Hanging belly

I'm 6'1" and this belly-in/belly-out thing happened to me at about 260 pounds.
5 years

Driving while fat

A question for those of you who've passed 400, 500, and 600 pounds -- What's it like getting behind the wheel and driving as you approached and passed those weight milestones?
5 years

Best part of gaining?

All four. For D, it's the wobbliness of my fat.
5 years

Another thread about heavy cream

Add some Torani syrup.
5 years

Living with a really big butt - personal questions

Threre are bidets that are add-ons to existing toilets -- no need to remodel the bathroom.
5 years

Wife is disgusted with my gaining

You should also consider some couples-counseling.
5 years

Breaking stuff purposely

Not purposefully, but my girlfriend and I broke her bed while napping together.
5 years

Gaining dinner in nw washington

I've been talking with a woman who's interested in going to something like this. There are several casinos nearby that can host this. How can one put a restriction of "no sex" on an event?
5 years

Counting calories for gain... how?

How does one count calories with an aim of gaining weight? I never understood this for weight loss; less so for gaining. For instance, how do I determine calories for stuff made at home?
5 years

You might be getting chubby if....

You might be getting chubby if you have to back up into a bathroom stall.

You might be getting chubby if you go to sit in a booth at a restaurant and cant fit.

You might be getting chubby if you cant fit in chairs with arms or chairs at movie theaters.

This stuff is way past chubby
5 years