Toned fit guys that secretly like big girls.

In my time on this earth I have learned guys like that are more worried about themselves and how others view them so they don't want to be seen with a fat girl.
Your feelings don't really matter with those guys.
I would stay away from those guys.
There are plenty of hot guys out there so don't waste your time with someone that doesn't really care about you.
2 years

Losing to regain?

I lost a lot then a couple of years later regained.
The thing I noticed about the regained weight it was a lot flabbier and soft.
I always had a beach ball kind of belly in the past but as I re gained I noticed a double belly was starting so I ended up with a bit of a fat lower belly apron.
Since then my belly has gotten larger and flabbier.
2 years

Switching from wanting to lose then gain weight.

You need to make up your mind what you want and go from there.
If you want to be fat then be fat if not don't be and lose weight.
Weigh the the pros and cons of each and make up your mind.
It really is as simple as that you just need to make the decision.
Ask your S/O what are her thoughts on the subject.
2 years

How to have enjoyable casual sex?

I do hope you find someone and so sorry your husband passed.
I was just starting to get into gaining so that made things harder somewhat so I just didn't mention my desire to gain to guys I dated.
2 years

Moving to fatter cities

Funny how the group of people that claim to be "all inclusive" are anything but that.
With them I find the hypocrisy level high and the old adage "not in my back yard" fits them very well.
2 years

Moving to fatter cities

I find it amusing how in depth some people get about cities and areas they seem to think are one way or another.
Fat people are everywhere.
The racial comment was not needed.
2 years

Has anyone here gotten results from hypnosis?

I have tried it for smoking and drinking and no effect whatsoever.
That was years ago tho'.
I did quit both cold turkey.
2 years

Pokemon legends arceus hype!

It looks amazing. Especially as an open world game. I've been hyped for a long time.

I'm considering calling in sick on Friday, Game looks so fun! So hyped!

Really? Why would you do that to your employer?
2 years

What is up with people messaging and then deleting their profiles?

I get them all the time so I don't bother and just delete them.
2 years

Re-gaining with heavy cream

In my case I had lost weight and decided to regain a little and started on heavy cream.
I drank some everyday and started eating ice cream before bed and I started steadily gaining and felt softer.
I could feel the inner parts of my arms getting softer and my thighs started to accumulate mass.
The one thing is after I had put on a good thirty pounds over 6 months or so it all went to my lower belly and hips.
I had never had a lower belly before just a big round basketball belly.
I became softer and my fat would jiggle more than it used to and I am still super flabby.
3 years