Humiliating or degrading talk as sensual foreplay

PutterFA wrote:
Setting the stage for this type of roleplay is something I've been thinking about lately.
What I have thought of would be moving a few things in the rooms slightly to make narrower spaces so that she bumps or nudges things with her tits, belly, or ass. Or, making it so she may have to turn sideways to get through or, hiding clothes that fit so all she has in the closet tonight is too tight. This type of stage setting sets her up to react to a situation that begins the roleplay more spontaneously. Does anyone else have any ideas or tweeks to what I've come up with?

Oh hehe i must have missed that topic ^^

Yeah i understand what you will say and that´s a perfect set up i would say even i would fantasize about a nice naughty evil but very smart girl trying those things on me^^

narrowing doors putting cupboards in the way were i fit through easily on friday but not anymore after a big sensual stuffing the whole weekend clothes are a nice thing, too to hide and only leave the tight ones hehe

i think there are not so many ppl in for such details in gaining ????

or are there ? ;-)
10 years

How many calories?

OH such an app would really be cool we just would have to add some alert button for all the feeders when one person updated his/her coloric intake and everybody can see on the app wow he/she hasn´t nearl eaten enough some PM and encouraging words could be sent by all the other feeders to make sure the feedee reall eat enough colories a day ^^
oh i have to search for this app
10 years

Gain from medication?

i wouldn´t do such things ever with the right person or knowledge by hand ^^

but thanks for your consideration ^^ and informativ words ;-)
10 years

Funnel gag?

i would love to experience that first very slowly with a sexy partner and then maybe she somehow forces me to take that funnel stuffing cause she made me drunk and cuffed me or like that ;-)

then she get a promise from me so she can releave me afterwards jsut to to it another 5 times a week and let me wer only old tight clothes taking pics and measurements .....

making me always helplessly stuffed so i have no power to resist even when she frees me and leads me to bed for even more fun until i sleep....

Next morning she plays totally sorry for everything is warm and nice and makes me drunk again givels me the funnel and tell me on you lazy hungry boy you must like that since this is the 3 rd time i excused myself for doing that to you but today you little drunk chubby boy have let yourself getting agian in this position so........

and so on ......

I would love the feeling of getting fatter uncontrollable and beeing bloated so much due to a sexy female
10 years

Gain from medication?

oh interesting hehe but perfect would be if a had a doctor gf who likes measurements and exercises and just slid those meds secretely in my meals ......

so i at one point really get scared of my onw rapid weight gain ....

bad that all that you have to get via description ^^
10 years

Rapid fattening tips?

Oh interesting so what you mean by just eating vitamins and drinking gatorade lol really only gatorade 3 days ????
10 years

Rapid fattening tips?

ohhh....i would use 400ml of whole cream 500ml of hazelnuticecream or even better and more fattening haägen dasz icecream mixed with 100ml milk or a little more depending on the consistence with alll the icecream after mixing that´s a liter and i guess it has about 2000kcal ....

it´s very tasty i don´t do it every day before going to bed but i try to drink from such a drink as much as possible before going to bed the last 5 days and it really shows ^^
10 years

Is it just my imagination...

oh i miss neko :-(

it was really amazing beautiful to see her gain weight and perform some sexy vids ^^
10 years

Luralean - the expanding diet

hminteresting that could be a nice idea for me to expand my capazity in eating ???

SO if i would eat a full normals crazy 5000kcal a day and have a full belly i wonder how it would be to eat this pill afterwards ?

but that maybe to dangerous or hurting maybe eat not so much biut very fattening food and see if i can eat more after some days of using that strategy ^^
10 years

When did you feel huge?

Angelique wrote:
[quote]Idaeus88 wrote:
[quote]Angelique wrote:
Aww I want to sleep on your belly... Can I? *blushes*

Ohhhhh .....that would be so nice me having a belly chubby enough for a girl like you to say that sweet thing ^^
10 years