying that no author receives any payment?

A1. Correct. The author will only receive the commission if an upgrade is completed by viewing the authors premium story.

Q2. What percentage of premium readers purchase Fantasy upgrades associated with a certain author vs. Fantasy/Combined upgrades associated with no author? i.e. what percentage of the premium readerbase can premium authors expect to be able to monetise?

A2. We don’t have the exact figures for this, but usually readers will purchase upgrades via a premium story rather than the upgrades page. What usually happens, is that a reader will see a particular author or story they want to read, which entices them to upgrade.

Q3. Can a reader's Fantasy upgrade result in payments to multiple authors, or only one?

A3. Only one author will receive commission from one current / active upgrade. This includes the initial 50% upgrade commission, and the 20% repeat subscription commission.

Q4. If the reader purchases a Fantasy upgrade via clicking into a premium story, and uses that Fantasy upgrade to read premium stories by multiple different authors, would I be correct in saying that only the author whose story was initially clicked into will ever receive any payment?

A4. Yes this is correct. The author whose story that was initially clicked for the upgrade will receive the commission and repeat subscription commission.

Q5. Are most of these upgrades concentrated in just a few popular stories, or do they tend to be spread out among a lot of stories?

A5. There are some authors that earn more than other authors. But this is primarily based on quality. We have had new authors join the earnings account scheme who have done well with only 1 or a few stories. So quantity is not always key here.

Q6. If the reader purchases a Fantasy upgrade via clicking into a premium story, and the author of that story never releases another story (or alternatively, the reader consciously chooses not to read stories from that author), would I be correct in saying that regardless of this, that single author continues to receive 20% of that reader's ongoing Fantasy upgrade fee, and that the reader cannot choose to revoke that payment or transfer it to another author?

A6. You can not revoke the commission authors have received or transfer it to another author. We introduced the 20% repeat subscription as an incentive for authors to update their, and upload new stories to keep subscribers interest.

I hope this helps, and if you have any further questions about earnings accounts, premium content or upgrades please get in touch.

FF Team
2 years

How to upload premium content *new*

Hi gilly_clyro,

Great to hear your excited to start creating premium content for Fantasy Feeder.

Any applications sent over the weekend will usually be given access the following working day.

I will be going through the mailbox in a moment, and if we have everything we need, you should be set up by the end of the working day.

Keep you eye out for an email for confirmation!

Take care,
FF Team
2 years

Profile search

Hi sorry for not getting back to you, I wasn't around yesterday.

Thanks for providing the details. If you have the screenshot, can you send this by email to:

Really appreciate your help and co-operation with this.

FF Team
2 years

Profile search

Hi Nok,

Sorry to hear you are having issues with the profile search. I have just done some testing on the profile search form and everything seems to be working fine this end, and I was able to locate your profile among others.

Can you tell me what device ( make and model) and browser you are using and we can look into this further.

If anyone else is experiencing the same issue, please get in touch.

FF Team
2 years

"transgender" is not its own gender / rephrasing gender selection menu


Firstly, I would like to say welcome to the site!

As you so rightly put, we have had the current profile options set for some time now, and we do need to look into getting this updated.

While I can't confirm when this will be looked into, as it is only hiccupx that can make changes, it is on our agenda for improvements based on users feedback.

We have a wide range of people who use the site, and we have always been an inclusive community.

We want everyone to feel comfortable and be able to identify as they are, without limits due to the language used on the site.

So I really appreciate your feedback and the suggestions you have come up with for the replacement options =, its really helpful to have this put forward so we can make the changes we are using the correct language and options so its suitable for all.

Please keep your suggestions coming. As your ideas and feedback are important to ensure Fantasy Feeder is current and serving its purpose as a community platform.

FF Team
2 years