Why is chat now like messages you are limited if you don't pay

FF Team:
The chat has always had limits for members who don't have the social / combined upgrades. This is not something new and has been in place for 5 years or so.

The limits are 15 chats in a rolling 24 hour period. There are no time limits or restrictions, so you can be in main chat for as long as you like.


FF Team

Not true when I was first introduced to this site back in 2004 it was free membership and was not regulated on how many chat rooms you could be in or how many people you wanted to chat with in a day

When I refer to chat, I refer to the chat that is currently in place designed by Fantasy Feeder, and not the chat interfaces that were third party applications, many many moons ago.

For clarification, the chat that has been designed by Fantasy Feeder and the only and current working chat on the site, has been in place for 5 years or so. This chat has always had the personal chat limits as described in my original post.

Hope that helps!

FF Team
2 years


Hi Munchies,

Thanks for reaching out, and we would love to have you on board as a premium story author.

Honking Antelope is right, you can block out some of the information on your ID if you would prefer. All we need to see is the ID picture, DOB and name.

When you send the information, it is sent to our secure email address and only 3 people on the site have access to the admin emails. Hiccupx, myself (c00kie) and Sir Saphiel.

Once received and checked, that email is purged and we save it against the earnings account details on the admin part of our site, which is only accessible by myself and hiccupx.

If you decide you no longer want an earnings account. Then that information is deleted in accordance with GDPR.

I hope this helps, if you have further questions let me know!

FF Team
2 years

Videos not playing

This issue is now fixed.

FF Team
2 years

Staying logged in


When you log in, there is a remember me button which if you tick will remember your session / log in for a month and wont log you out.

This is all based on cookies, so you need to have them enabled to use this feature.

I have just done some tests, and we do seem to have an issue with the cookie expiring on the same day even if you select remember me when you log in. Which should not be happening, this has now been reported to hiccupx!

Thanks for bringing this up!

Take care.

FF Team
2 years

Videos not playing

Hi all,

This is something we are aware of and working on fixing asap.

Thanks for everyone who has taken the time to get in touch and reported the issue to us.

Hang in there, we should hopefully get videos back up and running soon!

FF Team
2 years

Why is chat now like messages you are limited if you don't pay

The chat has always had limits for members who don't have the social / combined upgrades. This is not something new and has been in place for 5 years or so.

The limits are 15 chats in a rolling 24 hour period. There are no time limits or restrictions, so you can be in main chat for as long as you like.


FF Team
2 years

Problem with favorites

Hi DroozyC,

Thanks for letting us know you are experiencing the same issue.

I will pass this info over to hiccupx today.

FF Team
2 years

Uploading pics

Hi saltyNsweet,

Thanks for getting in touch.

Just so I am clear, do you mean that the pictures you are uploading only show as your profile avatar?

Can you please confirm that you are using the correct upload form for pictures, and not the profile avatar upload form. If there is still an issue we can certainly look into this.

To upload a picture - Click on your avatar and select 'My Pics' from the drop down menu. On this page, select 'Upload' which is the pink button in the top right hand corner of the page. This will open a upload form where you can select your picture, select the category and give it a description.

To upload a profile avatar - Click on your avatar and select 'My Profile' from the drop down menu. Then click on the small pink camera icon next to the current profile avatar - this will then open a upload form for you to change your profile avatar.

If you are still experiencing issues, please let me know.

FF Team
2 years

Problem with favorites

Hi Danimal,

I have responded to your private message about this.

If anyone else is experiencing issues, please let us know.

FF Team
2 years

Blocked members still appearing in pics section

Thank you for giving the thread a bump, don't worry we haven't forgotten about this!
2 years