
I couldn’t agree more, I love your pov on our community and I think more people need to hear it. I hate it so much to hear people skipping basic human respect and demanding that kind of shit from random people. You and everyone who doesn’t make content (or even does) owe nothing to any strangers. And they sure as hell don’t have any right to get angry at you. That’s awful and toxic af, and I hate anyone who thinks that’s okay.

Speaking from my pov, I’ve struggled to make literally just friends. I don’t need a sex buddy or to be kinky with anyone, and I’ve got through so many trial and errors because people don’t give a damn about guys who just want friends. Their minds are only set on girls they can get their hands on because they’re too stuck in this fantasy they created, so people like me who just want friends and to be able to have fun with feedism are pushed aside and ignored. I’ve even lost a lot of connections because the other person doesn’t understand I literally don’t want anything sexual.

I’m so sorry to hear how much our community harasses you and others, it’s not right and it’s horrible.
And yeah this community is all about figuring out who you are and what you like, and pervs breathing down your neck is the last fucking thing we need.

You nailed it. Everything you just said is spot on. I've been fat my whole life, and even I have been made really uncomfortable. I can't imagine if I was a young woman who knew I enjoyed say, a recent unintentional gain and wanted more, but was struggling within judgmental societal constructs. My thoughts and desires have been secret to this point. I come here to explore them, and BAM, my inbox is full of, 'Oink oink! Do you have KIK? I want to video chat and see that pig belly!' (Not my story, just a hypothetical.)

And you're also right about it being SO HARD to sort through the clowns to make friends. I've been lucky. I have three good platonic friends I've met on the sites, and I've met one in real life. I talk often with the other two about life, jobs, relationships, and yes, gaining and stuffing, in a nonsexual context. Everything I've said goes both ways, by the way. I'm not a man hater. I don't hate anybody! I think respect is just the least we can all do for one another!
1 year


Thanks in advance for letting me get something off my chest. I just wanted to make the point that, this community is more than a dating hub, and this isn't OnlyFans.

Some people come here hoping to make a romantic connection. I hope you do, and I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Some people come here hoping to share what they look like, showcase content, and build a following. I wish you every bit of success, and I hope the way you choose to use this site helps you reach your goals.

That said, that's not all of us. Some of us are here because society has made it so taboo to actually enjoy our bigger bodies and have fun with gluttony, we can't talk about this major part of our lives with 90 percent of the people we know. Sure, they know we're fat. I'm nearly 470 pounds. It's obvious I like to eat. But that's very different that being able to share the joy I feel when I gain 10 pounds or consume 20,000 calories.

There are a lot of people here who respect the ways in which different people use this site, including those who use it more privately. But there are also others who are outraged that I don't want a feeder (I have a partner), I don't want anyone to send me money or food, and I'm not a content creator. I'm very specific about this in my profile, yet just about every day, I get angry messages from mostly men, demanding, "Show yourself" or "Your posts do nothing to turn me on. I need pictures." No. No you don't. You don't need pictures from me or anyone else of any gender on this site. There are plenty of platforms on which to find those and plenty of other people to follow. No one is entitled to anything from anyone else.

I'll add a caveat of that if, someone with no personal photos is demanding money, it's only natural to want some proof you're not being scammed. That's entirely different, and in that case, people have a right to protect themselves from con artists. People don't have a right, however, to make angry demands of someone who has never initiated contact with them and asks nothing of them.

People have a lot of reasons for not posting images. In my case, I have a partner, and he meets my needs in every way. I don't need to get anything anywhere else, including compliments or gratification. Furthermore, I used to have a very public online presence, and I had pictures stolen twice. I had to go through a huge hassle to get a fake profile taken down from another site. And to this day, there is still an amateur weight gain progress video out there using my images. That's a violation. And it feels very unsafe.

I guess I said this to say, there are lots of comments about how women especially create profiles and then disappear. I can't speak for everyone, but I do know that an aggressive follower can certainly be a trigger. Sure, we can report folks, and there is a block function. But more than that, we can respect each other and keep our entitlement in check. It's not really a lot to ask. And thanks to all the awesome people on the site who already understand that!
1 year


That’s amazing! I can only dream of that kind of gluttony. I’m half your weight and maybe managed 15k over the course of three days. Saturday and Sunday I was barely hungry but still tried to eat “normally” so I wouldn’t lose much progress. I can’t weight myself but clothes that fit comfortably two weeks ago are much tighter.

Thank you for sharing!

It sounds like you're making good progress! Clothes are an excellent indicator of how much you're gaining and how your weight is distributing.

I can say, even though I took a break for a couple of days after Thanksgiving was said and done, my giant stuffings stretched my stomach even more. I packed away about 20,000 calories yesterday without ever feeling uncomfortably stuffed. I'm going to have to be careful to begin tapering off when I get within 10 lb of my upper limit, which is 500. If I don't adjust, I can easily see scenario in which I kept blowing up and ended up with some unintended consequences.

I'd start tapering off around 30 to 20 pounds at the bare minimum. If you wait until you are within 10 pounds, you'll overshoot your upper limit.

Yes, I Definitely am very very mindful of the limitations I'm about to feel. I'm almost pinned behind the steering wheel in my car now, and if I moved my seat any further back, I would need pedal extenders. But the real problem is that I can barely get out of it. The 500 upper limit is a firm one. I definitely won't be doing anything like I did at Thanksgiving over the Christmas holiday. It was one of the hottest experiences of my life, and I have no regrets, but I also had two days of nausea, other digestive issues, sweating, and near immobility. I don't really think my body could handle it again.
1 year


That’s amazing! I can only dream of that kind of gluttony. I’m half your weight and maybe managed 15k over the course of three days. Saturday and Sunday I was barely hungry but still tried to eat “normally” so I wouldn’t lose much progress. I can’t weight myself but clothes that fit comfortably two weeks ago are much tighter.

Thank you for sharing!

It sounds like you're making good progress! Clothes are an excellent indicator of how much you're gaining and how your weight is distributing.

I can say, even though I took a break for a couple of days after Thanksgiving was said and done, my giant stuffings stretched my stomach even more. I packed away about 20,000 calories yesterday without ever feeling uncomfortably stuffed. I'm going to have to be careful to begin tapering off when I get within 10 lb of my upper limit, which is 500. If I don't adjust, I can easily see scenario in which I kept blowing up and ended up with some unintended consequences.
1 year

Eating lard?

So I’ve been using heavy cream to gain for a while and I just happen to really love the idea of eating straight fat.

So obviously I want to eat straight lard as a way of gaining.

Does anyone have an experience doing this?

I’m aware it’s extremely unhealthy but don’t really care so

Don't do this. This is an extremely stupid thing to do.

Setting aside the heart health stuff I know you don't care about, this will mess up your internals big time. Assuming you can even get it down in the first place, you'll have an upset stomach. And then there's the misery you'll put your intestines in.

This is also setting aside the increased risk of gallbladder issues, which can lead to you not being able to eat large amounts of fat without extreme pain.

Just fry things in lard like a normal person.

Ohhhh, I really don't recommend trying it straight. I know someone in this community who was with a feeder who forcefed her lard. She got sick the first time she tried to get it down, and he still wanted her to try again. She did, and had digestive upset for days. She ended up losing several pounds. (Fortunately, she also ditched the 🤡 who didn't mind risking making her sick twice.)
1 year

Favorite stuffing challenges?

Mine is regular cheeseburgers with pickles, mayo, and mustard. My record so far is 19 in a sitting, with 2 milkshakes and a large soda.

I also enjoy fast food crawls, but I've gotten too big to comfortably do it on my own in a car. My partner has to drive me now, which is fine with me. Might be something to do tomorrow!
1 year

I don't care if i get banned.

I am feeling suicidal right now. I have no access to therapy. It's dark out anyways and I have work in the morning.

I feel foolish for eating dinner. Because I don't deserve it. Since I can't go anywhere alone. I found a way to disappear. If only I had the guts. That is to starve myself.

I love to eat so it won't be easy. I probably won't succeed anyways. But well I now let my thoughts out. I assure some people will get mad at me but oh well. I've been scolded a lot of times for being mentally ill.

The Ultimate 1992:
But how can you be depressed and live in America, it's the place of dreams.

You know how many people in England want to see America but so many are too poor to travel there and the people who do are the talk of the town.

In 2006 I visited Florida for 2 weeks and it really was the best holiday ever, since then I have being pining to go back to see more states and get even fatter.

I hope your in a relationship with a good person right now because you need that when ill with mental health.

1. Go take a long walk off a short pier.

2. Not you out here being too stupid to understand how depression works.

3. You should go read a book or the newspaper on what living in America is actually like.

You are impressively dumb and heartless. "You can't be sad because I went on vacation once in your country and had a good time." That's like me saying to you "You can't have problems because you have free healthcare."

You make me sick. It's people like you that drive already depressed people to suicide.

THIS. ^^^^

Munchies said everything I came to say. The only thing I'll add for OP is, please don't let anyone make you feel WORSE for being brave enough to share your feelings. You reached out, and you happened to start with this platform. I applaud you, and I hope some of the resources already shared here are helpful. Depression is an illness, not a sign of ingratitude or a weakness. And saying, "I don't know how you could be depressed" is like saying "I can't imagine why you have cancer. You live in America." Ignore that ignorance.
1 year

What is it like to be fat?

I can't fully answer this question because I have never been average weight range, much less thin. However, I can tell you being fat, or in my case, obese, is a pretty pleasant life. I don't feel the pressure of keeping off three extra pounds during the holiday season. I don't feel judgment if I order a big meal, because it seems to be expected.

As far as the physical sensation, well ... I feel like ... me. At one point, I got under 200 lb, and I felt like I was in a stranger's body. I didn't feel like there was "enough" of me to be physically comfortable.

Do I experience hardships? Sure. I struggle in certain social settings, like restaurants. A booth is an absolute no, but I also want to be mindful of where I am positioned if I am sitting at a table. I don't want to block an aisle, and I don't want to break a chair. Air travel is a cost issue, since I do need two seats. All in all, do I mind it? No, because I am happy with my body.

Happy to answer any questions you may have.
1 year

Going swimming when you've gained weight!

I love the sensation of the water "lifting" my belly when I'm standing submerged to my chest in the poop.

And unfortunate typo.

HAHAHAHA! Yes, unfortunate indeed. I shall leave it just because it's hilarious.
1 year

Going swimming when you've gained weight!

I love the sensation of the water "lifting" my belly when I'm standing submerged to my chest in the poop.
1 year