What is a slug?

It's deffo a hot_like_chicken_in_a_pot favourite term!!! Sexy slug lol
12 years

What r u thinking right now?

Lying in the bath admiring my feet in their Cajun Shrimp nail polish and silver toe ring. Thinking how they'll look cute on the beach later, even tho England seems to be freezing so I might have to keep my socks & shoes on. Wishing HE were here to bring me fresh coffee. Cos no-one else makes it right.
12 years

What ff member do you have a..

matt n wrote:
foxglove for sure smiley

*dances uncoordinatedly*

Thanks, that's made my day.
12 years

What r u thinking right now?

About moving from the beach bar patio to the sunlounger and maybe taking an iced coffee with me, and maybe taking a Hobie 16 for a spin round the bay later if the wind picks up enough to twin-trapeze. smiley smiley smiley
12 years

.........i dont understand....

Ariday wrote:

1. Men usually, next to always, make the first move (mainly because if a girl hits on a guy he acts like the girl turned into the exorcist and her head is spinning).

Hahaha! Totally.

Plus this: I've noticed that lots of the women on here like to compliment the photos of other women - not because they fancy them necessarily (although that's obviously one of the reasons sometimes, in which case, woohoo yeahhhh) but because women like to support each other. I for one love to big up a fabulous outfit or great hair or a pretty face or lovely shaped belly etc. So the number of comments on the girls' pics are swelled by some of them being from other girls.

But a lot of straight men have mentioned to me they hate getting "hit on" by gay men and don't like it when other men compliment them.


They are not about to bend you over and take you roughly from behind just because they like the cut of your jib. Hell, they might even ask permission first... Or did you stop to consider that even though in your opinion you're a super hot male, they might not want to shag you, just give you a compliment or start up a discussion about something you have in common, like your pretty belly? Or maybe, just maybe, they're not even gay... they're just giving you kudos for your pic.

So you guys might get more comments if you weren't so uptight about getting comments from other men. Is all.

Oh and by the way I know it's not all of the guys who feel like that - but quite a few have moaned to me that they get no comments except from gay men. Well gay men have awesome taste so I'd be flattered if I were you.

That is all.
12 years

Where do they go?

This seems to happen quite often. I think people wax and wane with how interested they are in the whole scene - they have a flurry of activity and then maybe feel guilty or uncomfortable, or bored of it, and quit. I almost feel reluctant to reply to messages from people if their "joined" date is today or only a few days ago because more often than not they disappear and it's a waste of my time. Oh and there's one person I met on here a while back who was so cool that even though he'd only just joined I kept sending him messages saying "still here?", "don't leave" etc. Haha maybe that was overkill.
12 years


Hey I'm loving all your recommendations. Tumblr is now my new timewasting favourite! Your blogs are all so cool!
12 years


I like the odd cheroot.
12 years

Foster homes for fat kids

The problem is, there are a VERY few isolated cases of children being made ridiculously obese by parents with particular mental health issues. This is not the child's choice and obviously does cause health and psychological problems. Until Social Services can identify that any particular family is not toxic - as in causing significant harm - they tend to err on the side of caution these days. This is only in the TINY number of cases where there's clearly something very weird going on. There's no way the UK has the resources simply to remove any chubby or even obese kid - that doesn't happen.
12 years

What do you want right now?

A bikini. And the chutzpah to wear it.
12 years